
Mr First love

Like the raindrops in the ocean, my love for you silently shores into a big wave…. Acacia continues writing in her book about her first love, not having a clue that this book will be on the list of bestsellers in the future. Do you think this book will reach Lucas, her first lover? And how will he react to it when he gets to know that this book was about him? Will they get back together or move on as it is? ******* note-cover is not mine

turtlesos · 若者
13 Chs

Someone new

After the three of us reunited at the airport, we returned home immediately.

Beep* door unlock

Rosie with a hand gesture," Welcome home, Rudy."

Rudy enters giggling and says," I have missed you both so much", and we did a group hug again.

Rudy, you go and freshen up while Rosie and I prepare dinner", Ella spoke.

Rudy replied," Alright, I won't take long and will help you both in the kitchen."

creak-slam* door sound

Rosie and I went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.


As we put out the dish on the table, Rudy came out of the room.

Rudy guiltily speaks," Sorry, I took longer than expected.

Rosie replied," Stop your formality and take your seat.

We made your favourite dish", Ella jump into the conversation while coming out of the kitchen.

Rudy responds," You both are the only ones who pampers me, sob* I wish you both were husband and wife so that I could be your daughter."

Even if we were husband and wife, you will never be our daughter," said Rosie.

Humph! You are heartless, Rosie," replies Rudy,

With puppy eyes, Rudy speaks to me," Acacia you would never abandon me right? And she stares back at Rosie cockily.

Yes, I won't do that. Now now, both of you stop talking and eat if not, the food will go cold," I respond.

Slurps* chew*

Rudy exclaims," Wow! It's delicious.

After we were done with our dinner and cleaning, we tried to catch up with each other in the living room.

(The last paradise~Yiruma) playing soft music in the background*

In the middle of a conversation, Rudy said," O, I forgot to tell you both something. Tonight I saw someone at the airport, try guessing who it is.

Rosie replies," Must be your sugar daddy," we burst out laughing at the same time, which made it even funnier.

Well..well keeping the jokes aside, I saw Lucas with a girl in the airport," said Rudy. Not only that but his arms were over her shoulder," she continues on

Oh my gosh! Do you think they both are datin'-

Rosie immediately turns to look at me and slaps Rudy on her back to stop her from speaking anymore.

Ouch! Rosie, it hurts", Rudy said while rubbing her wound.

It's fine, Rosie. It's all in the past," I said while smiling.

Yawn! You know what, I have to wake up early. So I'm going to bed. Goodnight u both," saying that I step out of the living room.

As I walk off to my room, I heard Rosie scolding Rudy.

Why did you bring up Lucas in the conversation," said Rosie.

Rudy replies," I want Acacia to move on with her life-

Creak* doorknobs open and shut-

With a heavy heart, I immediately slump my body down on the bed.


My mind couldn't stop thinking about him, sigh...

Acacia murmurs slowly," He has grown so tall and is handsome as always.

Tears slowly drip down her face, she murmurs again," I guess he has moved on with someone new. Am I the only one who is still stuck in our past? Should I move on with my life now that you have found someone?

But how am I supposed to move on with my life when this little heart of mine has become entirely yours?

pillow soaked with tears*

Acacia slowly murmurs as she dozes off to sleep," I miss you-