
Your new demon

Lady Latroid and Kanzoki on the other hand went to the biggest club in Kagrish as that was the place demons enjoyed staying.

"We are looking for Landorr".

"Oh come on, you know you can never find her here".

"Where is she"?

Latroid asked the drunk demon. He reeked of alcohol and he looked really ugly compared to other demons. He was obviously low level.

"She's in the ring".

Latroid and Kanzoki didn't spare him a second glance and went to the ring. This was a place where supernaturals wrestled for fun and money. Although it was a spot major occupied by monsters and demons of all shapes and sizes, sometimes, a few gods would also frequent the place.

Landorr was one of the strongest demons in the wrestling world but even with how strong she was, she never engaged in any fight asides from fights in the ring.

She fought with about four hefty monsters and a demon all at once and even though the match took some time, she won them all without a scar.