

Can a thousand year old civilisation crumble within a fraction of that time? Can the very rules that bind and guide the society be it's destruction? There are so many unanswered questions, so many things she must know before she passes off. If not her then who will let the world know the truth no matter how dangerous it is to find. After all, the more you know is the more dangerous you become in the eyes of those who do not wish for you to know.

chillin_ruth · SF
7 Chs


"Dr. Stoner it's a pleasure to meet you, please take good care of me." I muttered while staring intently at the man.

He stood there watching as I greeted him, while opening up his notepad and writing down what I'm guessing is basic information on the patient, "Let me just begin by saying if you are uncomfortable with a male doctor attending to you, that could easily be rectified and we can have a female in here stat. However, if that is not the case, then the sooner we begin the sooner we'll know what exactly is wrong with you," he said.

I responded with a nod and to which he replied "I'll take that as a yes."

He then turns to the nurse asking her if she had already briefed me on the details of what is to happen and she said yes. Like she really had the audacity to say yes, knowing that two words from me could cost her job. Still, I remained silent giving her a chance to fester up before I did it for her, but she never did. All through the doctor confirming my information, she stood there and waited while I didn't even know what I was gonna be tested for.

After some more time passed I turned to the doctor and said, " So doc, what exactly happens during a blood test was it?" I watched as the nurse's face visibly began to pale.

"Ms. Azurine, while I respect your sense of humor, I highly doubt this is the time for you to be making jokes about your health given that we don't exactly know what your condition is." He replied. I smiled in the direction of the nurse and the doctor began to pick up on my 'joke' and realized that it was no joke at all.

"Miss Azurine are you trying to tell me that you did not receive information about your processing going forward from Nurse Rebekah, which she clearly just confirmed she did?" He slowly turned while speaking, making it known that the question was not meant for me but for her.

She pleaded to me with her eyes but I only nodded in the direction of Dr. Stoner. He glanced at me and then back to her, I continued to observe my surroundings more clearly which I hadn't taken the time to do until now.

The walls were painted in an off-white color and there was a fairly decent view of the outside through the large glass windows on the wall. There really wasn't much to take in, it was just what you would expect of a hospital, bright, bleak and filled with the scent of weird disinfectants. The silence in the room had become deafening in the minute that Rebekah had been unable to answer the question Dr. Stoner had asked.

Finally he spoke "I assume I don't need to tell you that this could cost you your job, do I Bekah?"

Bekah? Were they that close for him to be calling her a nickname, and in front of a patient nonetheless?

Even though I don't work in the medical field, that should be really unprofessional and although I had no business wondering about the relationship between the two, I had to admit that there was something strangely enticing about this doctor. He proceeded to give her a short lecture before she even got the chance to respond to his previous question and I just watched as he placed emphasis on certain parts of his sentences and berated her for her actions.

He asked her to leave the room before he spoke," I apologize for what you had to witness just now but I treat the lives of my patients with the utmost care as I want you to feel completely comfortable, " he paused before continuing " after all you're trusting me with your life."

I felt a bit shaken by the doctors sentiment to treat every life as equal and make me feel comfortable and if it was his intention to make me feel safe, well congrats doc cause it was working.

I thanked him for caring and he proceeded with the instructions, there wasn't much given that I would just be doing a regular check up to make sure my vitals were okay and a few blood tests to help them better understand what was happening in my body.

"I must warn you though Ms. Azurine based on what we find in the tests we might have you do a CT scan." I grimaced at the thought of that much radiation hitting my body and prayed that one of those things weren't necessary and it was just that my glucose level or something that had dropped. I gave him a small nod so he knew that I was okay with it and that we could proceed with the test even though I was uncomfortable with the thought of it all.

He nodded in response before asking "Ms. Azurine you aren't afraid of needles right?"

I finally got done with the tests almost 2 hours later and by now it was night so I hurried to the bus station. It's not that our city was unsafe or anything but rather that I had an irrational fear of the night. As of recently I constantly felt like there were eyes on me, lurking somewhere I was unable to see.

I made it home about an hour later and went straight for the shower. I stood there under the water for a while just letting the warmth wash away the fatigue I felt and allowing it to seep into the depths of my pores. After I got done with my shower I threw on some loose fitting clothes and tied my hair up.

"Man how I would love to be asleep right now." I said aloud to myself as I made my way to the kitchen, normally I'm an early to bed, early to rise type of person, but given how much I slept at the hospital I knew I wouldn't be falling asleep anytime soon, plus, the good doctor had warned me against sleeping before I had eaten and taken some of the medication.

"Dr. Stoner.." his name fell off my lips before I even caught on to the fact that I was thinking about him. What is it about him that was stuck in my mind? I couldn't find the answer to my own question and it wasn't helping that he was conventionally an attractive man. I sighed and grabbed my phone hoping to distract my thoughts and upon opening it I realized that I had never clicked off the article I was reading.

I grabbed a bowl, some milk and the cereal and after making myself a bowl I got a spoon and went to the couch with my cereal and phone and continued reading the article.

Apparently, Yul Martini was admitted to an asylum last year after returning from a cruise and had recently escaped. He had lost his best friend on the cruise and the doctors believe it was this that drove him to insanity, but that doesn't explain why he was hunting the T.G.O. The whole thing was one big mess and I knew I'd have to watch out for more cause this was nowhere near close to being finished. It never was when they were involved.

I finished up my cereal and took my medicine which was mainly painkillers before I continued to scroll through some more news articles and after half an hour of reading I could barely keep my eyes open. I walked to my bedroom and passed out on my bed in a matter of minutes with only one thing on my mind as I entered deep sleep, damn those painkillers are magic.