
Chapter 1: A Chance Encounter

Azrya struggled, trying to escape as the two palace guards restrained her. It was late sometime around midnight in the palace courtyard, and she had decided she would rather run away than be forced to marry ruthless killer like Akio Halen.

"Your father will be furious to know that you've tried to escape Lady Azryana."

One of the guards said while smirking. They had discovered her creeping about while on their palace patrol rounds, as security had been tightened with the arrival of the bloodthirsty warrior Akio Halen and his men.

"The healers were able to save you just before it was too late last time my lady, but this time I fear it will be a much different story for you."

The other one piped up in an attempt to scare her.

They weren't wrong though. She would surely receive a beating like she had never before. There had been times where her punishment was so severe, she had been left with broken ribs, internal bleeding and bruises that lasted for weeks. If her father was feeling especially cruel, he would wait a few days before summoning the magic healers to treat her wounds, leaving her in unbearable agony.

She feared to think what he would do to her once he found out she had tried to break off her marriage to Akio Halen . She had just turned nineteen and was at her prime age to be married off. Two things her father cared about the most was his noble reputation and money. By attempting to disappear in the dead of night, Azrya placed both of these things in jeopardy.

If news got around the kingdoms that Duke Boswell's daughter had tried to evade her duties as lady, her father would be shamed among all the other lords, dukes and nobility. Moreover, she wasn't just marrying any regular knight, she was betrothed to Akio Halen, a knight who despite being low born who had won not only the great war but the favour of the king as well, rising up the ranks in the social hierarchy. To refuse his marriage proposal would be an act of defiance against her father, Akio and the king! The Duke also profited a large dowry through their marriage, as was tradition for the groom to be to provide the family of the bride to be with, but if she ran away he would not receive this.

A shiver went down Azrya's spine as she thought about the world of pain that awaited her from her father. She couldn't allow the guards to take her back no matter what. She writhed and kicked as they held her. One of her kicks managed to connect directly with the crotch of one guard, causing him to let go of her, clutching his manhood in pain. Clenching her fist into a ball, she swung as hard as she could striking the other guard square in the nose, releasing herself from his grip, then sprinted as fast as she could through the courtyard into one of the dimly lit corridors of the palace.

As she ran her only thoughts were to evade the two guards who were now in pursuit of her, chasing her around the castle. Azrya was too occupied with what was behind her to notice what was in front of her causing her to violently crash into something large and towering, knocking her to the ground while whatever she had run to remained upright and sturdy.

Dazed she clutched her ankle while on the floor, as she had sprained it from the sudden impact, and her vision slowly went from clear to blurry as she looked up at the thing that loomed over her in the dimly lit corridor.

To her shock, it wasn't a thing but a who, as two black pupils icily stared down at her. The man she had collided into was far taller and bigger than any average man, with a strong and intimidating build making her appear tiny compared to him. He was dressed in black armour which disguised him in the dark corridor, as well as a navy-blue cape with the crest of wolf stitched into the material. The man also carried around his waist a deadly sword which was almost the same height as her.

He had shaggy black hair and an impassive expression on his face, the only feature of his showing emotion being his eyes which seemed to burn with cruelty and hate. Despite the menacing look he had, anyone with eyes could see that this man was equally as handsome as he was fearful, with his strong masculine features, soft freckles and tanned skin. But at that moment, all Azrya could feel was dread. Two other burly, intimidating men stood behind him, both wearing the same crest, along with one of the palace servants who was escorting them.

In her head she panicked, this man who struck such fear in her heart could be none other than Akio Halen. Though she had never seen him before, she had heard enough stories of him to know that the figure who stood in front of her had to be him.

Azrya silently stared at him from the floor, unsure of what her next move would be. Her fear soon turning to hate as she looked at the murderous man who stood before her, matching his glare, both maintaining eye contact with one another.

The sound of footsteps snapped them both out of their silent but deadly face-off. Azrya clumsily rose to her feet wincing as she put weight on her injured ankle, as the two guards appeared from around the corner. They quickly paused in their tracks when noticing Akio.

"Sir Akio,"

The guard addressed him bowing, and the other guard quickly followed him, doing the same thing.

"I apologise for the sudden intrusion," the guard said walking towards Azrya and grabbing her by the arm, tugging her as she was forced to limp towards him, and she scrunched up her face in pain.

"Please do not bother yourself with this situation. We shall be off now," the guard said, still forcefully pulling Azrya away, and the other guard rushed to help him.

Slowly Akio stepped forward and in deathly calm, but ominous tone threatened,

"Remove your filthy hands from my wife or you'll lose the hands."

The confidence and seriousness of his tone told the guards that he meant business and he certainly did not seem like the type to bluff.

Brazenly, one of the knights retorted,

"The lady is not yet your wife and is still under the possession of her father the Duke. We have direct orders to escort her back to her chamb-", but the guard was brusquely cut-off as within a split second, Akio swung his sword. The ordeal happened so fast no one realised what had happened until there was a quiet thud on the floor.

Azrya looked down to see the gloved hand of the guard who had dared challenge Akio on the floor and blood spurting from his severed wrist.

The guard screamed out in pain, falling to his knees while the other one had an expression of fear strewn across his face. In the surprise of what had happened, the guard who still had both his hands continued to hold onto Azrya, as he stood paralysed with fear.

Akio simply raised an eyebrow looking the man dead in the eye calmly but coldly saying,

"I hate having to repeat myself."

The guard quickly let go of Azrya and rushed to the other guard assisting him in standing up off the ground.

"You can run along and tell the Duke. I will escort Lady Azryana to her chambers."

And with that Akio picked up Azrya with ease, as if she were as light as a feather, making his way through the corridor, while Azrya instinctively held onto his shoulders as a reaction to her suddenly being lifted off the ground.

Her heart pounded in her chest from being so close to him, their faces only inches apart. As she breathed in she could smell his musky masculine scent. His men did not follow as the distance between the guards and them increased until they were alone in the corridor, the candles flickering weakly on the wall.

Akio stopped and without looking at her asked bluntly,

"Which way?"

Azrya hesitated for a moment before replying,

"Straight down to the end and right. My room is the first door on the left." And Akio continued down the hall following her directions.

They reached her chambers within a few minutes which to Azrya felt like an eternity, in the arms of such a dangerous and imposing individual. The entire time a flurry of thoughts swam about her mind.

How did he know who she was without the guards revealing her identity first?

What would her father do when he found out?

What were his intentions now, taking her to her chambers?

She reasoned with her thoughts thinking it wouldn't have been too difficult to have guessed who she was due to her distinctive silver hair. Out of all the Duke's children, Azrya had one the most recognisable appearances, with mahogany skin that contrasted and complimented against her silvery-white bouncing curls that trailed down her back.

Azrya took after her mother, one of the last of the Argentum race, known for their unique appearance.

Azyra assumed that he would just leave her in front of the door, as it was improper for a betrothed couple to be alone with one another, and even more so for them to be alone in her room! However, as they reached her chamber door, he entered while still carrying her and gently placed her on the bed with such care, as if she were a fragile item that would break with the smallest of touches.

He then reached up his hand to her face. Azrya flinched thinking he was going to strike her, but instead she was shocked as she felt his rough, calloused hand gently stroke her cheek. Confused and startled by his unexpected soft gesture, her heart beat loudly in her chest, she was sure he could also hear it.

He stepped back watching her, his eyes running up and down her body, and for a moment she thought she saw a sudden softness flash in his eyes.

"I will send for a healer to attend to your injuries. Rest well, for tomorrow we will be wed."

Then he turned and left the room.

Still trying to comprehend all that had happened, Azryana sat unmoving for a few minutes, then reached up to touch her cheek which he had so softly touched. And remembered his words.

"Wed tomorrow." She murmured to herself. As tears involuntarily strolled down her face. She did not want to marry any man, let alone one as ruthless and frightening as Akio. In her heart she despised him and cried tears of anger thinking of the bleak future that awaited her.

Hi guys this is my first novel. While creating this I was influenced by various storylines such as Under the Oak Tree, Game of Thrones and Merlin, so if you notice any similarities then no - you're not imaging things. I created this story just because I wanted to and I enjoyed writing it so I hope the reader will enjoy reading it just as much. Oh and if you're into some lemon content (wink wink), stay invested in the plot and you might just happen to see something worth while ;)

Danaeryacreators' thoughts