
Mr Arrogant

Meet Liza and meet King. The two are very opposite from each other and can’t stand each other. Read on to find out; will they end up falling in love? will they continue to avoid each other?

itzzeno_ · 都市
5 Chs

Chapter 5

Liza's POV

"Well look who it is".

I stared in total shock as I came to a realization. It was that man that insulted our shop, I'll never forget that incident.

I released myself from his grasp, basically yanking his hands off of me, and muttered quick gratitude.

"Uh-uh I have to go now, um bye", I blabbered in hopes of getting away without him saying a word, but it was too late for that, he grabbed my wrists and pulled me to his broad chest. I looked into his slant eyes, mesmerized by them. But I snapped out of it remembering I had an interview later today and I needed to get a good night's sleep.

"What are you doing here?" He glared at me.

"It's none of your business". I rolled my eyes at him and used all my strength to push him away. On that note, I made a run for it to my barely stabled house. I made sure to pass a different route so he wouldn't know where my house was. I didn't want him showing up at my door and asking a bunch of questions in which I probably wouldn't be able to answer. Better safe than sorry.

8 am came by so quickly. Groaning, I tried to drag myself out of bed, but knowing my clumsy self, I fell on the floor with a large thud.

My drunken neighbors didn't turn down the music to a minimum as planned, so I couldn't get much sleep. Just four hours.

I got back up and walked to the bathroom, as I took a peek at my reflection I almost got a heart attack.

I looked like I hadn't slept in days and have had an emotional breakdown, to sum it all up. I looked like caca.

I quickly washed my face and scrubbed it with a home-made honey face mask. It worked its wonders after wiping my face to notice how fast the dark circles under my eyes had faded, not completely but it was barely noticeable. I could put on makeup and it wouldn't be obvious.

I got into the bath and spent 20 minutes shaving and scrubbing my legs to make sure I looked fresh and presentable. After getting out of the bath, I checked the time, only for it to show 30 minutes had passed by already. I rushed to my dresser and styled my hair in a bun, quickly wearing a simple suit with a pair of nude heels.

I hoped I looked presentable enough.

After checking the time again it was 8:50 am. I got outside my house and signaled for a cab, I quickly told him the directions and he drove.

Surprisingly, it only took 5 minutes. As I got out of the cab after paying the driver, I noticed how tall and large the building was. So elegantly made, full of glass almost everywhere. I envy the CEO in charge of this place.

Walking into the building, I went straight towards the receptionist and gave her my name.

"Hello there, I am here for an interview, please. I am Liza", I said with a bright smile.

"Ah, Ms. Liza, a pleasure to have you here. You will be meeting with Mr. Ashton shortly, please take the elevator to the 30th floor and speak to the other receptionist." Mrs. Brown replied, giving me a smile back.

She seemed like a really great bubbly person.

I used the elevator to the 30th floor like she said, when I reached the floor, the receptionist was right in the middle of the hall.

"Hello, I was sent here by Mrs. Brown", I stated.

She ignored me.

"Um, excuse me, ma'am?" I questioned with a slight laugh.

She ignored again.

"Listen, I don't have time for your crap, so please stop snacking gum like a prostitute, I have an interview to get to." I spat in her face.

She rolled her eyes" walk straight, second door to your left", she continues smacking her gum.


I rolled my eyes back at her and followed her directions, I stood in front of the black door, before I knocked, someone spoke from behind.

"What are you doing here?"