
Mr. Alex conner, you are mine

Daphne's life changed instantly after she signed the marriage contract with Alexander Conner, the ruthless billionaire ceo. Her only aim was to save face from her step mother and the paparazzi. Her life with Alex wasn't what she pictured… At first he was cold towards her but soon found the comfort and peace of mind he had been seeking in her hands .Both of them fell in love with each other but they didn't know it until they made love , weeks later after their passionate night together Daphne found out she was pregnant. On the other hand when Luna Sanchez {Alex's first love} came back from China ,she found out Alex had fallen in love with someone else. She was so pissed , that she poised as a treat to the relationship between Daphne and Alex What would happen if Luna found out that Daphne Adams was pregnant with Alexander Conner's child ?

Komfort_Ukariwe · 都市
5 Chs

Chapter 2

The rain drizzled down her body as she dragged herself tiredly on the road,she looked haggard . Her body had become weak due to several hours of Walking. Her body was already weak due to the numerous cutting, taking and stitching operations done on her . 

Daphne had been in the hospital more than five times since her mum died , it's either they take blood from her or they take bone marrow or it's something else … all for her sister who doesn't even like her .

Daphne had no destination in mind; all she wanted was to get far away from her step mother and sister. Car sped past her splashing dirty muddy water from potholes on her but she didn't care less she walked on and on till her body couldn't take it anymore she slumped heavily by the road side . 

Nobody noticed the young lady that had fainted due to the downpour till the next morning.

"She's so pretty yet dirty!"


"She looks like the young lady of the Adams family!"

"What is she doing here!"

"Look how muddy she is!"

"She stinks…I guess she might have slept in the rain!"

"Maybe she is mentally ill_"


"How can someone from a rich home be mentally ill?"

'`That's a hospital gown…as she escaped from the psychiatric hospital!'

"Or the mistress of the Adams family dropped her here !"

" The mistress has killed the legitimate daughter !"

"I don't think so_"

"Maybe Mr Adams himself told them to discard her!"


"Nobody wants a mentally ill daughter !"

"That's true!"

"Remember that the man is nothing but a vegetable_"

"That's pathetic

" maybe she was kidnapped by the mistress and dumped here after they've killed her _".

"Who would want to kidnap a mentally deranged person?_"


"Her father is rich so why won't his mistress want to get rid of a rival ?"

The street became crowded as people stopped to have a peep at the dirty human piled up in a corner, somewhere even taking pictures , while some were making calls to an ambulance because she seemed unconscious.

"Make way … Everybody !!!" Elle shouted as she made her way into the crowd.she had seen the headlines on the news and she recognized her best friend.

After checking for vital signs to confirm she was still alive, she took out her phone and tried to call an ambulance when she heard the sound of sirens approaching fast.

"Oh thank God!"

"She's her ! . . . As she's here! . . . hurry !"

She waved and shouted on top of her voice through the noisy crowd .

Doctors rushed towards the pile , carried her on a stretcher while making her wear an oxygen mask and lifted her into the vehicle 

"Who knows the patient ? . . ."

" I do !'' Elle answered . The doctor signaled her to enter the ambulance , immediately she rushed into the vehicle and the doors were closed as it drove off to the hospital .

 Few minutes later during the ride to the hospital , Elle noticed the black jeep that always brings to school , following them slowly. . . She stuffed and rolled her immediately she sighted georgia in the passenger's seat

"Is there any problem ma'am?"a nurse asked her

"No …there's absolutely no problem…'"

Elle answered,her head directly outside the window staring at the vehicle behind them. The nurse who seemed concerned asked again

"Are you sure there is no problem….?"

"I can assure you there's none" she replied faking a smile,the nurse nodded silently

"If I may ask, what's your relationship with the patient?" the nurse asked as she opened a file and began to write 

"I'm her best friend"

"What's her name?"

"Daphne Adams"


"My lady, it's becoming worse . . . the news. .It's _" butler stan swallowed hard before he continued

"The headlines are l showing the young lady and… They've found out who she is…." 

Georgia broke the glass cup in her hand before Stan could finish his sentence. Looking at the huge headlines on the screen made her eyes twitch .






Georgia slammed her fist on the tablet and it fell from Butler's hands.

"That bitch!!!. . . . She's going to pay for all this !

Tell the Financial department of the company to transfer 2 million dollars to the Entertainment company , and tell them to bring down the whole news within 30 minutes …. Now !". She ordered.

Stan wiped the sweat on his forehead , took a deep breath , picked up the tablet and immediately did as he was told.

"Ma'am . . . the company said they want 5 million dollars. . . ."

"5 million dollars!"Georgia said and almost spat out blood


"For what? Why? 5 million dollars just to bring down the News ...."

"The news is becoming worse my Lady….." butler stan couldn't breath his heart was beating as if it would tear its way out of his chest.

The headlines were becoming more sensitive, if he showed her this she might kill him right there in the car . Stan started at the screen which now had numerous cracks His eyes couldn't take it anymore




 Stan became sweaty all over again, it seemed that the car had become hot even though the AC was still functioning properly.

"Reverse the car, we are going back to the house immediately!....I'll make sure that hag pays for all this …" georgia said Angrily

The driver immediately turned the car and headed for the house.

Stan was beginning to suffocate slowly; he couldn't breathe because the atmosphere in the car had become unbearably dangerous. Georgia's face wasn't helping matters because she seemed to have turned completely ugly ignoring the heavy makeup. Stan wanted to speak but was interrupted by georgia.

"Tell the Financial department to send an extra 3 million now before it's too late !..."

Georgia was fuming dangerously ,her face had turned red and her knuckles were completely white due to her strong grip on the red Chanel handbag on her lap. Staring at this scenario with fear, Butler stan didn't want to make it worse so he set to work immediately . Few moments later all the headlines had been brought down .

"They have brought down the headlines my lady!"


"Reverse the car ,Head to the hospital ! . . . she's going to pay!"