
Mr handsome and miss feisty P.S I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU

Everything was great for Kim na-ra , well at least good, that was until Justin lee showed up,the heir to lee corp's,and also her best friend kid brother. "don't look at me like that , what if someone comes in" Kim na-ra says with her tumbling voice giving her away "but I thought you where not affected at all,it was just one night right?", Justin replied with his face not leaving any expression,his hands in pockets,even though he was not touching her he made his eyes take all over her body not leaving a part out then he took slow and deliberate steps toward her "Justin, Justin what are you doing, Justin I am telling you now, you know my parents hate yours and there will be here anytime soon, so for your safety" but before Kim na-ra could finish her words a voice of a child interrupted them "mommy, mommy,see what I drew at school today",it was her son's voice ,running with his small legs with Justin half sister hyun-a trying to catch up to him then the door opened "Justin what are you doing here". hyun-a asked in surprised with no response from him she turns to look at what caught his attention. Justin wasn't looking at her,he was looking at the innocent boy looking at him,it was as if he was looking at his younger self "oh, no, no ,no, this can't be happening"Kim na-ra thought ___________________________________ The novel cover does not belongs to me

Cassandra_George_0312 · 都市
51 Chs


"miss Kim,I am asked to bring you over "

kim na-ra Felt no need to pretend like she didn't know what they were talking about

"i thought i had already informed mrs lee assistant that i would not be coming",

Kim na-ra then Tries to walk pass them with her son in hand

the four bodyguards who walked up to them block their part From Taking further steps

kim na-ra felt very tired, today has been a long day in school and she had just picked up her son from school and now this men sent over by madam lee are already causing attention, and they are just at the corner of her house, what if her family saw her now,what will they think,She thought if she left school early they would not be able to find her ,Oh she underestimated the power of the lee family .

finally giving up , on second hand if she loses her job which other place could she get a job especially when wherever she go people criticize her of being a loose woman , she had just finally landed a job in teaching children piano, not even up to a year ago , what if she lost it, Kim na-ra finally agreed to enter the car with them especially when she spotted her brother's girlfriend from afar she is known for not being able to keep secrets for long ,in a hurry she entered the car and they drove off

"Has my son justin not arrived yet"

Mrs Lee asks one of the maid's

"No madam, young master has not arrived yet "

"Don't worry you can go ,and make sure everything is set" ,

after the maid left Mrs Lee turns toward her assistance

"have You reminded that justin assistant to let him know about the dinner"

"I am done it madam, i have done everything you asked me to do"

"What is that boy up to i just hope he doesn't make me lose face in front of the guests"

Madam everything is going to be perfect , the assistant says.

a maid immediate walked up to them

"Mrs Lee your guests have arrived "

"good , inform my daughter to come down for the dinner"

"okay Mrs Lee"

the maid says then walked away

Entering the dining room both mr and mrs lee greeted their visitors which they also greeted them, hyun-a also greeting them as part of formality, after the formalities they all sit down to eat,Mrs Lee and hyun-a sitting beside the left hand side of mr lee who sat by the head table, the guest which are hee-jin,her parents,her big brother also two of Mrs Lee cousins which is hyun-a maternal aunty

"Oh my dear you have changed too much since i last saw you "

"Thank you auntie, thank you uncle "

hyun-a says referring to hee-jin parents

"Of course you know Girls from our family are the most beautiful except from hee-jin off course" one of hyun-a aunt says,

"she is beautiful regardless"

"Let's forget about that your daughter is getting more beautiful by the day " ,Mrs Lee compliments

"Don't forget that very soon she's also going to be your daughter too, by the way where is justin ? doesn't he know that it is bad to keep elders waiting"

hee-jin father says

"My apologies let's wait for him a little bit he is almost here", mrs lee says

"do not be worried friend, he will be here anytime soon".

mrs lee Assistant walks up to whispering something into her ear with that mrs lee excuses herself .

"So you finally decided to come" ,

Mrs Lee says finally she notices in-su behind his momma,

a feeling so familiar creeped up to her body but she had no idea what it would be , The small boy,Looking up to smile up to Mrs Lee even if it was their first time of meeting each other ,She felt like she as known him for long

without waiting for instructions Mrs Lee assistant moves to where in-su stood trying to take him away

"let go of me, I want my momma",

"Let's go of him ,what are you doing to my son"

Kim na-ra ran to where in-su wash struggling with the assistance ,Finally pulling the assistant hands away from her son ,Kim na-ra turns to look at Mrs Lee

"I decided to come and play for you what else do you want why are you taking my son away from me "

"I thought your son would wait till you finish playing then you can come and pick him up, but now I see , you are one quite protective mother"

" Mrs Lee ,You can not decide what i am to do for me, my son will stay with me till i finish playing then we go home together "

"okay then it is a deal "

an evil smile appearing on Mrs Lee face for a brief moment that one who didn't look very well would not have seen it

Walking back to the dining table , hyun-a was expecting to see only her mother but her mouth fell open on seeing Kim na-ra

thought in-su was just a small boy,knows an awkward situation on seeing one

kim na-ra was also surprised to See that this was a family dinner and not the dinner that mrs lee explained of her and a friend

"the pianist is here Everyone " Mrs Lee says.

at that moment Justin walks in

"Sorry i am late everyone there was an emergency at the office that i needed to attend to "

he says then notices Kim na-ra,Mrs Lee felt like she has finally achieve what she wanted,

"Seats down everyone now that the pianist is here and justin is also around let us all start to enjoy the meal"

hyun-a could see Justin getting angry


"sit down justin do not cause a scene this will be over with before you know it, that is what she wants let us not give her the impression that she can control us with Kim na-ra, besides kim na-ra is a strong woman "

kim na-ra has Never felt this humiliated before,she still wore her school wear,she felt tired and stupid

"I am strong and brave , Kim na-ra is a strong woman "

she says to herself

"momma when are we going home ? "

"soon in-su soon just seat beside me and don't go anywhere"

Justin kept looking up every second as she plays the piano ,Making it too obvious to everyone present that he was looking at the pianist

Trying to divert his eyes away from her his mother says

" let's talk about the engagement between your daughter and my son"

"Dear wife i don't think there is any reason for us to rush things" mr lee says

"sorry if I am being rude mr lee But isn't that the reason we are having this gets together" hee-jin mother says

" No we are having this get together to bring the family closer "

"You know what, let us all eat first before we go into this " mr lee says

watching Justin watch Kim na-ra mrs lee begins to feel afraid,

"Is there something going on between these two ,I have never seen my son this interested in anyone before "

after talking about so many things business related mrs lee turns to hee-jin

"My dear is there any other song you would like the pianist to play for you "

"Forget it my friend she is not that good at playing the piano anyway the sound has been awful throughout the dinner " hee-jin mother put in

"Is that also what you think hee-jin"

She could only smile in the attention being given to her , while the rest of them were having fun in Kim na-ra expenses

"Why did you even collect her in the first place" , hee-jin father asks

"it is because she needed the money you know ,this poor girl has been taking care of her family all by herself, fending for herself and her family, you remember the ruined family right,the kim family,this is their beloved daughter"

"I know you are so generous ,But is she not the daughter who give birth without knowing who the father of her child is?"

hee-jin mother asks obviously knowing the answer to the question

Justin couldn't take it anymore immediate standing up walking to where she sat down still playing the piano as if she didn't hear all the bad things being said to her holding Kim na-ra rights hand to stop her from playing

"noona let me take you home"

Everyone opened their mouths in shock but mr lee gave no expression

"Justin what are you doing let's go with me i am still playing the piano "

kim na-ra says pulling his hand away as she continues to play, but the attention was already on them

"KIM NA-RA !!!! I will not be repeating myself again get up now, you too in-su ",

immediately in-su clinged to Justin legs,


kim na-ra thought out loud on seeing her son switch sides, knowing his momma was on the weaker side

"Justin what are you doing you know our guest is still here , don't try to create a scene"

"You wanted you scene that's the reason you brought her over because if you wanted a peaceful dinner you wouldn't have asked noona over "

"Justin what is wrong with you why are you and your sister like this just because of a girl like her"

the only two people still seated were mr lee and hyun-a but hyun-a face could express how happy she was,mrs lee cousins having a filled day

"What are you doing still sitting down there " pulling kim na-ra up at once

hee-jin felt like screaming what the hell is going on now

"oppa Why are you holding the hand of that woman,OPPA WHAT ARE YOU DOING"

hee-jin screams,her mom voice underneath telling Mrs Lee to explain the situation

"are you not going anymore, you have already caused a scene"

mr lee says to Justin,

Mrs lee could only hold her chest like she was having a heart attack , walking closer towards them as they tried leaving,raising her hands to slap kim na-ra

"mother don't you try it, you can slap me all you want but don't hit noona "

with that Justin pick up in-su carrying him with one and and dragged Kim na-ra out with him with the other hand.

"what is going on here mr lee ,Mrs Lee explain it to us"

hee-jin mother says

not waiting for more humiliation hee-jin father ordered them all to go home, leaving the house furiously

hyun-a and mrs lee assistant rushed to Mrs Lee side

"Are you okay are you alright mother ? "

"Don't you touch me,get out of here,all of you are the same,I don't even know when my house had become a loud house"

Mrs Lee says pushing hyun-a hand away from her

"take your madam inside "

mr lee ordered Mrs Lee assistant he himself finally getting up from where he sat down and left.

" my dear aunties aren't you going home,the party is over,I apologise for the happenings this evening",

"how rude of you chasing as away or are you no ? "

"leave her be , have they humiliated their mother who are we anyways "

the second auntie says leaving in anger but one could see that they did have a filled day and something to gossip about.

hyun-a slowly sat down on one of the seat all of a sudden laughing so hard that she almost fell off the chair.

"what a fancy dinner indeed"