
The Killer

Mr Jones now new who the killer was so he got all the suspects together and told them that the killer was Daniels partner,he then told how he found out who the killer was, he said that Daniel and his partner started arguing in the cab and Daniels partner said that he was going to kill him, when they got out of the cab and started walking to the police station the rest of the way Daniels partner got his Baton and started strangling Daniel with it and Daniel died, Mr Jones knew this because Daniels partner said that there was a man in a suit there but the area they were in was really poor area so I isn't likely that there will be someone with a suit, after explaining this Daniels partner broke loose and started firing his gun and Mr Jones got shot in the shoulder, Daniels partner ran out of the police station but before he could get away he got hit by a truck.

Mr Jones called a ambulance and Daniels partner got sent to the hospital and then arrested, Mr Jones got his arm treated, got on the first bus to the airport and went home to America.