
More Than one 40 short stories

more than one is a set of 40 short stories with five categories, and a few have their own sets of mysterious tales. romance, royal, horror ( crime/mystery, death/hauntings), fan fiction, and the supernatural world( vampires, witches, angels/demons, and fairies)

LegendsLostStories · ファンタジー
40 Chs

confident darkness

New Orleans Louisiana: 10:11 pm Thursday, January 13

Convo: Skyla and Devi

S: Devi? Do you hear me?

D: Loud and clear Skyla. I still think this is a bad idea. But I mean half a mil isn't too shabby.

S: True. But still, we don't know who this guy is. All the info we got on him is that he is the darkened one. Or the king of New Orleans?

D: Okay that just is little info we got to work with. I can still make it work.

Devi hid in the shadows, waiting for the moment, that's when I felt a hand wrap around my neck "You're not going anywhere little lady." I quickly grabbed the man's hand, pinning him against the wall, I grabbed my knife and held it at his throat. " I hear you after the king?" I pressed a little more, " Give me one reason I shouldn't kill you?" What was stopping me from slitting this guy's throat? Oh yeah, I'm not a monster. Allow me to explain.

My name is Devin Tyler Whitmore or Devi I am one of the most feared assassins, one of them anyway. I am 24 years old and my family as well are no longer in contact. You try being in an arranged marriage cuz your father is a narcissistic asshole who only cares about power. Oh did I mention that he tried to sell me to the Russians to marry their son? He's a fucking pig that I can tell you right away.

So I moved out when I was seventeen and then came to Huston, Texas. Met my best friend in boot camp. Yes, I was a cheerleader. We both were rookies but luckily we both made it our first year then I tore my ACL when practicing and so I quit and now I am still training but I take hits once in a while and this is an example of what I mean.

" Word gets around fast in the quarter." I roll my eyes, and that's when I was fighting for my life. Cuz life is a dick and the universe is out to get me and apparently, vampires are out to get me once again.

Timeskip: after getting my stupid ass knocked out.

Devi's pov:

I woke up with what seemed like a blindfold over my eyes, and what felt like an itchy rope, then burning, ah crap not again. So I am allergic to the weirdest things but I also have problems. Mentally and physically. After the accident, I was told that I was not able to do most things anymore. But I will explain that in a minute.

Mentally: Anxiety, Depression

Physically: glass eyeball-sclera lens ( wears an eye patch over the left eye), the problem with left leg (torn ACL two years ago), breathing problems ( car accident- broken ribs) arthritis ( right hand)

Allergens: vervain, wolfsbane, pineapple, vanilla bean, sunlight (solar urticaria) tree nuts

Fears: heights, spiders, snakes

Most of the problems I have are either caused by childhood trauma. Or due to a car accident. It's a long and hurtful story.

" What the hell is she?" "You're telling me. Just add another name to the list of people trying to kill Klaus?" I could hear them talking but they just mentioned someone named Klaus. I knew the name of the target but no one gave a picture. Just a description, when the blindfold came off, I was in the presence of lust and danger.