
I love you

My mother abruptly stood up from her chair and screamed.

"What!!? You duped Jason Williams? What is wrong with you, what were you thinking?"

"I'm sorry okay, I thought the plan was definitely going to work out. I didn't try to dupe him, I was simply looking for investors for my business".

"And the first person you thought of was Mr. Williams? Why didn't you ask me. I could have linked you to better investors. Why did it have to be Jason Williams?"

I kept looking at them and seeing how even my mother was so worried, I grew much more interested. It was obvious that this Jason Williams was one big shot.

"You both need to calm down and sit".

I most definitely loved my voice, it had so much authority in it. As soon as I said what I said, both my mom and Miguel sat back down.

"Now explain it to me, every little detail. Starting from who he is exactly".

"He is a demon Cleo, someone you should never get involved with even if you are a hundred percent sure you will win".

I looked at my mom and listened to everything she had to say about this Mr. Williams but shortly after, Miguel started talking as well.

"I got a land for a very low price and trust me, this land is very valuable".

I didn't look at him and just continued eating my food.

"No one is talking about trust here, just say what you want to say".

Miguel looked at his sister with a sick face and continued.

"I wanted to buy the land and go into the construction business so I came up with a business plan. When I pitched my business to him, he looked impressed and signed the papers almost immediately".


"Well after that, he told his financial assistant to fund me with the money with the condition that he begins to see results in the next four months but shortly after, you got into an accident".

I paused and looked at him.

"Are you saying this is my fault? As far as I am concerned, you didn't pay my bills, you didn't visit me and you most certainly do not care about me. So why are you bringing up my accident?"

"I'm just saying if you didn't get into an accident then, your fiancee would have been the second investor for my project but then he immediately gave up on you".

I stood up from my chair and the effect made the legs of the chair drag on the floor causing it to make a little bit of noise. I then placed my hand on the table and bent towards Miguel.

"Let's get one thing straight, if you need my help, you are going to have to beg for it and earn it and never ever blame your incompetence on me ever again. Do you understand?"

Miguel was so scared it felt like he was going to pee in his pants.

"Ye...yes yes".

"Good, now, where is the rest of the money? You obviously did nothing so where is the rest of his forty million dollars?"

"Well, I...I already..."

"I want a full account on how you spent the money and what exactly it is you achieved with it so far".

Miguel said nothing and simply nodded.

I stood up and walked away with Summer following me behind.

When we got into the room, I sat on my bed and I was boiling in anger even though I wasn't sure why.

"Summer, get me every single detail on this Mr. Williams".

She bowed and was about to leave but then, I remembered something else.

"Ahh and also, I want to see everything on my ex-fiancee as well".

"Yes, ma'am".

She bowed and left. I kept walking round the room as though that would calm me down but it wasn't really working. So I tried to call out the woman in the black cloak. It didn't take time at all for her to answer me.

"My lady".

"I'm so angry right now, I don't know why but I really want to kill someone".

After saying that, I turned to look at her.

“Am I really a monster?”

She said nothing and just smiled.

It took two solid days for Summer to get back to me but luckily enough, there was no drama for those two days and I was piled up with a lot of work.

'Knock knock'.

"Come in".

I said while signing some very important documents.

Summer came into Cleo's office holding a few files and when she got to the table, she placed them there gently and began explaining what exactly it is that they were.

"These are all the information I could gather about both Mr. Williams and Mr. Stiles".

'Mr. Stiles, so that's the name of the asshole that dumped me'.

"Thank you, you may leave now".

She bowed and left pretty surprised that Cleo actually thanked her. Immediately I heard the door close, I took the file of Mr. Stiles and began reading it.

Apparently, he is the CEO of some entertainment industry called 'Stardust Entertainment' and he also had a few buildings in his name. For now, I wasn't at all impressed and I still didn't see why I liked him at all. When I kept looking, I realized he was born poor and worked for all he has now from scratch. I must admit, something like that is not easy to achieve.

I turned to the next page and then I saw pictures, pictures of us together.

I immediately began having flashbacks but they were totally scattered.

'I love you'

'Babe, let's take a picture'

'Will you go see my mom with me?'

'Babe I need your help'

In all the flashbacks I was having, I only heard his voice and saw his face and it was filled with love. I didn't hear my voice even once but I still didn't understand why someone who loved me that much would leave me when I wasn't even dead yet.

I couldn't understand why but I was feeling something in my heart that made me know that we were definitely an item.

I closed his file and took the next one but as soon as I opened the first page, I immediately closed it back.