
Mr Prime Minister

Driven by the need to settle her father’s debts Li Guang finds herself bound to a man shrouded in power and intrigue. Fu Huai’an known for his formidable intellect and austere demeanor, grapples with enemies plotting to dismantle his influence. Amid these he is drawn to a determined and independent spirit. When her quest is all about her freedom , will love bloom amidst chaos, not just trial of love but survival in a world where battles of the heart mirrors battles on the battlefield.

April_23 · 歴史
11 Chs


 ''You brat!'' he gave her a hard slap on her cheeks, she fell in this process, her face showed a stung expression from the pain.

 He paid no heed to her words, he was higher in strength to her so she was easily dominated, with one of his hand holding her hair in a tight grip, he forcefully placed her hands on the hot coal despite her struggle.

 She screamed ''Pleaseee stoooopp!!!''

  He paid no heed, putting more pressure on her hands ''I bought you and i am going to get pleasure in the fullest so its better you start being obedient'' his face 

  She kept on wailing and begging even struggling, her hands hurt, she was in pains, her movement caused to coal pot to roll over.

  ''You SLUT '' he shouted angrily and in the process of slapping her again, the door busted open.

  He shouted '' WHO DARE... when he saw who entered the room the words he was about to say died down immediately.

" I see you were having fun, hope I am not interrupting "

  ''No not all lieutenant Yan, please come in''

''I was already in''

 Lord Zhang chuckled nervously.

 He offered a seat ''Please sit, did the prime minister send you?''

 Ji yan ignored the offered seat glancing at the lady at the corner of the room.

  ''The lord said i should inform you, don't mess with who you haven't played with before, he doesn't give a second chance it is not a warning but a treat'' he relayed

 Lord Zhang acted oblivous of what was said ''What do you mean?''

 Ji yan chuckled darkly ''What do i mean you say, your favourite object was found at the crime seen, it even has your name carved on it''

  When lord Zhang heard this a shiver ran down his spine.

 Ji yan continued '' Since you are a dog you should do you work properly and luckily you there is no opportunity for that, tell your master not to get close to the fire it might be an inferno he never knew''

  He was fear stricken, he had been looking for his smoker for days now, how did he make such a mistake, he was doomed for sure.

 Ji yan flicked his head towards Li Guang at the corner of the room '' I will take her along with me''

  Lord Zhang panicked ''Luitenant Yan i just got her''

 He hadn't even tasted of the beauty yet.

''Should i take your head with me instead'' he stated in a cold voice placing his hand at the head of his sword.

 He let out a dry laugh with his heart in his throat.

''How much did you get her'' he asked without giving his expression away.

 ''Forty gold coins'' he answered in a rush.

 Lies. He had gotten her for twenty gold coins.

Since i can't have her double for my stress.

 Ji yan threw a small bag containing seventy gold coins at him ''keep the change''

 Li Guang saw this as a que to follow him, she had been listening and watching calmly, even before he had stated to take her with him, she had planned to beg and run after him to take her along with him.

 She recognized him.

  When they both stepped out, she saw the people everywhere laid on the cold floor outside the building.

  Hope they weren't dead.

 He came with a horse, she stood at the front patiently while he went back of the building, he came back with Lord Zhang carriage and the rider.

 ''Get in'' he stated climbing his horse.

 She bowed her head at him before entering the carriage, he was very considerate she thought.

 When they got to their destination, she got down from the carriage, the driver didn't even waste a moment in driving the carriage out of the compound.

 A young man came forward to take Ji yan's horse.

 ''Inform chonglin that i seek her''

 Li Guang came forward doing a bow ''Thank you very much sir, i will work hard to pay back the money you paid'' she thanked him getting emotional.

 '' I am glad to hear that to save both me and you heads rolling off our body'' he responded

 She was confused but made no comment on it.

''The gold coins belonged to the lord'' he explained ''so work hard and i am still going to hear an earful '' he said running his hands through his hair.

 ''I will work hard sir, i can't thank you enough'' she stated with all seriousness.

 It was nothing far from the truth. She couldn't thank him enough.

  Ji yan nodded his head, when he saw the headmaid who bowed at him in greeting he instructed '' she will be working here from now on, show her around'' 

 ''Follow me'' said the headmaid.

 ''This is the maids quarters , someone is going to bring over your clothes, be up before the cock crows'' she instructed her walking off.

 Someone had come to drop her maid outfit, the room was small and barely enough to move around with a small bedding and a table, but she was grateful.

 She went ahead to lay down, today had been hard for her, she had felt real pain for the first time, her hands still hurt but she could do nothing about it.

 'Maybe if there is a garden she will make a paste for it tomorrow'.

 It didn't take long when she drifted off to sleep out of exhaustion and pain.

   She was up before the cock crowed, she found the bathing room in the maids quarters, after bathing she went back to the room to get dressed.

  The maid outfit was pastel green, the skirt is gently flared, the waist is clinched with a white colored band that forms a bow tie at the back, the sleeves are long and white in color.

 When she got out, she saw nobody around the quarters anymore, she went outside, after searching around for a while she saw where they gathered and unluckily for her she missed breakfast.

 ''Why are you late, was the information not clear to you'' the headmaid asked her voice harsh when she saw Li Guang getting into line.

 She bowed slightly'' I got lost when i tried finding where we were to gather'' she said

  The headmaid made ignored her sharing tasks for the day, it came to turn, the headmaid looked at her '' you are wash all the bath rooms i want it clean from top to bottom''

 ''Get to work now'' she stated loudly.

   She washed them clean like she was told, when she was done she was sweating all over, she had gone outside to fetch more water to wash her hands .

 ''Hey'' she heard a voice behind her, she turned back to check who it was, it was another girl in the maids outfit.

 ''Hi'' she responded back

 The girl extended her hand for a handshake '' My name is Fenfang, what about you''

 She quickly washed her hands with the water she fetched, drying off her hands with her dress she took Fenfang hands in hers 

  ''I am Li Guang nice to you Fenfang''

 Her palms were rough she noted.

 Fenfang smiled in return, she brought out a food in a small container from the hand she hid behind her extending the container to Li Guang.

 '' i saw you didn't have breakfast because you came late, have this''

 Li Guang was hesitant '' I don't think...

  ''Don't reject it Li Guang, it was the left over from the lord's breakfast i was among who cleared the plates so this is my share and i am giving it to you'' Fenfang explained placing the food on her hands.

 ''Thank you very much Fenfang, i will also always have you in mind'' she smiled softly.

   She had the food in the container near the well before she was informed by another maid to clean the chicken's cage.

 Another smell, but she did it without complaint.

  It was time to make dinner for the lord, she was told to assist in the cooking room after she was done cleaning the birds cage, she sliced vegetables washed the plates and other things that was used in the process of cooking.

  After they were done cooking, the headmaid sent everyone out of the cooking room, she said she would serve the lord herself tonight.

  She had followed the other maids to the well side under the tree when another maid came to stand right in front of her where she was sitting.

  '' The haidmaid said you sweep the cooking room'' she told her.

 When she spoke the other maids who were chattering all kept quiet, Li Guang immediately stood up to clean the kitchen room.

 When she got there she saw the headmaid adding a liquid from a small bottle, when the headmaid turned and saw Li Guang she got a fright .