
Mr handsome and miss feisty P.S I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU

Everything was great for Kim na-ra , well at least good, that was until Justin lee showed up,the heir to lee corp's,and also her best friend kid brother. "don't look at me like that , what if someone comes in" Kim na-ra says with her tumbling voice giving her away "but I thought you where not affected at all,it was just one night right?", Justin replied with his face not leaving any expression,his hands in pockets,even though he was not touching her he made his eyes take all over her body not leaving a part out then he took slow and deliberate steps toward her "Justin, Justin what are you doing, Justin I am telling you now, you know my parents hate yours and there will be here anytime soon, so for your safety" but before Kim na-ra could finish her words a voice of a child interrupted them "mommy, mommy,see what I drew at school today",it was her son's voice ,running with his small legs with Justin half sister hyun-a trying to catch up to him then the door opened "Justin what are you doing here". hyun-a asked in surprised with no response from him she turns to look at what caught his attention. Justin wasn't looking at her,he was looking at the innocent boy looking at him,it was as if he was looking at his younger self "oh, no, no ,no, this can't be happening"Kim na-ra thought ___________________________________ The novel cover does not belongs to me

Cassandra_George_0312 · 都市
51 Chs


the story of their foreign korea boss kissing a lady in the parking lot was the talk of the day,the whole office had no other gossip than that, their cold hearted boss ,the handsome heir to the lee corp who had no time to look at all the women making advances at him, even the popular model ,but was passionately kissing a woman in the parking lot like she was the only one in the world,kim nara and Justin wasn't even aware of the three workers who saw them, even when justin eventually heard of the gossip while doing a round up check in the office wasn't the least bothered, all his mind was on was kim nara whom is currently waiting for him in his office, finally after taking up few hours on his rounds went back to his office telling his secretary he shouldn't be distributed.

kim nara stood in front of justin desk ,she had been in his office for an hour now,her mind still wondering back to the kiss between them ,recalling how she kissed him kim nara began to blush like an high school girl getting her first kiss,kim nara knew justin was the one who helped her out today,she didn't tell him about the issues happening in school because she was afraid,scared that she will become too depending on justin,since he had been back he has been the one doing the giving even today he protected silently, protecting her once More,but not anymore,for her's and insu's sake she had decided to give back to him in return, even if it meant loudly,or was it not loud enough,this made kim nara giggle again

"oh goodness what was I thinking",

kim nara smiles to herself as she looked at the photo frame which as on his table but to was facing down beside it was a box where the golf ball she gave him years ago sat, picking up the photo frame what she saw was what she least expected,it was not a picture but rather the first drawing of justin ,in su gave to him,tears filled kim nara eyes , justin was so good at hiding his feelings that she didn't know what made h sad or happy anymore,she must have hurt him a lot but he still stood by her silently waiting for the time she comes to him.

justin walked into the office Wondering where kim nara was when he noticed her coiled up on the sofa in his office, walking toward where kim nara slept peacefully justin used his jacket to cover taking his seat beside her as he watched her sleep

where are we going,

you will know once we get there

but at least give me a clue

momma,daddy says it's a secret,

insu says from the back seat where he sat,

"curiosity kills the cat"

insu who taught you that ?

daddy,he told me about it, not to be too curious,he says I am too smart for my age

he is right about that my little man is too too smart

this made them all laugh

they arrived at a very expensive restaurant ,one of the waitress ushered them to me ne of the private rooms, Justin was putting on a face mask because he didn't want to be sported now that everyone know of him being the heir to the lee family businesses,

walking into the private room,kim nara froze,seeing all her family seated ,but one could see that they looked out of place as they smiled and giggled among themselves,but their laughter Soon stopped,when they saw justin,kim nara and insu walk in,

mrs kim turns to look at mr kim who tried looking away awkwardly,

"is this the reason you brought us here to this place,I knew it,when you brought us to this expensive restaurant,did you all planned this"

dad this is wrong of you,you should have asked us for our opinion before bringing us here against our will,don't forget the lee family ruined our family

kim nara brother says furiously standing up from his seat

"seat down now and don't make the matter worst you this pig headed man,I don't want my child to come into a broken home"

his pregnant girl friend says

standing up kim nara younger sister decided to take insu for a walk

call me once everything is settled,I want to eat in big restaurant before you guys start punching each other,

the minute she left with insu, everyone focused on kim nara and Justin but what justin did next time as a surprise to them all including kim nara,justin knelt down before the whole family his head down like he had committed a grave seen

justin what are you doing?,

kim nara says in a whisper urging justin to get up,but justin paid no attention to her ,he was so bent on making kim nara family accept him ,he even went as far as begging Mr kim and his son pregnant girlfriend to help him bring the family over,

"I Will like to apologise for everything my family and I have done,I apologise"

this caught them by surprise,kim nara immediately knelt down beside justin,

but,I won't apologies for having noona and insu in my life,i won't apologize for loving your daughter and sister like the air I breathe,but I promise to make it up to you,by loving her till the day I take my last breath,I won't apologize for being insu's father,but rather apologize that I wasn't there for noona when she needed me the most,when insu was born ,when he took his first step,his first word,

a smile listed his face like he could see it happened, kim nara could only watch stunned ,all this this things justin never told her, tears in her eyes,not tears of sadness,but tears of his love for her,tears for all the time missed.

mr kim,Mrs Kim I can't live without your daughter,but she can't live without you,her family, and for that I want to thank you for bringing her up well

mrs Kim who was half touched grumbles

she brought herself up

but you watched her do so,and where all supportive,I want to be part of that family,the family he made up a strong and wonderful woman like noona,I beg of you

with that justin bows his head

one thing justin discovered about kim nara's family was the fact that once they accept you they become totally different people,this conclusion was made after three different serving after,kim nara sister and pregnant future sister in-law kept on ordering all types of meals,Mrs Kim trying not to look eager eat all that was serve but for some reason that day probably because of the warning eyes received from the women in his family , Mr Lee decided not to drink,insu being cuddled by the family obvious they missed him, justin finally discovering that they all had secretly gone to Insu school at different point in time to see him ,they all chatted like he wasn't there ,rather like it was all the family present ,like he was part of them,one thing that baffled him is the fact that they weren't aware that they were not aware of the fact that a chabol heiress is pregnant for their son, wasn't she obvious enough,the way she seemed fascinated by all they did,all her chattiness,and questions of what average people did,seem to him kim nara brother had no idea,this family truly amazed him,

speaking of the devil,she texted him

I have helped you out as promised so keep yours

justin also replied with a text message

of course I will, as promised I won't tell them about you being the minister's runaway daughter

if you dare say a word I will drag you down with me ,will tell Kim nara about all your embarrassing stories.