
That voice

Mrs. Skye didn't know what else to say. Even though her daughter didn't remember anything, she was still as stubborn as ever. Even though she wasn't complaining, she really wished she'd do something for fun and try to really rest once in a while.

That was Mrs Skye's wish though. As for Cleo, her work was all the fun she knew.

The next morning, I dressed in a purple suit and I must admit, I did look like a boss. I walked out of my closet and my personal maid was waiting in my room. I looked at her and noticed she was still dressed in her maid-like clothes. I simply looked at her from head to toe and began walking out.

"Follow me".

That's all I said as we went downstairs. When we got downstairs, I had my breakfast and since my mother was nowhere to be found, I left, with my maid of course.

Getting outside, three cars were waiting for me so I entered the one in the middle and my maid entered the one in front.

"Let's go to the nearest boutique".

"Yes, ma'am".

The driver said and alerted the two other cars. When we got to the boutique, the workers all flooded me, it was obvious they knew who I was as they were showing me respect and attention.

"I want you to get her decent office wears, something that won't make her look too bad when she is walking with me".

I said and looked at my maid. The workers kept looking at my maid and I already knew they were looking at her like dirt.

I looked at the workers and cleared my throat.

"What do you think you are doing?"

The two workers who were with me looked back at me and bowed so I went closer and they took a few steps back.

"No one, I repeat no one, looks at my belongings like that. Are we clear?"

"Yes miss president".

I liked how they addressed me so I nodded and they immediately began what they were meant to do.

About thirty minutes later, they were done and we were ready to leave. Summer was looking much better in a short skirt and a shirt with her makeup done, she looked like a secretary instead of a maid.

I nodded in satisfaction and worked out while she followed me behind. I told her to join me in the same car and we were off to the office.

I took a tablet out of my bag and handed it over to her. The tablet was what my former assistant was using for all of my schedules but I heard she already quit.

"From now on, you are my maid and personal assistant. I don't like too many people around me which means you'll have to be extremely smart and sharp or I'll find someone who can get the job done".

I turned to look at her.

"Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am".

When we got to the office, I noticed people move back even though they were bowing. I could tell that they didn't miss me much.

One of the bodyguards showed me my personal elevator and only I, my maid, and that bodyguard got in. I wasn't sure I knew the way so I definitely needed some help. They were smart enough not to make me ask for it.

When we got to my floor, a young lady I presumed was my secretary ran over.

"Good morning boss, you have a guest".

I raised a brow not sure what she was talking about. I then looked at my personal assistant.

"Am I expecting anyone?"

She looked at the tablet I handed over to her earlier and immediately replied.

"No ma'am, your schedule is pretty clean today".

I turned back to the secretary who looked like she was about to pee in her pants.

"If I'm not expecting someone, I don't want you letting them in my office".

She was a bit shorter than I was so I bent to let my face get closer to hers.

"Do you understand me?"


I didn't have the patience to wait for her answer so I believed she understood me and walked past her.

But then I paused but didn't turn.

"By the way".

The secretary turned immediately.

"Next time, you answer me sharply and fast. You have many errors, fix them. I won't warn you anymore".

The secretary bowed and even though I couldn't see her, I knew she did. For some reason, I could feel her fear and it was intriguing.

When I got to my office, I didn't look at the so-called guest at all and began walking to my seat.

"I'm not having any guests for now".

"Yes, you are".

'That voice, I know that voice'.

I slowly turned my head to see if I wasn't mistaken and I most definitely wasn't. It was the man from yesterday but, how is that even possible?

"What are you doing here?"

"What else, I'm here to see you. You see, for some reason, I just can't stop thinking about you".

He said and began coming closer but my personal assistant who was the only other person in the room stood in between me and him which blocked him from coming any closer.

"Excuse me, sir, my boss is engaged. If you don't leave now, I'll have to call the guards".

The mysterious man just smiled. I don't know if she was being brave or if she couldn't feel the dangerous aura coming out of this man. Even I was scared.

He didn't say anything else and began walking towards the door but when he got there, he paused.

"I'll see you soon".

He said and closed the door.

"Are you okay ma'am? Should I call the guards?"

"It's fine".

I raised my head and looked at her and though I could see the concern in her eyes, I was very sure she didn't like me.

"Why did you do that?"

"I was just doing my job, I don't want to get fired".

I looked at her and I could tell that she was lying. That was part of her reason but that wasn't the only reason.

'Could she possibly like me? No way, she has no reason to. I've always been rude to her'.

"Excuse me, ma'am, what are you thinking?"