
Mr handsome and miss feisty P.S I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU

Everything was great for Kim na-ra , well at least good, that was until Justin lee showed up,the heir to lee corp's,and also her best friend kid brother. "don't look at me like that , what if someone comes in" Kim na-ra says with her tumbling voice giving her away "but I thought you where not affected at all,it was just one night right?", Justin replied with his face not leaving any expression,his hands in pockets,even though he was not touching her he made his eyes take all over her body not leaving a part out then he took slow and deliberate steps toward her "Justin, Justin what are you doing, Justin I am telling you now, you know my parents hate yours and there will be here anytime soon, so for your safety" but before Kim na-ra could finish her words a voice of a child interrupted them "mommy, mommy,see what I drew at school today",it was her son's voice ,running with his small legs with Justin half sister hyun-a trying to catch up to him then the door opened "Justin what are you doing here". hyun-a asked in surprised with no response from him she turns to look at what caught his attention. Justin wasn't looking at her,he was looking at the innocent boy looking at him,it was as if he was looking at his younger self "oh, no, no ,no, this can't be happening"Kim na-ra thought ___________________________________ The novel cover does not belongs to me

Cassandra_George_0312 · 都市
51 Chs


14 years ago

"what are you doing !!!?" Mrs Lee screamed

"come down from there please Justin come down please please" Mrs Lee begged as tears filled her face as sang-ook father held her

"Kim na-ra why did you bring me here I told you I hate that woman"

"but she is your mom hyun-a and you have a brother"

"he is not my brother, he is the reason my mom married another man"

while talking they heard screams from the servants forgetting her promise hyun-a ran into the Lee's mansion with Kim na-ra behind her

"what what is that brat doing on the roof top?"

hyun-a says as tears filled her eyes but Kim na-ra was speechless, everyone where all looking at the roof

"call 119 do something" hyun-a screamed at no one in particular

"Mr Lee(Justin late grandfather) told us not to call anyone"

"does my mom know about this?"

"yes she agreed with mr lee"

"what of his father?"

"he is currently out of town"

all thoughts left Kim na-ra as she ran to the towards the roof top with voice's trying to stop her,sang-ook on seeing her run,ran after Kim na-ra.


" listen to me please we can talk about this"

"no mom, no,I have told you many times but no one listens to me"

all of a sudden Kim na-ra appear with hyun-a and sang-ook on her trail

"Justin, Justin,it's me look at me noona is here"

"noona?" Justin says not a single tears on his face

"yes it's me I am here, look, even if everyone leaves I am here for you look,your sister is here too" this made him look at the direction of hyun-a

"I am here Justin, what is wrong with you do you want to harm yourself"

"please hyun-a don't agitate him more"

"Justin come down let's discuss this" kim na-ra says slowly moving closer to him

"yes That's it come down "

Mrs Lee who was impatient moved toward him which made him take the wrong step back almost falling off the roof top but Kim na-ra was faster running towards him and grabbed his hands

"noona, please I am tired let me go "

Justin says to Kim na-ra by then Mrs Kim and Mr Lee and sang-ook father came to assist Kim na-ra in rescuing Justin from falling off the roof top

but Justin not for once showed fears ,not even a single tears drop

"call the doctor,call the doctor "Mr Lee says to sang-ook father in fear then suddenly he started holding his chest unable to breathe then fell to the ground


"Justin what are you doing here, everyone has been worried sick about you,I heard you ran away from home?"

Kim na-ra asks Justin on seeing him in front of her house.

"noona is it true that because of grandfather your family is now bankrupt, tell me"

"it has nothing to do with you kiddo"

"but mommy want to take me away",

"I heard from your sister that since your grandfather died you have been having nightmares"

Justin replied with a nod

"noona I don't want to go"

"but you have to, once everything is settled they will bring you back"

"no they won't,I know it they don't want me here,they all blame me for grandfather death"

"nobody blames you for anything,they just want to protect you since you are the heir to the lee family properties"

"what is that boy doing here?!!"

Mrs Kim shouted in fiery

"after they destroyed our family, your father may go to jail and we are losing everything,with that you are talking to this boy,get out of here"

Mrs Kim shouted at Justin,all Kim na-ra attempt to get to her mother were in vein as mrs Kim kept screaming all of a sudden Mrs Lee and her guards where there, dragging Justin to the car as Mrs Lee and Mrs Kim kept exchanging abusive words before the car could move Kim na-ra ran to the car front to stop the car then ran towards Justin side of the car

"look ,take it"

"but this is your own ball" says 12 years old Justin,well almost 12

"I know but you now have 2 golf ball, since I can't be with you I am giving you mine,with this Justin you have nothing to be scared of, because this means I am with you, you are just helping me keep this golf ball with you, promise to return this golf ball when you get back okay"

"yes noona"

"you promise Justin?"

"yes I promise"

"that's good and I will be waiting with a very big hug"


"momma, momma" in-su called out in seeing his mom enter the house

"my hero" Kim na-ra says as she carries her son

after changing her shoes and enter the house

"give me back my concert tickets right now"

Kim na-ra youngest sister who was 26 years old says angrily to her senior brother who was 29 years

"you gave them to me" he replied,

"you have given it to your girlfriend haven't you,and I didn't give you you stole it"

they kept on arguing not even concerned about her arrival


Kim na-ra Mom reminds her,

"don't forget the bills I kept in your room, also your sister ordered a new dress under your name you know all her clothes are all old and your brother is going for a job interview again in two days and needs money to get a new suit,,,,,,"

but Kim na-ra didn't pay attention as she went straight to the kitchen to find what she could eat .

getting to bed Kim na-ra phone vibrated it was a message from Justin

"noona I am in front of your house" .

at first Kim na-ra tried avoiding the massage,an hour passed by,then two,then it began to rain,

"I am sure he had gone home already"

Kim na-ra thought and tried going to sleep but could not then she tried calling him which his phone kept responding switched off and on the 3rd try not able to take it anymore rushed out of the house not even responding to her sister who came out to get water in the fridge asking where she was going

the rain wasn't pouring as heavily when she got to the play ground holding her umbrella not seeing anyone at first then she spotted him walking towards her, running to meet him

hitting him in the chest

"are you serious right now ?you could have gotten a cold "

"but I didn't noona"

"but still are you a fool,why didn't you go home, what if I didn't come where you planning on staying the whole night"

"but you came" Jstin says as he smiled toward her

"just go home Justin,why did you come anyway?"

'because I kept my promise,it's time for you to keep yours',

slowly Justin moved toward her towards her personal space then hugs her

"noona you promised to hug me whenever I get back with your golf ball and I am back home" .

but Kim na-ra just stood there her heart being in a battle of it's own.

Justin is a guy who looks tough on the outside but soft in the inside, Even though he hide his emotions from others looking hard he doesn't hide anything from Kim na-ra.

I don't believe in abusive love so I am going for true love

Cassandra_George_0312creators' thoughts