

It was dinner time but I wasn't in the mood to eat anything so I excused myself from the house. I asked one of the guards outside for a particular car key which he gave to me immediately.

I smiled lifting one side of my lips and left. I drove out even though I didn't know where exactly it was I was going to, all I knew was I needed some air. That lady was getting to my head.

I kept driving and finally, I got to a beachside. I wasn't really a fan of big water bodies but I did enjoy the view from time to time. I sat a bit far away from the water body and kept staring at it.

"Enjoying the view much?"

I knew that voice, it was her again. I turned to look but there was no one there I turned to the other side still no one.

"Okay, It's okay Cleo, stop thinking about her".


As soon as I heard that, I jumped up from where I was seated and began turning around to look for her but still nothing. Anyone who saw me right now would say I was crazy without a doubt.

"What are you doing? Stop turning or you'd get dizzy".

"Where are you?"


I calmed down a little.

"What do you want from me?"


"Then leave me the f*ck alone".

"I can't do that my lady. It doesn't matter if you like what is happening or not, it's your destiny and you must fulfill it".

I sat back down on the sand. To be honest, there were things I was curious about too but I was too scared to accept this reality but right now, it doesn't look like I have a choice. Might as well begin to get used to it.

"So, what was that with the maid earlier?"

"I wanted to let you know I could exist without being in your subconscious mind".

"Don't you have your own personal....you know, human body?"

"No, I do not".

I nodded as though she could see me.

"So ehm, if I see your face on someone, does it mean it's you or it's just your face?"

"It is me, my lady".


I said with a smile on my face. Talking to her felt like I was talking to a super advanced robot. She didn't say anything other than to answer the question I asked her and though it was getting boring, it felt nice to have a conversation with someone or something.

"You should be getting back my lady".

'What is this, did she read my thoughts why is she talking without me saying anything?'

I waited for her to say something but she didn't.

"Can you read my thoughts?"

"Only if I want to. You should get back miss".

I stood up and dusted myself up.

"Ahh, one more thing, if you want to do your possessing thingie, do it only on my personal maid alright?"

"Yes my lady".

I went back to where my car was packed and turned on my location just to be safe. When I got home, I heard my mother shouting at someone.

"Where is she?"

"I apologize ma'am but I don't know".

"Are you stupid or just playing dumb? She just got back from the hospital and you let her drive out on her own?"

"I'm back".

She turned to look at me and rushed towards me.

"Sweetie, where were you? I couldn't think straight when I heard you weren't in your room".

"I'm fine mom, I just went for a drive besides, you don't really think I'll be in that room every day do you?"

I asked and began walking to a chair to sit and she was right behind me.

"Of course, not darling, you have your company to run. I just want you to fully recover befor...."

I abruptly stopped which made her bump into me.

'Wait what, I have a company of my own. Yes!!'

A little smirk could be seen on my face but it disappeared as soon as it came. I turned around to look at my mom. I was a little bit taller than her.

"I'm perfectly fine mom, any more rest, and I will pass out. Where is my personal maid".

It was like the girl had a hearing ten times stronger than anyone else. I didn't scream but as soon as I asked for her, she was already on her way.

"I'm here miss".

"Bring the information of everyone and everything in this house to my study and round up what you are doing in the kitchen. From now on, you won't be working there unless I say so".

She said nothing and simply bowed and left. I sat on a chair and asked for a glass of water.

"Sweetie, I know you want to go back to your old self in no time but you need to rest".

I stood up and began walking upstairs.

"I'm not eating tonight".

I said in a pretty loud tone, loud enough for anyone around to hear me. It was loud but still very elegant. I most definitely love myself.

I went to my room to shower and after an hour or so when I was already lying down, my personal maid knocked.

"Come in".

"Miss Cleo, I placed all the documents inside your personal study".


She bowed and was about to leave but I stopped her.

"Uhhh, what's your name?"

She turned around and it looked to me like she was surprised.

"Summer, miss, my name is Summer".

I stood up from my bed and went close to her.

"Summer huh, you have a nice name. Come with me".

We walked into my closet, I picked up a certain piece of paper where I had written a couple of things I wanted her to do from now on and handed it over to her.

"Those are some of the things you'll be doing from now on".

When Summer saw the list, her disgust for rich people increased by two hundred percent.

'What? Pick all my outfits, write my notes, eat my food if I don't like it? Is this bitch sick or something? Figures, she's still nicer than before her accident'.

"What are you waiting for? Pick out a cloth for me to wear. I'm too tired to pick one myself".

I said this and walked out. Summer walked out later on with a simple top and shorts in her hand I liked them so I put them on and was about to get to my study when I began hearing a commotion in the living room.

"What's going on here?"

"Miss, there is a weird man outside".

My head hurt suddenly and then I heard the woman in the black cloak.

"Go get him".

Summer thought something was wrong with her boss so she went to check on her but when her boss opened her eyes, it was pure black before it became normal again. But before she could say anything, her boss dashed out of the house.

Cleo kept chasing the weird man and without knowing, they were running on rooftops, jumping and being extremely fast. They got to a forest in no time and then, Cleo jumped on the guy and they both crashed on the floor but the guy didn't look fazed at all instead, he smiled and said.
