
Chapter 35 - Tenka's persuasion

Tenka insisted on her feelings for him while Yuuki was certainly glad that things were turning the way he wanted with a minor problem.

"The way you describe me sounds like a pet."(Yuuki)

Yuuki growled at this, which was cute in Tenka's eyes and a habit that he didn't even notice.

"You're worried about that, you're a Cute Younger Boy, So you're like a comforting Pet right now But if you continue to grow stronger than you are now maybe I could give you some affection."(Tenka)

Tenka then gives him a tender kiss that Yuuki didn't try to push her away that made the young woman incredibly happy.

"This made my heart throb. I never felt Like this before."(Tenka)

Tenka said a little overwhelmed by the feeling and then gave him a deeper passionate kiss while Yuuki's hands began to embrace her waist making her even more happy.

"You really are wonderful."(Tenka)

Tenka then pushed Yuuki on to the bed where she looked down at Yuuki noticing how irresistible he appeared and felt her heart throbbing nonstop as if it was about to burst from her chest.

"I didn't want to skip any steps but I just want you so much Slave-Kun."(Tenka)

She began to take off her clothes while Yuuki smiled seeing her action and said.

"Guess you're serious about this huh."

"Of course I am, like I said I never felt this before. Now, Relax I'll Just undress you. By the way, Slave-Kun, do you care about the clothes you are wearing Right Now."(Tenka)

"Not really but don't destroy my bracelet."(Yuuki)

"Hm There Ame-No-Mitori."(Tenka)

Tenka uses her Ame-no-Mitori to tear his shirt apart as Tenka staring hungrily at his body that had been honed to perfection.

"Hey now, my eyes up here."(Tenka)

She blushed a bit, growing even more enticed by his ravenous appearances.

"You've got a nice body…but this scar."

She begins to feel him up, admiring his muscular abs and her fings drawn on his scar ashamed that Yuuki had this kind of wound.

"Where did you get this scar?"(Tenka)

"A memorable fight and a reminder of that fight."(Yuuki)

He simply said while Tenka nodded and thought it made him more manlier.

"Hey isn't it about time you gave me an answer."

Tenka leaned into his ears kissing his cheek sliding done his neck and whispered.

"1"I Accept"2"it's to soon so not now"3"I Refuse"(Tenka)

Yuuki then turned the table and now was on top of Tenka. She seems surprised but accepts his action and can be seen with heart's in her eyes and probably wet.

"I told you to be careful or you might awaken something and I don't know the first thing about you and you seem to be an extraordinary woman so I choose 2."(Yuuki)

Truth to be told, he hardly knows what she is beside the things the manga had shown which isn't a lot beside her feeling to be genuine and her dream was to have family with him.

"Hmm I see though the second choice is a good one so it wouldn't hurt the two of us and I'm not complaining of me seeing your more bold side but right now it's a dangerous choice because it means I still have a chance."(Tenka)

"Well, you're quite persuasive."( Yuuki)

"If that's the case then how about I make it so you cant Get Away From Me."(Tenka)

Tenka gave him a tender kiss as Yuuki did the same where her heart was racing where his hands roamed around her body. She could feel his hand fondle her breast while his tongue coiled inside her growing wetter from the sensation alone.

"Ah~♥️ you seem you've been done this before?"(Tenka)

"That's what you need to know…"

When he said those things someone pushed into his room and both of them turned to find Shushu.

"Yuuki, Neicchi found some enemies heading to our dorm."(Shushu)

Shushu stop he tracks as she was surprised of Yuuki Who is Currently On Top Tenka making Out

"....Come out when you're done." (Shushu)

She said and left the room, surprising Tenka then turned to Yuuki chuckling.

"You're not the only one that will have me."(Yuuki)

Yuuki's face became more mesmerizing to Tenka, realizing that few women had already begun to make their move and slightly disappointed that she was too slow but didn't want to give up.

"Hmm, I don't mind since you're the only one who makes me feel this way. Though, I'm a bit disappointed but nothing I can't handle."(Tenka)

"Really now, we'll come here." (Yuuki)

He smirked hearing her response, liking her even more and pulled her for a kiss , rewarding Tenka for her willingness to accept the situation but they needed it and joined the others as they stood up and got dressed.

"Here's my number, we can have our date once we're free."(Yuuki)

Tenka received a piece of paper with his numbers and was happy that things were going the way she wanted with only minor setbacks.

"Thank you, I guess you weren't not a normal pet but an untamed beast intended to devour us. Who are the people you're with if you don't mind me asking?"(Tenka)

She walked beside Yuuki who wore a black shirt that tightly hugged into his muscle that appeared a lot more appealing than he was naked. He had his hand behind his back and said.

"Well, I've been dating Shushu-chan and Himari-chan lately but expect that there are going to be more and you're one of them."(Yuuki)

Tenka smiled and pulled his hands down before hugging it with her breast pressed against arms.

"You have no idea how much that makes me happy, Slave-kun."(Tenka)

"To be fair, I like how you're handling this."(Yuuki)

"Umu, I never been in relationships that's why I don't know what's normale beside what I've seen. Still this makes it more thrilling and change of pace in my life."(Tenka)

He nodded as the two arrived outside where everyone was waiting with Shushu and Himari looking intently at Tenka who merely mailed them.

"Sorry for causing an uproar. I didn't think there'd be an enemy Attack at the same time."(Tenka)

"You went straight for the pounce were you always that carnivorous."(Kyouka)

"Slave-Kun is just that charming. Well, I'm not the only one who enjoyed our time together. We enjoyed ourselves so much that we didn't even notice someone was coming."(Tenka)

She acted so intimate that made Shushu and Himari intent on looking at the two while Yuuki growled and said.

"Guess we were too engrossed in getting to know each other."(Yuuki)

"Well I love that you took the initiative. I thought we were gonna do it but we were interrupted maybe next time."

Kyouka is surprised and annoyed by Tenka's aggressive approach and appears resentful of the attention she is giving him.

"The Shuuki is here!"(Nei)

Nei reported that out of nowhere, a humongous unfamiliar Shuuki appears. It appeared more grotesque than the usual Shuuki running rampant.

"Uwah it looks like trouble."(Shushu)

"it's the first I've seen like it"(Himari)

"Let's Go Yuuki."(Kyouka)


Kyouka commands To Yuuki as he summons a clone and turns into his Slave form. She was a bit annoyed at this having deep desire that Yuuki was hers and turned to face the Original behind him.

"Hey, I said I wouldn't meddle in private matters. I Take That Back."(Kyouka)


"Don't get too cozy with the other chief!"( Kyouka)

He hopped into the clone slave's back and pulled the chains then said firmly, no, declaring in front of them.

"Because you are my slave after All."

"Jealousy much."(Yuuki)

Yuuki teases her making Kyouka blush then receive a glare before the two charge into battle as Tenka watches wistfully.

"Does that mean she isn't the only one?"(Tenka)

"Pretty much."(Yuuki)

The two whispered with each other then Tenka glanced at Shushu and Himari walking up to them.

"It appears we will be sharing one man."(Tenka)

"Hmph, even if that's the case, we will do our best not to lose to you."(Shushu)

"...still don't know how to feel about this."( Himari)

As they are having a conversation, The clone and Kyouka confront Yuuki.

"Well try to use the finisher we made to counter the Humanoid Shuuki."(Kyouka)


On Kyouka's command, the clone uses his finishing move [Great Cross Edge ] and destroys the Shuuki in one blow. It was a combination move between him and Kyouka, where Yuuki performs a powerful downward knife-hand strike, while she performs a powerful horizontal slash forming a cross-shaped slash that splits a large Shuuki.

Far away from them was Shikoku, observing the fight and disappointed at the outcome.

"Ohh no, done in an instant and here I thought the custom Shuuki was a good idea back to the drawing board."(Shikoku)

She disappears into a black puddle and departs to come up with a new plan while Yuuki was looking at where she was as Kyouka and the clone soon arrived back to the dorm.

"You took care of that dangerous looking thing in an Instant!"(Himari)


"That was pretty strong, Yuuki."

"Well when I transformed your sharp command fired me up."(Clone )

Kyouka is surprised, but pleased by his words.

"Is that so?"(Kyouka)

Meanwhile, Tenka returns to her dorm as her face was flustered while recalling the taste of his lips and his caress.

'Yuuki-kun, you are full of surprise and I don't think I'll get bored In my private time anymore'(Tenka)


The next few days, Yuuki was doing his usual routine, hunting down Shuuki and saving a lot of people. He noticed that Shushu and Himari were acting more boldly in their action, having been joining him to take baths with either both or one of them.

Himari didn't want to lose either Shushu as he found her on his best once and cuddling with him and the other side was Tenka. He keeps in touch with Tenka getting to know each other and suggests that the two should go on a date.

She was happy at the news and eager to have their time in having intimate moments. On the other hand, he continued to work on his project and personal world that had been flourishing from the rapid growth inside the space.

He was satisfied with the progress he was getting both in his project and skills that helped the others grow, especially Shushu who started to resize objects and Himari's skill evolving.

"You two have been getting better and better each day. Here I made this, hope you like it."

They were taking a break from training as Kyouka, Shushu and Himari turned to face him where he brought out a case where inside were bracelets.

"Woah, isn't this like your bracelet that store stuff?"(Shushu)

"Same one, though, this also helps you get stronger. Let me explain its complete function."

He then proceeded to give them the overview of the main features of the bracelet shocking the three of them.

"What!? You're telling me your gravity is severals times than normal yet move that fast!?"(Himari)

"Hmm, this will certainly help me with my training…"(Kyouka)

"Seriously, unlimited high speed wifi!?"(Shushu)

"Glad you like it and yes, I'm currently around 300x normal gravity and do more if I want to."(Yuuki)

"What the hell!? How are you still alive!?"(Himari)

"Why are you even surprised, Himari-chan, it's Yuuki we're talking about."(Shushu)

Himari deeply sighs, having her common sense broken once again while Shushu accepts that Yuuki is far from being the most logical thing. Though, Himari was still happy seeing that the bracelet had a beautiful design that she likes, reminding her their first date.

Kyouka tried to increase her gravity and instantly fell from her knees experiencing around 10x the normal gravity.

"How can you even move at 300x the normal gravity?"(Kyouka)

"Knowing you, it won't take much to reach my number. Anyway, let's continue once you're ready."(Yuuki)