
Well prepared

Aubrey did not notice the shadow that followed him from the prison. 

Chief Linley smiled wickedly to himself as he watched the soon to be traitor leave the condemned prisoner's cell.

He would follow Aubrey until he had just enough proof to justify his malicious actions when he got rid of the patsy once and for all.

Soon it would be lights out for the annoying wretch and Chief Linley was just the man for the job.

Linley would enjoy watching Aubrey suffer in torture chamber before they hung him outside for the public to enjoy. 

Unbeknownst to them Chief Linley had been watching them through a peephole where he heard the entire conversation.

Without proof everything would be circumstantial, he didn't want Aubrey to have any chance of talking himself out of this one.

He trailed him to the doctor's house where even money exchanged hands just like Aubrey had hinted in the prison cell.