
The Determined Disciple

Things seem to have gotten calmer, for now, that is. Saitama lived on as usual. And the robotic teenager doesn't seem to bother him anymore. Though, he felt like someone's spying on him...

That was just a hunch though, he already tried catching the stalker but he failed on doing so. He didn't dwell on this matter too much as he focused on the single problem at hand. The robot, or Genos as he introduced himself with a long-ass speech.

In front of him, sat the robotic teenager. He was well-mannered and he exhibited a mature-like feeling. Saitama placed two cups of tea down and sat on the floor.

The teenager gracefully drank his tea in a well-mannered fashion. "Sensei, if I may ask, what is this mission that I require to finish in order to officially become your disciple?"

After hearing this, Saitama's expression darkened as he placed his elbow on the table with his fingers interlocking with each other.

"Genos. Do you realize the utmost importance I place on this mission?"

Genos's facial expression changed as he heard his soon-to-be master's words. "No... I do not."

"Then allow me to announce my tasks for you..." Saitama waited for a few seconds before dropping it for an increase in dramatic effects.

"Starting tomorrow, I'll give you the mission of buying every sale and coupon in every store for the next month!"

"Yes, Sensei!" While Genos was clueless about the absurdity of this situation, Saitama heaved a sigh of relief as he saw the teenager quickly leave his apartment. Presumably to complete his mission.


The day went by uneventfully as usual, but the anxiousness in Saitama's heart doesn't seem to go away. It's been four days yet the Genos haven't come back yet. He placed a lot of trust in the young robot to not miss any of the market sales. Hours passed and the door to Saitama's apartment received a knock.

Genos POV

Looks like my master placed a lot of trust in me for this mission. He seems to value market sales and coupons a lot. Therefore, I must not disappoint my master and give my all! I've already scanned the whole city for possible sales, and by doing this, I've found out that there are more than a dozen stores.

I made haste and wasted no time, my arrival at the first store caused some disturbance among the shoppers but I paid them no mind. Their problems do not concern me. I approached a store clerk and asked about the sale, yet before I was about to buy one a horde of elderly shoppers overwhelmed me. My face darkened as I realized a fact, does master Saitama go through this every day?

There is no other choice, I must complete this mission at all costs!

I raised my arms and shot towards the ceiling, boring a hole enough to fit a human being. "Everyone! I must apologize but my master cannot wait any longer, so I must insist and buy this sale!" My expression was fierce, and it seem to have worked on the shoppers as they made way for me.

The next few hours or so were spent hopping from one store to another, buying everything that has a sale on it. By the end of the day, I needed to make a few trips to transport all of the goods to master Saitama's apartment.


When Genos finally finished, a certain rumor about a demonic cyborg hogging all of the market sales circulated around the city...

Though that did not matter anymore as Genos prepared to knock on the door to Saitama's apartment, he fixed his ruined clothes and knocked. "Master! I've come with good news!" He announced as the door opened widely.

He entered the small apartment with a huge bag behind, he decided to pack all of the goods in a big bag to save time. Though, it barely fit through the small door. Genos dropped to bag in a corner and stared at Saitama as if waiting for him to say something.

"Uhh, congrats... I guess?" Saitama said, scratching his cheek. He did not know what to make of this situation.

"Sensei!" Genos dropped to the ground and kneeled. He stood up and said, "From this day onwards, I am officially your disciple!" He earnestly said.

Saitama did not know what to do, he didn't actually expect the kid to do his errand, but at this point, he'd feel bad if he didn't accept him as his disciple... But what was he supposed to teach the cyborg?

He sighed and decided to make his future self deal with this problem. He did not know what to do and decided to make things up so as to not disappoint this disciple of his. But before he spoke, Genos requested something.

"Sensei! This disciple humbly asks for a sparring match! I want to know if I've improved these past few weeks. I did not have the chance to test myself, so allow me to spar with you!" Determination sparked within Genos's eyes as he stared at Saitama.

'Oh, guess that's a lot better than lecturing him or something...' Saitama thought to himself.


Time passed, yet they haven't sparred yet. Saitama let Genos choose the time and day for their sparring match. Genos visited him numerous times and insisted on cleaning his flat, Saitama didn't hesitate to accept his offer as he himself rarely clean his apartment. It was the only chore he hated doing.


A knock reverted through the apartment as Saitama went to open the door. As usual, Genos came in prepared with his apron and other cleaning tools. "Sensei! I shall have the honor of cleaning your apartment!" Genos eagerly went inside as he pulled out more cleaning equipment.

"Huh, you brought more tools?"

"Yes, Sensei. It appeared there are pests slowly eating away the wood in this apartment." He said seriously. "Ehh? Seriously? Dude, I rarely even see cockroaches anymore."

"Sensei, those pests are tiny enough that the regular eyes of a human being wouldn't be able to see them. Though I doubt a being such as yourself haven't noticed them yet."

Genos excused himself and entered the bathroom, where the start of his cleanup began. 'Well, I guess I'll let him handle that.' Saitama sat down and began reading his favorite manga. These days the things he does became increasingly little when Genos appeared, so he had a lot more time to spend reading.