
Chapter 1 Shopping & Boba Tea

(Seraphina´s P.O.V )

I wake up and get read for hanging out with John.

After I get ready, I walk over to his house and call him.

¨Yes? what is it Sera ? Im still sleepy¨ He replies

"I want to go shopping and get boba tea together ¨ I say

¨Well my house is dirty and i need to clean it ¨ He replies

¨well I´ll help you ¨ I reply

"What ? Sera are you already here ?¨ He says

¨ Yep ¨ I say as I ring the door bell.

John then hangs up and answers the door.

He just wearing short and is shirtless.

I can see his abs and I turn my face as I feel my face turning red.

I walk around and see his house is spotless except for a pair of boxing gloves on the floor.

I set those on the coffee table and say ¨ I thought you said you need to clean because its dirty¨

John says ¨ Okay you caught me but please dont take so long ¨

( At the mall) Im trying on clothes and John tells me if their good or not.

John then picks up a pink shirt with a rabbit on it that says ¨ La Me ¨

John says ¨ It says La Me it must be french or something¨

I say ¨ It says Lame like you ¨

John says ¨ Im still gonna try it on¨ and he goes into the dressing room to try the shirt on.

a few minutes later , he comes out wearing it . hes very skinny and has muscles .

I turn away and feel my face getting red again.

hes got a body thats perfect for that shirt .

We then go to Woba Boba and order our drinks

I get Chocolate and John gets Mango , which is his favorite .

We then talk about school and life when we see on the tv a report about a group called Ember whos killing superheros.

John says¨ Why did they kill X-static , he was protecting us and keeping us safe ¨

I says "well do you feel safe now that he´s dead and being a hero can get you killed so don´t be one , wait I forgot you can´t because you´re a cripple¨

I see John blushing in embarrassment.

I suddenly feel bad about what i said and say ¨ Sorry , I didnt mean it like that, Its just I dont want to see you get hurt and die.¨

John says¨ Well I can defend myself against people who attack me like Galvin who i threw out a window ¨

I say ¨ Wow you must work out alot to be able to throw a person out the window without a ability, Thats actually cool. Just dont throw me out a window okay ?¨ I say with a laugh at the end .

TBC and Thanks for reading my story . :)