

He specially asked Lu Qifeng to investigate.

Although Ai Xiaoqi was not officially with Jian Boyan, though she had always secretly fallen in love with him.

This made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Just a brother with a good relationship?"

Bo Xize tone rose.

"Yes." Ai Xiaowan affirmed without hesitation.

For her, Jian Boyan is far away from her, and there will never be any intersection.

"Do you have a good relationship with him or with me?"

Bo Xize gathered his face close to her and didn't like to see Ai Xiaoqi in the dasy.

He just wanted to let there be only his shadow in her dark and bright moon eyes.

She was stunned by his words and didn't know how to answer.

If she said it was better with him, would he think she was too frivolous?

"Can't you answer such a simple question?"

Bo Xize was a little embarrassed when he saw that she was silent.

"It's time. I've also finished applying the ointment for you. I'm going shopping with my friend now."

Ai Xiaowan raised her watch to show him the time, and also wanted to take the opportunity to skip the topic.

"But I want to take a shower now."

"Wash it. I'll pack up these things."

Ai Xiaoqi came down from him, thinking that she could finally get rid of this embarrassment.

Bo Xize smiled cunningly and reached out to stop her waist and carried her upstairs.

"Uncle, what are you doing? Let me down!"

Ai Xiaoqi feet are hanging in the air, inexplicably insecure.

"I'm injured now. It's not convenient for me to take a shower alone. Please help me wash it." The tone of Bo Xize order.

He took her to the bathroom, then locked the door, and said with a smile.

"I'll take a shower for half an hour at best, and I won't delay you from having dinner with your friends."

Ai Xiaoqi looked at him blocking the door and couldn't have a head-on conflict with him. She was anxious.

He doesn't really want her to bathe him, will he?

It will be really embarrassing!

"Otherwise, we will spend time here.How's it going?"

Bo Xize put his hands around his chest and smiled evilly.

Why does he like to bully her so much?

"Okay, just wash it!" Ai Xiaoqi raised her hand and looked at the watch, and could only let Xia Weiyang wait for a while.

"Then take the shirt off quickly. I'll wash it for you when you have take it off."

Ai Xiaoqi was a little anxious to see that he was motionless.

Bo Xize pretended to be doubtful.

"Shouldn't you take a bathing too? You should come here."

Ai Xiaoqi is really going crazy by him.

How can this man be so cheeky?

However, she still obediently approached his thick and strong body. Don't look at him, she unbuttoned his shirt with both hands, one or two, until the third one.

Bo Xize mobile phone rang.

Ai Xiaoqi moon eyes lit up, and it seems that there is a savior!

"What's the matter?"

Bo Xize was reluctant to answer the phone.

The person who had been listening to the phone for half a minute, then Bo Xize replied.

"I know." He put down his mobile phone, buttoned the button that Ai Xiaoqi unbutton, and said lightly.

"I have something to do today. I'm going to let you go.But this account is owed first.Don't escape."

When Ai Xiaoqi saw his figure going out, dhe finally breathed a sigh of relief, touched her hot cheek, and looked at himself in his glasses.

The heart beats faster.

She shook her head and tried to forget what had just happened. She changed her clothes, picked up the bag on the sofa, and immediately rushed out of the apartment to go to Xia Weiyang date.

"Xiaoqi, why are you here so late?"

Xia Weiyang stood at the door of the mall with some worries on her face.

"I couldn't get through to you. I was so scared that I almost called the police."

"How can it be so exaggerated? There is a delay."

Ai Xiaoqi explained and got the bangs blown up by the wind.

"It's not your boss who embarrass you, is it?"

Xia Weiyang was still fluttering when she remembered the lunch meal, and she almost offended the richest man in Yanzhou City.

"No. Don't talk about him, but you have to keep it a secret for me about Bo Xize. I don't want to make it known to everyone, especially when I just entered Yan University." Ai Xiaoqi felt a little guilty.

Thinking of the scene just in the bathroom, her heartbeat began to accelerate again. She lowered her head and said.

"Okay, let's go in and sweep the goods. I haven't been shopping with you for a long time."

"I know. How can I not understand your personality?"

Xia Weiyang smiled and said.

"But wait a minute, I have an appointment with someone."

"Who else are coming?"

Ai Xiaoqi asked in surprise.

"You'll know later."

Xia Weiyang sold a pass.