
Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife

[COMPLETED] Phoenix’ husband of five long years, Ace Carter Greyson, demanded divorce on the night of their fifth wedding anniversary simply because she can't bear a son. She begged him to stay but his firm decision was unbendable so she finally let him go. Her life was even more shattered after she discovered his long time affair with his secretary, and now, the mistress was pregnant. Just months after their divorce he married the impregnated secretary. Phoenix's world suddenly turns upside down when she discovers she's four months pregnant.

ruffatorres · 都市
264 Chs

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He was thankful when Greyson didn't take offense against his prying question. Instead, he looked at him across the table with a determined look fixed on his face before he mumbled 'no' for an answer.

"She is my last love…. The only woman I truly loved." He added without filters.

"Rubbish!" Alexander exclaimed and shook his head in disapproval. "Let me guess you broke her heart?" It might be called a reckless and bold question but he can't stop himself from asking.

"That's an understatement, Sir. I did not only break her heart, I smashed it into pieces." It was his brave reply.

Alexander clenched his fist under the table, fury bubbled inside him. He badly wanted to smash his fist into Greyson's face.

"I was a bastard, a jerk, a devil, and the stupidest man for breaking her heart," Greyson admitted.

The Crawford patriarch relaxed and unclenched his fist, "I couldn't agree more." He muttered under his breath.