


I walked in the kitchen where Tom told me to go in the dining room. I sat next to Emma and mom started serving us food. /"So baby, you think you'll be liking living here again?/" My mother asked me as she sat back and we all started eating.

/"Yeah/" I replied with a bright smile on my face. /"I was missing here and you people/" I continued and a smile appeared on everyone's face as the words came out of my mouth.

/"We missed you too/" Tom replied in a loving dad tone. Sometimes I wished that my father talked like this with me. I was glad that my mother married Tom. I smiled warmly at him and we continued eating.

/"Tomorrow you'll be going to school,/" my mother said cautiously. /"Or do you want to rest?/" my mother asked. She was acting as if she was afraid of my reaction. I looked at her questioningly and she simply smile.

/"Yeah, of course I'll be going/" I replied. The way she was acting was annoying me. She isn't acting like she used to. /"Mom, what's the matter?/" the words escaped my mouth even before I could processed them.

/"What?/" she asked. This was annoying me more. She knew that I was getting irritated and I was the type of girl who would get angry real quick. She finally gave up and looked at me. /"Can we talk about it later?/" she asked eyeing the food. Then I knew that it will be about something that will really upset me. I simply nodded and ate my food really fast.

After dinner, Shane, my mother and myself were in the kitchen. Shane and myself were washing the dishes while my mother would look at us. I was growing impatient so I decided to ask again. /"Can you tell me now?/" I asked dropping a plate in the sink and Shane managed to catch it before it break. I washed my hands and turned to my mother leaving Shane washing the dishes alone.

/"Thanks for the help/" Shane mumbled sarcastically earning a shove from me. I tried to keep myself cool as I didn't want to spoil my first day here. My mother gestured the seat next to her which I took.

/"Your father actually mentioned that you had drinking problem and you were usually engaged in fight/" my mother said as she shook her head in disappointment. Shane's head rose up and he looked at me waiting for an explanation. Shane has always been the protective brother for me. Even before my mother and his father got married.

/"You know that Dad keep on exaggerating things/" I said exasperated. My dad knows nothing about me.

/"But he will never invent these types of things about you/" she said with a pointed look asking for explanation.

/"Alright, I went to a party one night and my friends got me drunk, only one time/" I lied to her. But I don't have drinking problem. It's just that I got drunk a few times. /"And I was engaged in only one fight and I wasn't the one who started it/" I replied. This one was the truth. The girl was the one who called me a bitch.

/"Just promise me that it won't happen here/" my mother said putting on a loving face.

/"Mom, I can't promise you these things/" I said truthfully. /"You know me, I won't stay quiet if someone starts a fight with me/" I mumbled and she looked at me. She laughed and grabbed my hands.

/"I know princess. And you know that if someone starts a fight with you, I'll be helping you fighting/" my mother said. I chuckled knowing my mother, I knew that she will surely stuck up with me. /"But I don't want you drunk/" my mother said. I nodded and hugged my mother.

/"I won't mom,/" I replied as I kissed her cheek. I pulled away and saw Shane coming towards us. He put his arm around my shoulder.

/"Don't worry, I'll be looking after her/" Shane said as he kissed my forehead.

/"Jerk/" I said teasingly. My mother laughed at us and we walked to the living room where Emma and Tom were watching a horror movie. We took seat next to them and we spent the rest if the night talking and joking trying to get back all the two years that we missed together.

After that tiring journey, everyone went to bed. I walked in my room and my eyes automatically darted to the window. I saw the lights on in the mysterious guy's room. I turned my lights on and sat on the bed. I called my best friend Sarah to tell her that I reached safe and sound. Unfortunately she didn't pick up the phone. I signed in fatigue and let my body fall backwards. I felt all the tiredness going and I smiled. I took off my jean and put on my short so that I could sleep comfortably. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I found myself shifting to dreamland.