
Mr First love

Like the raindrops in the ocean, my love for you silently shores into a big wave…. Acacia continues writing in her book about her first love, not having a clue that this book will be on the list of bestsellers in the future. Do you think this book will reach Lucas, her first lover? And how will he react to it when he gets to know that this book was about him? Will they get back together or move on as it is? ******* note-cover is not mine

turtlesos · 若者
13 Chs

Lost Lover


There she is, my Acacia, who reminds me of spring, a delicate beauty that protects itself with thorns. She has a wave in her hair, waves of warm air that always washed over me.

Never in my life would I have imagined meeting her again. She was my lost home, a home I failed to stay.

I felt like I couldn't breathe with my heart ramming against my ribcage, my feet were slowly leading closer to her. Just a few steps away and I would be able to give her a tight hug.

As our distance got closer, little by little, I felt her gaze on me.

Her crystal eyes are deep like an ocean ever so pure that always pulls me closer to her. But when I saw tears well up in her eyes, which were seconds away to streamed down her face.

My heart felt heavy, like a stone sinking in quicksand.

For a sliding second, my feet came into a hold, and it took all my courage to walk past her and not look at the tears streaming down her face slowly one after one and I lost count of it.

All along, I knew, I was not the right person for her. But just for a second, I wanted to remove all these thoughts that were draining me for so long.

I wish I could go running back to her and never let go out of my arms.

However, I could only look at her with longing eyes from far away.

Brother, what are you staring at? "Emily waves her hand in front of me.

Lucas turns his head away from Acacia and gave a melancholy smile to his sister.

Lucas replied," Nothing, let's go."


Rudy before she met Rosie and Acacia*

Rudy came out of the flight and was searching for Acacia and Rosie in the waiting area and saw Lucas

"O my gosh! Is that Lucas with another girl?" She squints her eyes in an attempt to see who that girl is.

Lucas pulls Emily close in his arms and got away from the place.

Rudy tries to go and spy on them, but suddenly remembers Rosie and Acacia might be searching for her.

"Shoot! Rudy, this is not the right time to be a busybody," Rudy slaps herself and goes in search of Rosie and Acacia.

"O, there they are,' Rudy smiles and shouts-Baby- Rosie!


Author here ^-^

This is my first novel and there's still a lot for me to improve and learn, but I hope that u guys enjoy reading my novel.

And I will be trying my best to give you a good outcome from my side.

Till then, I will be needing your support<3