
Mr Prime Minister

Driven by the need to settle her father’s debts Li Guang finds herself bound to a man shrouded in power and intrigue. Fu Huai’an known for his formidable intellect and austere demeanor, grapples with enemies plotting to dismantle his influence. Amid these he is drawn to a determined and independent spirit. When her quest is all about her freedom , will love bloom amidst chaos, not just trial of love but survival in a world where battles of the heart mirrors battles on the battlefield.

April_23 · 歴史
11 Chs

Fell Again

She greeted him with a bow

 ''My ink has gone dry, help me with it'' he asked softly 

 ''Eh?'' she raised her head at the sudden question.

He raised a brow at her, she quickly took the position beside him to ground the ink that had gone dry, he finished the tea dropping the tea cup back on the tray.

 He picked up the brush holding his sleeves he touched the ink with the brush, signing on the parchments which he had read and approved of, throwing aside the ones which were stupid or unreasonable requests to him.

 The sun flushing light in the room through the window added a soft glow to Fu Huai'an as he wrote, he glanced at the lady beside him her scent wafting into his nose, her long black hair was falling over her face while she grounded the ink, his hands itched to tuck them away but he didn't.

 A knock rang through the room


''General'' Chu xun greeted with a bow, she glanced at Li Guang who was grounding the black ink beside the lord

 ''You can speak'' the lord spoke simply still concentrated on the parchment he was writing on, he touched more ink with his brush his sleeves held by his other hand.

 '' Commander Wen and his father had gone to meet the king like we predicted''

 The lord nodded ''Continue has planned'' he instructed calmly.

 'Commander Wen, is that not Wen moshen' Li Guang thought.

 When Chu xun left the lord dropped his brush after he was done turning to face Li Guang, she felt small under his gaze.

 '' What is your name?'' he asked even though he knew already from Ji yan.

 ''Li Guang my lord'' her voice soft

He nodded.

 When he gave her permission to leave, she scrambled away caring the tray with her.

 The lord has left later that evening and he didn't come even till the next day, Fenfang had gone to see her grandmother since it was her day off, at a point she wished she could also get a day off at least to see her father, she wished she could at least send him a letter but she had no money to pay for the transport fee.

 The day had gone dark she had gone to the vast garden at the back of the lords mansion, she had been growing some flowers there, she there tending to them when she saw a white little figure '' Its a bunny'' she exclaimed.

 ''Hey little buuny'' she tried calling it but it kept on hoping off, she had followed down the vast garden where there were some thick trees down the path as she moved after it till she lost track of it, she had a sound of water flowing she followed the sound behind a thick bush she saw a big spring with a waterfall.

 ''Wow, nobody said there was a spring in the lords estate'' she took off her shoes with her socks, she sat on a big stone near the water, when she dipped her leg into it she was surprised '' Its warm''

 She heard light shuffling behind her, she turned her head to see the lord, she gasped quickly scrambling up out of the water.

 ''My lord'' she quickly bowed, she was sweating profusely, 

' what if it was against the rule coming here' she didn't want to be punished.

 ''Miss Li, what are you doing here?'' he asked calmly, his thick rich voice resounding down the spring.

 ''I....i saw a bunny so i followed it here, i am sorry my lord'' she replied nervously her head still down.

 ''I see, it seems you like the water, you can stay'' he walked over to a big rock sitting on it.

 ''T-thank you my lord, but i will go'' she stammered.


 ''Yes my lord'' she went back to the rock, her shoulder still tense, in silence after a while she saw he didn't say anything else, her shoulders relaxed a little when she glanced at him she saw his eyes were closed ' His he sleeping?' 

 with time time her legs started swaying with the waters, the place was peaceful, she had forgotten about the lord beside her and with the light chirping of birds she laid her back on the rock her legs still inside the warm waters.

 He opened his eyes when he heard no slight movement from her, she had fallen asleep, he also found it peaceful here whenever he couldn't sleep.

 After a while he stood up, he picked up her shoes, with both hands he picked her up effortlessly, by the time he entered the maids quarters everyone had gone to sleep, he saw the new headmaid Jun walked up to him greeting him with a deep bow.

 ''Where is her room?''

 Headmaid Jun directed him, when he dropped her, he saw Ji Yan standing outside the quarters, he passed him his step slow and unhurried. 

 She could not believe she had she slept off last night, she felt like burying herself in embrassment, she was assigned to her work that morning when she heard that the lord had left with his soldiers and he might be out for some days.

 Li Guang was more than glad at the news she had heard. The next morning the headmaid Jun had called them over, they all stood on a straight line.

 ''I am assigning a few to clean the lords quaters at the military, finish your task fast and follow Kang back home immediately'' her tone strict she continued '' Dingbang , Yaling, Li Guang and Deli step forward, the rest leave''

 When they stepped forward, she instructed ''The four of your, Dingbang share the cleaning amongst yourself when you get there''

 They all sat in the open carriage, Li Guang was ecstatic about leaving the estate, they had passed the market her curious eyes overlooking everything noticing the difference back at Beijing where she stayed her legs dangling over the carriage in excitement, When they got to the military gate she remembered coming here to see Wen Moshen.

 They had not finished their conversation the other day, even though she was tempted to look for him for a minute she decided against it. 

 Dingbang had shared the work, the sun was not visible in the sky anymore when Li Guang had finished, she had gone outside to wait for the rest.

 Dingbang walked over to where she stood under the apple tree ''Li Guang, have you cleaned the storage room'' 

 She turned to face her'' You did not inform me to clean the storage room'', Dingbang face twisted in disbelief '' And now i am telling you to clean the storage room''

 '' But we are about to leave, i heard Mr Kang tell you we were leaving soon'' Li Guang told her worriedly.

 ''And that is why you should not be standing here rather you should be running to get it done immediately'' 

 When she got to the storage, the amount of dust and disarrangement was more than the work she had done all together through the day, she wasted no time in getting to work by the time she was done she was sweating all over.

 When she tried opening the door and it did not budge after several attempts, shouting and calling for help her sweat glistening, she knew she had been locked by Dingbang, she has once again fallen into her designed traps.