

What happens when two individual who could not recognise each other from the past are brought together by fate's little tricks called the contract . (purple flower)

Beckyfaith · 都市
119 Chs


In the past neither of the parties had attain any loss from their partnership and even it was what grandpa said ,he wanted to know the depth of the situation he then said "you have always known but you didn't utter a word"

"what is the point of saying it when everything has already happened,you gave her back what was stollen and now she is happy,you should to"grandpa said in a matter of fact tone but something didn't sit well ryan and as much as he tried to rack his brain on it he couldn't deny,it was years ago and it would be difficult but even so ,he wasn't ready to give up.

"did your uncle visit yet?"the man questioned to which ryan reply with "no at least not yet"ryan closed his trying to calm down from the anger he felt and if it were another person other than his old man maybe he would have reacted worse. And as for his uncle he wanted to be careful but most Importantly he wanted to protect mia from him

He beard his grandpa say "what are your plans with her?"there was curiosity in his eyes as he questioned his grandson. Ryan turned to leave and on is way he replied with"none of your business "

"lets just hope things don't get any worse"grandpa mumbled when Ryan was out of sight .

Ryan stepped out the mansion through the double doors, before heading towards his car.Settling himself on the driver's seat,he took out his phone to call someone and when the other person picked up he said "did you reach there safely with Lucy?".

At the other side of the phone,mia had excused herself from the other three she replied"yes...also Jason is here to" mia revealed and she heard ryna hum before he said"I miss you "

Mia blushed placing her palm on her cheek while making sure the other three didn't notice "we have barely been apart for that long,and I'm not that far"

Ryan looked at the fountain that was not to far from him with the water running "but it feels like forever... cancel your plans for the evening " he said as if she had no choice but to do so.

Mia's eyebrows furrowed and she replied with"I don't have for the evening,are we going somewhere?"her curiosity was piqued. Would he take her out if the country like he did the last time,the thought crossed her mind but she heard Ryan say "something like that"he replied with a smile even though mia couldn't see it "I want to spend the rest of the evening with you without sharing "

"mia hurry up and come here "Hannah called she turned to look at mia who signalled to her that just a few more seconds"somehow I question if you have always had this side of you or is it just developing "

"there are somethings that can barely be explained,I'll pick you up later "Ryan replied and from the other side mia replied with"hm I'll be waiting, don't miss me too much ".

Once she hung up the call,Ryan let out a long sigh weaving his fingers through his hair continuously. He shifted his gaze to look at the mansion before abruptly driving out of there.His mood had lightened on hearing Mia's voice but he still needed to calm himself from the wide range of anger that was still in his senses.

Soon it was evening,mia sat behind her desk crosschecking and signing the files on her table. She had left after spending a few moments at Hannah's place and had been working since the. When she checked the time on her phone,she arranged her table getting ready to leave.

The sun was setting in the horizon, giving way to the darkness of the approaching night. Her eyes fell on than that stood by the car, waiting for her. "ready to leave?"Ryan asked his eyes keenly observing the woman in front of him who nodded cut asked "where are we going?" At the same time ,Ryan opened the back seat door urging her to get in before he followed and the driver started the engine of the act before driving away from the area.

"a place where there is no one to disturb us"Ryan replied to her earlier question but his answer only made Mia's curiosity grow even more "how is work?"

"tiring and stressful"mia yawned with her eyes closing at the same time. Ryan saw this and said "sleep,where we are going is far so it will take a while before we reach there "he explained to her .

Mia looked like she was giving it some thought then she moved closer to him resting her head on his shoulder,with eyes closed she said to him"you should sleep to" another yawn escaped her mouth to which Ryan smiled that. In a few minutes,he felt her breathing softly beside him,she had gone to interlock her fingers with his.

When mia opened her eyes again,she took in the bright room she was in. Feeling something soft behind her,she could tell she was lieing on the bed. Mia took in her surroundings,alone in the vast room,when she placed her feet on the cold floor,she noticed they were void of shoes. She took in the intricate designs on the walls,the color of the walls were dark yet fascinating.

"where is Ryan ?" she thought to herself wondering where he was and where this place his. He must be somewhere around and with that thought in mind,mia pushed herself up preparing to go out of the room to search for him. She didn't know for how long she had slept but when she looked through the window,the sky was dark Indicating it was late at night.

Mia stepped out of the room,her eyes scanning the corridor that was long , looking left and right,she closed the door behind her and walked until she noticed the stairs. Although she was looking for Ryan ,it didn't stop her from admiring the interior of the place,it was different from the one she had seen until now,free from the bustling streets and people as Ryan had mentioned .

Taking a turn,mia headed outside that was also illuminated by little light that was not to dim nor bright. As she walked further outside,her eyes fell on the large pool that continued to stay there ,but then when she walked closer,she spotted the man emerging from the water.