
Chapter 10 : Soul Sisters

I lay on my bed reflecting on the previous day's events .My ego was only bruised.I couldn't let a silly squabble over a boy get in the middle of our friendship.

I needed my friends to get me through all this,I reasoned after a while of staring at my phone screen without receiving any funny gif's from Rachel or any texts with sweet emoji's from Harry.

I plucked my phone which lay charging by my bedside and flicked it on.I typed out a message on our group chat.They replied some few minutes later.

I pulled on a top and raked a brush through my hair before hopping in the car to MacDonald's.

Harry and Rachel where waiting when I got there and I had to make a double apology for being shitty the previous time and for my lateness.

They didn't accept me with open arms since I had to the treat them both to ice cream and  fries.

An apology is best forgiven over a coke and a bucket of  chicken  wings .They chimed as we  fell into gales of laughter.

The soul Sisters were back.

The soul sisters made me smile and gave some definition to my life,I walked in school with pride in every step,things were going great until when I was packing my books for biology when non other than the kiss stealing self addicted jerk of a human being walked up to me and requested he'd speak to me.

"C'mon you've been ignoring me for the past few days whats up?" Jay asked standing unbearably close,a lollipop sticking out of his mouth.

What was his deal with sweets?

I ignored him as he took  my biology textbook and flipped through it.

"Xylem vessels help in transporting water and minerals, not necessarily plant needs ." He corrected after skimming through a point I had scribbled somewhere in my textbook.

I snatched my book from his hands and made a mental note to keep his correction in mind.

"Can I borrow a pen?" He asked picking up a pen from my pencil case as I filled it up with pens.

Like I didn't even give him an answer!

"Belle , please tell me why you're not speaking to me " He asked in desperation moving closer still.

I instinctively moved back trapping myself in his arms and the locker space.

He drew my locker door shut and put his arm to steady it leaving him  leaning  over me .He gazed menacingly into my eyes leaving me absolutely no space for myself.

That boy was seriously infringing upon my rights, my right to personal space.

I raised my head and our gaze interlocked. I looked longingly into his eyes .He noticed this and smiled.

"You're staring at me " he smirked as I lowered my gaze in an effort to conceal that action of  mine.

He lifted my head and stared deep into my eyes.

" We both know you're into me  Camilla." He continued ,fingering a  loose strand of my hair.

I looked up at him shocked.I rested my fingers on his chest and pushed him away.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed.

His face fell as soon as the words tumbled out sending tug at my heart.

He looked as if he was hurt since his facial expression softened and his eyes lost it's usual gleam.

"Camilla" He said touching my face immediately letting a tinge of excitement run through me.

I pushed his hand off unable to control the surge in hormones due to his this touch .

"Oh my God I hate you!" I muttered with tears streaming down my face.

He staggered back a as if he was struck  by my poisonous words.

I hated  him because he made me feel overwhelmed with the flames of desire  anytime he came close.

I hated him because I couldn't touch him.

I hated him because I wasn't his girlfriend.

I hated him because he was love I couldn't embrace.

"Dude leave her alone!" Chad thundered pushing Jay against the wall.His head hit the metal door of my locker as my book tumbled to the floor.I looked at the situation brewing up in despair.

"Jeez let go me.We're just talking"

Jay explained roughly pushing Chad's hand away from himself.

"Oh,talking with your hands all over her!" Chad deadpanned looking at Jay , anger engraved in his eyes.

"The both of you should stop!" I tried intervening but they didn't even seem to hear.I sank dejectedly to the ground my sobs echoing throughout the vicinity.

They'd created the scene I detested.

The noise they created made students walking in the corridors to  stop and stare at us.

The blood drained from my face as Harry with Fahd and  Rachel in tow came pushing through the crowd.

Fahd helped me up while  Harry stuffed my articles which lay haphazardly on the ground.

Rachel stood in the middle of the two boys and pried them apart.

She gruffly held Jay by the collar and pushed him to the wall.

"The next time I see you an inch near her,trust me,I won't be this easy ." She said through gritted teeth releasing him from the death grip she had him in.

I sighed in relief.Rachel could be a bit brutal at times.

Jay smiled wryly looking up at her,she gently smoothed out his shirt immediately smoothening out  the creases she'd left on his crisp tee.

"What are y'all staring at!"She accosted  the small crowd of onlookers as they each scurried of.

" Are you okay?"Harry asked holding out  a bottle of water.

I nodded as she shook her head in disagreement and  coaxed me  to at least take a sip of the  water she had walked all the way to the cafeteria to get.

"Wow,Cami you're high on the gossip charts."Rachel announced setting down her crumped up lunch tray on the table.

" Is it that bad?"I groaned looking up at her with puppy dog eyes.

" Oh,don't give me that so to die for look"She said with a smile. I smiled back.

" So...?"I asked snapping our attention back to the topic on the charts.

A couple of senior years passed by and openly snickered at me staring at me pointedly as if I were some strip tease.

"It's pretty bad huh?" I asked looking at their retreating figures.

She nodded a yes  taking a bite of her sandwhich as Harry shot her a dirty look.

"It's all this big misunderstanding about you trying to steal Jessica's boyfriend away from her or something like that."Rachel clarified stealing some sauce from my tray.

" C'mon it's not that bad."Harry said with a nudge.

"Yeah,at least it's better than when Aiden found Nicole stark naked cheating   in bed cheating with Ridge wood High's  quarterback."

"Ugh" I groaned in dissatisfaction pushing more than the needed amount of fries into my mouth.

Why did these damn rotten teenagers have to spread all those bloody rumors.

"It will blow over before you know it,chillax."Rachel beamed with a smile after baring her teeth out at a girl who dared point at as from her position at her lunch table with the Plastics.

I couldn't make the face out but it looked liked Claire's.

" Hey ,that's my fry!"Rachel exclaimed looking up at Harry as she chewed noiselessly on the food.

"If you play the game you eventually get played." Harry said mischievously with a wink.I met that action and smiled.She had gotten even with Rachel for swiping my sauce earlier.

Author's Note

So curiosity is getting the best out of me now.

I am really shocked you're reading and I am at the same time wondering where my readers are from.

I am from Ghana,where are you from?