
Mr handsome and miss feisty P.S I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU

Everything was great for Kim na-ra , well at least good, that was until Justin lee showed up,the heir to lee corp's,and also her best friend kid brother. "don't look at me like that , what if someone comes in" Kim na-ra says with her tumbling voice giving her away "but I thought you where not affected at all,it was just one night right?", Justin replied with his face not leaving any expression,his hands in pockets,even though he was not touching her he made his eyes take all over her body not leaving a part out then he took slow and deliberate steps toward her "Justin, Justin what are you doing, Justin I am telling you now, you know my parents hate yours and there will be here anytime soon, so for your safety" but before Kim na-ra could finish her words a voice of a child interrupted them "mommy, mommy,see what I drew at school today",it was her son's voice ,running with his small legs with Justin half sister hyun-a trying to catch up to him then the door opened "Justin what are you doing here". hyun-a asked in surprised with no response from him she turns to look at what caught his attention. Justin wasn't looking at her,he was looking at the innocent boy looking at him,it was as if he was looking at his younger self "oh, no, no ,no, this can't be happening"Kim na-ra thought ___________________________________ The novel cover does not belongs to me

Cassandra_George_0312 · 都市
51 Chs


kim na-ra was quite all though the ride back home,the only time she looked back was to check up on the sleeping in-su, Justin was to angry to say anything feeling like cursing but not knowing at who,when they first entered his car,kim na-ra could not even put on the seat belt letting him put it on for her,her mind seeming to be miles away.

finally stopping at the front of hyun-a house

Justin looks beside him trying to help her remove the seatbelt,

"no,I can do it myself thank you",

nara says removing the seat belt by herself, dragging herself up out of the car, walking towards the passenger seat to carry sleeping in-su inside the house, justin pulls kim na-ra hands away from the car door,

"wait a minute"

"Justin what are you doing ? ",

"why did you have to go there today, you know how my mother is, you know how she feels about you and you still went there anyway"

"I know,I am wrong let go of me,I am too tired to argue with you"

"why are you avoiding me".

"how am I avoiding you, but I don't think that is the case because you are the one avoiding me"

"noona I am sorry,I am sorry for the way my mom treated you and in-su,I am sorry on behalf of my family "

kim na-ra still kept quiet looking like she was trying so hard to hold back her tears, avoiding to look at him.

"look at me ,look at me noona,at least talk to me say something",

Justin says holding Kim na-ra by her shoulders

Seeing there is no room for escape she says

"what am i supposed to do Justin,What else do all of you want from me "

"Noona i get you are angry let it out " ,

Whatever you say to me i deserve it, i am stupid ,i am a fool I know"

Justin says

"Don't say that justin , It's not your fault it is just that I don't know anything anymore"

then she begins to cry,tears falling down her cheek

Justin could not take it anymore hugging kim na-ra tightly,

This action made her cry more,But justin was there for Kim na-ra, telling her everything be okay .

"Thank you justin for everything you are truly a good guy"

she says finally hugging him back as the tears dried off her face

"you are welcome "

Justin replies not able to stop himself he bends down to kiss kim na-ra fore head,his lips touching her skin making the place it landed on first warm then cold because of the evening weather, for some reason kim na-ra felt like she finally had the strength to fight the whole world.

But a voice interrupted them

"noona, what are you doing there ,they both turned to see who the voice belongs to they find out it was kim na-ra junior brother ji-ho

At first he thought it was dong-ju hugging kim na-ra But on looking closer he discovered that this person is much more younger then even himself .

she quickly lets go of justin which justin do the same Opening the car to pick up in-su but the next thing Kim na-ra heard was the sound of fists ,Quickly standing back up to see what was happening Justin was already pined to the car by ji-ho,This time around giving him another blow to his face,

"I know young men like you very well running after a single mothers ,But you stay away from my Sister ,i don't want to see you around her,She will be getting married soon do you hear me she will be getting married soon " ,

"let go of him what is wrong with you ? "

kim na-ra shouted at ji-ho turning back to Justin

"Justin are you okay ? ",

"Justin ?",

looking closer he discovered that the young man looks so much like mr lee, even the aura of arrogance in him, later a look of recognition appears on his face

"hold on a second is he not Justin lee,mr lee son, noona,he is Justin lee is he not?"

panic began to raise in,

"go inside,we will discuss it inside"

"no tell me, what is Justin lee doing here, why were you hugging each other " ,

"I said go inside please"

"I am not leaving until I hear an explanation, don't tell me you are friends with the enemy who destroyed us,our family for goodness sake ,noona what is wrong with you ? "

" don't talk to your sister like that "

kim na-ra didn't even know what happened next her brother has already passed her by hitting Justin ,kim na-ra cry was not heard ,As she tries her best to pull ji-ho away from Justin who for some reason was not even putting up a fight

"leave him alone , what is wrong with you, leave him you are hurting him",

kim na-ra screams, hitting her brother but it seems like her little hits made no impact, finally getting a chance she stayed in between them,hands spread wide tears on her face her nose all runny like a child how's favorite toy has been taken away from him or her,

kim na-ra brother who still wanted to put up a fight was stunned by how kim na-ra looks, her face like someone crying hard


kim na-ra screams crying so hard that all her voice shook,he had never seen his well composed sister break like this before, never not even when things are very rough, not even all those years ago when she came home announcing that she had broken up with her long time boyfriend of ten years.

walking awkwardly to kim na-ra trying so hard to hide the pain he was obviously feeling behind his smile, Justin turns kim na-ra around his palms on her cheek laying there gently like she was some fragile egg he had not noticed before, smiling too brightly

" noona I am fine,look it is not as bad as it seems "

" are you sure Justin, but it looks bad ",

raising her hands to touch his face lightly,at that moment in-su voice was heard in the car he has been finally awake, Justin turns over bending down to carry the sleepy in-su

"uncle tin "

the boy murmurs

kim na-ra brother acted swiftly taking in-su away from Justin

"let go of him, from now on I don't want you near my family,if you do I will be forced to use restraining orders on you"

with that he pulls kim na-ra along with him .

they were not even aware of the two ladies who ran to hide on seeing them coming,ji-ho pregnant girlfriend and junior sister who had come out to throw away the trash but witness something else altogether.

" I told you, someone like the vice president Justin can not just be a pretty face vice,did you not see his swollen face this morning ",

" he came to work with that on his face ? "

"yes he did " ,

" but that does not make him a playboy "

" don't you read the novels,he represent everything they say he is a rich man,who lived oversea, handsome,young,then he must definitely be a playboy " .

the worker gossips among themselves,all things were said and playboy was definitely one of them .

" who did this to you ,I heard while shooting the company advertisement that you where badly hurt " ,

hee-jin tries touching Justin , Justin who felt irritated enough was not in the mood for hee-jin chattering,

" thank you for your concerns but I am very busy "

" Justin why are you treating me this way you very much know how worried I am about you,I had to come all the way here even with what you did two nights ago you should be thankful that I am a calm headed fiance,my parent even went as far as to think that you are interested in miss Kim na-ra "

looking at the assistant who still felt no need to leave them alone.

"and what do you think miss hee-jin "

Justin asks still filling out the paperwork's still not bothering to look at her not even once since when she first came in, ordering his assistant to leave who didn't even seem like he heard her but Justin instructions not to leave that they have got many things to do and if hee-jin wanted to talk she should say it in front of his assistant, like she was nothing

"I think that can not be true,I don't even think it,I know it,you cannot be attracted to such a small old woman and besides she has a kid already,it is not possible,I know so , your taste can not run so low " ,

hee-jin says laughing like she had finally figured it out, Justin could only nod his head like she has finally said something interesting,not bothering to look at her Justin informs hee-jin

" you have leave my office now and if she does leave "

he now says to his assistant

" send the guards over "

"sir is it as soon as they leave now ? " his assistant ask which set hee-jin temperature ablaze

" no , send them in in the next ten seconds if she is yet to leave "

Justin replied no one needed to tell the model hee-jin to scramble off before she did giving a lame excuse that the shooting which ended about an hour ago will begin soon, not wanting the workers who look at her with high esteem see her thrown out from her supposed fiance office.

I would like to apologise for my errors lately

Cassandra_George_0312creators' thoughts