
Mr Nightmare's Ex.

How wrong meeting your Ex-boyfriend can go? The ex whom he broke up with 10 years ago. What will possibly happen when, Oliver, A 27 years old Boxing champion finds the person he hates the most, His ex girlfriend Mercy applying for the position of his personal assistant? What lies will get unfolded? Will he ever know the actual truth of what really happened 10 years ago? What truth their past are hiding? And where will their Future end up? "H-Help! Someone's following me." "Who?" "My stalker." "What will i get in return, My dear Mercy?"

DaoistthV4aQ · 都市
16 Chs

Rumors in the air

At this point, she was scared of Oliver being able to hear her heartbeat due to how loudly it was thumping against her ribs.

Oliver reached his tattooed hand up to grab the Glass jar.

He held it and brought his hand down. It brushed lightly against Mercy's waist as he placed it down on the counter.

His eyes met Mercy's, But she turned her eyes away as soon as he looked back and nervously looked around.

Luke cleared his throat to make them aware of his presence.

Oliver put his other hand on the other side, trapping her between them. Mercy widens her eyes in shock at his actions as He turns his face to Luke.

"Are you not feeling well, Luke?" Luke frowned confusedly at his words.

"I assumed since you coughed!" The Sarcasm was clear in Oliver's tone.

"I appreciate your Concern." Luke said before giving a forced smile and walking out.

Oliver stepped back, and as Mercy avoided him because of the awkward atmosphere,

"Actually, I would like some coffee too."

Mercy grabbed the cup and continued with the procedure of making two cups of coffee.

Oliver folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the counter.

"Sugar?" Mercy asked without looking at him, and he thought for a while before Humming in response.

He walked closer to Mercy until She turned around with Hot cups filled with Coffee in her hands and bumped against him soon enough, causing the coffee to spill and fall onto his shirt.

He winced and backed away. She suddenly placed the cups down and ran to grab tissues.

"Are you alright? I am So sorry, I didn't have any idea you were standing behind me." She blabbered and ran towards him with a box of tissues.

She pulled some out, placed it on his shirt, and dabbed it to soak it up.

"You should remove your shirt and put on water."

Oliver nodded and rushed back to his office. The good thing was that it was only a few rooms away, so it didn't take him long. Mercy walked behind him.

"You got any towels in the bathroom?" Mercy asked, and Oliver nodded.

"Take off your shirt; I will get the towel wet!" She said this before rushing inside the Bathroom.

Oliver unbottoned his shirt and winced in Burning sensation as the shirt lost contact with his red skin.

Thankfully, it didn't burn him much, but it still hurt really badly.

Mercy walked back into the room.

He grabbed the towel from her hands and began dabbing it against his skin to get any hot coffee that was on it off to decrease the damage.

Mercy looked down at the ground to avoid looking at him.

"Can you check the Medicine box? It might have something for burned skin." Oliver said while continuing to wipe his burned skin.

"Where is it?" Mercy said she was looking around in case she might see it already.

"On the shelf." Oliver said, pointing at the Shelf near the door. Mercy tippy-toed and grabbed the box, not paying enough attention to the boxes that were placed on it.

The boxes fell down, and she squinted her eyes, not having fast enough reflexes to get away.

But before they could fall onto her, Oliver stepped in and Blocked them with his arms.

Mercy turned around, facing him, but before She could say anything, the door flung open.

The blonde girl in her Late twenties stood there with her jaw falling down in shock.

Seeing her boss shirtless with the assistant in such an inappropriate and misunderstood position

"Why can't you knock before entering, for God's sake? It's a workplace!" Oliver yelled as she stepped backward and closed the door.

"Why would you do that? She must have mistook what was happening for..."

"What would she have mistook it for?" Oliver whispered, which caused her to push him away a little and get away from him.

"Gosh, You are burned. Let me find something for you!" She said, grabbing the Medical box in her hands. She opened it, and the Burn cream was just on top.

"Found it!" Oliver smirked at her and grabbed the tube from her hands.

"uhm... You can help yourself; I am going out for a minute!" She said this and walked off, refusing to listen to what Oliver might have to say.

She closed the door behind her and Saw that girl who had just seen them standing outside.

"Mercy? Isn't that your name?" The girl said it in a tone that wouldn't be considered polite.

"Oh, yes. And what was your name? My apologies, I am bad at keeping names in my mind!" Mercy said she was trying to keep the situation down and not worsen it for herself.

"Alina." She said that and noticeably rolled her eyes.

"Nice to meet you, Alina."

"Drop the fakeness!" The Blonde girl cut Mercy's words off.

"This is a workplace. Your sugar daddy said, But he doesn't see any problem with keeping his whore in office."

"Excuse me! Watch your mouth."

"I think you should watch what you are doing, or maybe things will get bad for you." Mercy scoffed at her words.

"Well, Do whatever you can. I have better things to do than to be sorry to people like you who have such Goddamn cheap mentality." Mercy snapped back at her before going back into the office.

She saw Oliver Rubbing the cream over his red chest.

She quickly turned her eyes down, Not wanting him to think of anything wrong.

"What happened? You look Pale." Oliver asked, Mercy always struggled to stand for herself; it's nothing new that she starts panicking when she snaps back at someone or takes a stand for herself.

"Mothing, sir; I am alright, and I am Sorry again for not being careful." She made an attempt to cut the previous topic off by apology and walked towards her table.

She heard a vibration from her bag, which she assumed was her phone.

She dug her hand through the pile of things she put in her bag till she found

her phone.


We are all going for a drink in the bar down the block, and I am insisting on your joining us, Mercy.

Since you are new, You will also get the chance to get along with others.

To be continued...