
Mortal Gods Awakening.

Participating in the Fantasy Carnaval, if you like the book support it with your powerstone.. Destruction, On Earth energy called "mana,, was returning, Magic, Martial Arts, Superpowers became reality. Humanity started to prosper but... this didn't last very long. In the darkness countless eyes were looking at Earth with greed. Earth's dimensional barrier was broken, Gates opened and monsters poured in. Hope was answered by people magic powers called "Hunters" But this was far from the end. Gods, Constellations, Devil's started fighing for this planet, For billions of souls, they spread their power occupying immense land. but they didn't realize who they have awakened by their invasion, A Monster, A True God... The destruction of what HE created just begun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the grammar, i am not english. Novel Photo is not mine, if artist wants taken down contact me.

DreamWr8ER · ファンタジー
125 Chs

Controlling Spaceship Here.....

"Whats wrong Sir Alex?????" Gernand said this.....

Alex smiled and sat down "Nothing, i just remembered something....."

Alex'es heart was still shuddering, Vampires in a place where there was no strong cultivation was disasterous, not because they were strong, because almost every type of vampire ever could live up to 1000 years, they could infiltrate company that controlls many things 800 hundred generations ago and you wouldn't know it, of course this for stronger vampires.....

If Alex was right this world was definetely in danger, danger that could erupt any time.....

"Sir Gernand, can you tell me history when Gene Warrior Genes were discovered?????" Alex asked Gernand didn't have time to investigate that before he came to this journey.....

Gernand smiled and said "Alright, about 250 years ago first supernatural beings appeared in the world, back then world Interstellar travel was still new even after hundreds of years have passed back then, problems arised many times that killed countless people and brave astronomers, Suddenly!!!!! Big earthquacke happened in the western coasts of the world, almost five countries were swallowed by enormous amount of water tides and earthquackes, it basically cemented itself as most disasterous thing that has even happened to humans..... even now that disasterous thing is not beaten, for a while tho nothing happened, people just thought it was earthquacke and nothing more..... but companies pharmaceutical companies started selling very weird type medicine, they said this was the medicine for pretty much anything, not many people believed them first but as they were govermnment approved many tried and IT WORKED..... it worked on anything, even common flu was annihilated, this was miracle drug and it was cheap, really ch-----"



Suddenly!!!!! Entire ship quacked, it shook like it hit something.....

Alex immediately stood up and went to the controlls, he asked Gernand "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!!!!!"

Gernanad didn't answer.....

"GEr----- HOLY FUCK!!!!!" Alex discovered Gernand had purple scar on his head, it was dripping with purple liquid, this liquid touched the clothes and body of Gernand and almost fully evaporated it.....

"CRAP!!!!! CRAP!!!!! CRAP!!!!!" Alex took control of the ship, he didn't know shit about controls so he yelled to Old Man Ravil.....


Old Man Ravil just smiled and said "Say please....."

"Huh????? What the-----"

"Say please, you arrogant piece shit, YOU DISRESPE-----"

Alex didn't want to waste time so he immediately used White Mysterious Energy.....


"AAAAGUGUHUHUHGGHHGHGHG!!!!!" Old Man Ravil suddenly screamed, he felt something squeezing his Soul, it was painful to highest extent..... He felt White Mysterious Energy.....


Old Man Ravil smiled and said "Hah..... SAY PL----- AAAGGHHGHUUHHG!!!!!" He screamed again.....

He smiled and said "THEN WE WILL DIE TOGETHER!!!!! SAY PLEASE!!!!! BEG ME ALEX!!!!!"

Alex stood there saying nothing.....

Old Man Ravil's heart palpitated "He will not just choose death over simple Please right?????"

He underestimated how much Alex despised being ordered around.....

Alex suddenly acted Alex got rid of Gernands body as he sat down on the commanders seat..... he took out router looking thing that he bought when he was waiting in the Interstellar Traveling Organization, he bought it but he didn't have time to tweak it how he wanted, but it was enough.....

Alex put the router looking thing on the scanner, router looking thing had five holes on the sides.....






Five cabes came out of the screen and Alex connected to the Router Looking Thing.....



[Coordinates Detected!!!!! Traveling to Naveda Constellation.....]

Spaceship stopped shaking.....

"Huh????? HOW..... IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!"

"Huhh..... thought i would really end this World Travel in few days....." Alex sighed in relief.....

Then he smiled..... but this smile was filled with killing intent.....


White Mysterious Energy appeared again but this time.....

"Wait..... Al..... ALEX PLEASE, WE CAN TALK AB----- AFGGHGGHHG!!!!! THIS THING!!!!! SHHIT!!!!! FUCK!!!!!" Old Man Ravil realized this thing was infiltrating his origin soul, there was little him inside of his main body, his existance was dedicated to origin soul, if it was destroyed he would stop existing literally..... once origin soul was gone he would be gone too, not even his secret technique would able to save him.....

Alex discovered this when he searched with White Mysterious Energy, this soul had bright soul inside, first he was really confused what the fuck this was but then he discovered this, he remembered somethings about Nascent Soul In Cultivation World so he decided that this was Origin Soul, In cultivation world entire Nascent Soul was origin soul basically it looked like miniature Alex inside..... this was the same.....

He did something with White Mysterious Power and stopped, he smiled and leaned back the chair..... here too.....

"Wha..... WHAT DID YOU DO?????" Old Man Ravil said.....

Alex smiled and said to him "I put up little trap in your Origin Soul, its like an could that always stays in your origin soul, moment you do something i can simply destroy everything there, so you know if i destroy it, no matter how much you float in space you will not be consciouss anymore, no you will be destroyed entirely, so that means now you are kind of my servant, behave yourself because if you don't pain that you will experience by having your Origin Soul popped is something that is you never experienced before....."

"YOU!!!!! YOU!!!!! YOU!!!!! JUST DID THIS BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T WANT TO SAY SIMPLE PLEASE???!!" Old Man Ravil couldn't believe his eyes, he just became a servant in one seccond because of stupid prank he did..... Old Man Ravil didn't realize that his little prank could have costed Alex his life, his tone was commanding when he said Alex should said Please to him, he was getting revenge on everything that happened, but Alex was not someone that he could have messed with, now he was an servant in 0- two secconds.....

"Uhmm..... no, but you were acting so commanding i simply didn't want to say it to you, i don't have any problem saying Please, its just you tried to get me back for all the things and pain i gave you and it backfired so shut your fucking mouth up and get ready to spill every little treasure that is going to be in that place....." Alex wasn't lying, he didn't have any problem saying Please, not even once he had any, he simply didn't want to get ordered by some dumb Old Man Ravil, a practically dead man here.....

Alex simply went back to the Couch, he slept there before even investigating Gernands insane thing as he pulled his blanket from the couch and started to sleep..... He had an immense attraction to the dream world.... something was about to happen..... he could feel it very well.....

"I..... Oh MY God....." Old Man Ravil put his head down dejectively.....

End Of Chapter.