
Moonlit Chronicles of the Unambitious Magician

This is the story of a young man who was reincarnated in Nasuverse and remembered the memories of his past life four years before the Fourth Fuyuki Holy Grail War with a Yamato from Devil May Cry. This is the first time I write something. Thank you for having me. Thank you Izumi Yamazaki for the cover photo. Oz and Lorelei looks amazing! Twitter account of the artist: @izumi_yamazaki7

Zimrence · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

The Battle on Tokyo Bay (1)

"By my command seal, Rider! I order you; you are not allowed to harm innocent mundane people. By my second command seal! I order you again, you are not allowed to kill innocent mundane people. And by my third command seal! I order you; you are not allowed to involve mundane people in your battle."

Both Saber and Rider looked up at the voice. They could see the young girl at the age of about 15 or 16 standing on the musket. She is wearing a black and red military uniform with a military hat on her head. She lets her hair flow down freely which is dancing around by the wind.

They both are staring at the unknown girl. The first one to break the silence is Saber.

"Eh? Is that Ruler? Her saint graph is totally different."

"RULER!!! You dare to order this Pharaoh? You deserve death for your sin!"

Rider was truly enraged. His ego is as big as Gilgamesh during his youth. He will not be ordered around. Ruler or not, he set his eyes to kill her. By now, the space around his temple is covered by a dome. Although people can come in, nobody could leave this dome alive unless he allows them.

The girl just laughed hard while putting her hand on her face, "Muahahahaha! Come, I'll let you attack first."

Rider said nothing and sent a Sphinx at Ruler. The latter did nothing but grin and took the hit.

She fell toward the ground but midway did a flip and stood on the musket down below. She then started running toward Rider with each musket forming the way toward him. The latter sent many Sphinxes toward her but she dodged them all without hurting any of them.

"Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of staying aside, you're coming right to me?" Rider amused. But he doesn't care much about long-ranged fighters coming near him.

"I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer," Ruler replied.

When she arrived in front of Rider, she said, "You struck me first! This is what my Master calls justified self-defense, you Egyptian Dio!" while punching him in the face. Rider was not expected for the punch to connect right to his face.

The pharaoh was shocked. When he saw the muskets, he thought Ruler was a long-range damage dealer. He never thought that she would have the nerve to come closer and punch him in the face.

"You!!!" Rider shouted with apparent anger on his face. He is a pharaoh. He is King of Kings. He is the incarnation of the sun god Ra. But he was punched in the face by a girl, originating from this small island.

Ruler, standing on her musket, flew back so that she wouldn't get burned by the heat radiating from Rider. She knew she would lose in direct confrontation. Only one of her parameters is above Rider. But she is inside one of Rider's Noble Phantasms, Ramesseum Tentyris. Which made her parameter ranking down, meaning her one parameter advantage disappeared since she stepped her foot inside this place.

She got one command seal per a Servant in this war and she used 3 on Rider. Although it was a total waste to use 3 command seals on a single Servant, she had to make sure it worked on an old hero like Rider. And as per the rule of the Tokyo Grail, she was not able to use those command seals on the Servants to harm themselves.

"How dare you punch me like a barbarian?! Me, a King of Kings!" Rider shouted and got onto his Mesektet, the boat of the sun. It can fly through the skies and fire several beams of light that can scorch the earth. He won't let the Sphinxes harm her. He will hunt her down himself and savor the cries of the barbarian.

"Hehe… HAHAHAHAHA!!! Right! Right! Come at me! Do you know, King of Kings? I am a Demon King! And as a Demon King, it is my job to rebel against the rules set by the Kings! So, give me your best shot!" Ruler taunted the pharaoh.

Rider's face is emotionless. He does not need to hear anything coming out of her voice. Ruler or not, she will die by his hand tonight. His Mesektet flew and charged toward Ruler. And as for Ruler, she rode her musket like a skate and flew away. A grin on her face indicated that she had done her job in luring Rider away from where Saber is fighting the Sphinxes.

"Saber! I will leave this place to you!" she shouted. Rider didn't notice the shout as his eyes and ears were focusing solely on Ruler.

Saber didn't know what happened but he knows the fact that Ruler saved the mundane people and lured Rider away from him. Say as you like. Even if he fought many battles, he can't help but feel uncomfortable under Rider's piercing gaze.

He focused himself and dodged the incoming strike coming from the beast in front of him. It is not the normal Phantasmal Beasts. It is the Divine Beasts he is fighting. There are three beasts surrounding him. They are one of the Pharaoh's Noble Phantasms, Sphinx Awlad. They are clones of the Sphinx Wehem-Mesut, created by Ozymandias through supplying his magic to it.

Without a living body, their bodies were made of rock that made him recall the Golems. He slashed, hacked, and stabbed them. But alas, those did not work. Their bodies return back to their normal state after being damaged.

One of them burned its body and lunged at him. He dodged to the side but another one was already at that place, waiting to hunt down its prey… him. But since this one was not covered in fire, he parried the incoming claw with his sword and jumped backward by kicking the face of the Sphinx.

Coordinately, the third Sphinx is waiting for him at the back with its deadly jaw opened. But he has Gigantic Beast Hunting as his Personal Skill. He was used to fighting giant beasts, so he already foresaw this would happen. He somersaulted and changed his direction a little. His feet are now on the incoming jaws, spreading the mouth open.

"Strike Air: Hammer of the Wind King!" he blasted the winds into the mouth, which came out from the other end of the beast. This beast will stay dead… for a while. But it can still count as something.

Now, his sword has appeared and the glory of the shining holy sword that saves the planet is out in the open for all to see. A shining sword. A golden blade that repels pretty much any evil, built to defeat an outside enemy that destroys the planet.

It is a beautiful sword. A sword that will take the breath away of the opponents despite they are during the battles. It was something well known to an extent that produced what was needed to conceal its form by the wind Noble Phantasm.

Its name is 「Excalibur: Sword of Promised Victory」. Every Heroic Spirit materialized in this era knows this name. By knowing this sword, they immediately knew who its wielder is. Holy Blade Wielder, King of Knights, and lastly, King Arthur. His story is so famous that most of the people on this planet knew of him.

Only now did Saber notice. The reason why the beasts regenerated is that they got unlimited mana from the temple. So, as long as he fights the beasts inside Rider's Noble Phantasm, the beasts will not die.

He rested a little before the beasts started attacking again. Holy Blade Wielder does not know why the beasts suddenly stopped attacking him. Was it because they saw the Holy Blade? Was it because they are waiting for their companion to revive? Were they waiting for an opportunity? He does not know. But he will rest when he gets a chance as this battle will be a long one.

Saber looks up where Ruler and Rider are fighting. Ruler shoots Rider with rows and rows of muskets to which heat radiating from Rider melts the bullets. As for Rider, he shoots back with rays of lights to which Ruler dodged easily. The epic battle of cat and mouse chase is happening in the air.

Saber knew it. As long as they are inside this Noble Phantasm, Rider is immortal. There is no way to kill Rider. Just as he was watching the fight, the beasts started moving again. He prepared himself for the battle. His right hand gripped the sword tightly. His eyes hardened. He is waiting for the beasts to start their attack.

*Swoosh* *Swoosh* *Swoosh*

He heard the sound of metal cutting through the wind. And he heard it right. Multiple arrows stabbed the head of a Sphinx, making the body break down. He immediately knows that Archer had arrived.

"Sorry for being late, Saber! But the reinforcements had arrived," the bow-wielding hero said cheekily as he landed beside Saber.

"The reinforcements?" Saber asked which Archer pointed at the direction with his thumb.

There, he saw Lancer falling down from the sky. Wait… was that Oz being carried like a princess by Lancer?


Author's Note;

Looking at the date I last updated this story. 12th Feb... Wow, it was already over half a year since I had last updated this one. Did you guys really think that I forgot about this story? Ha! In your dreams! Well... I don't think I will be able to update this daily. Weekly, maybe?

For those who don't know, I was writing 「I Am an Evil Lord Yet, Why Are They Happy to Serve Under Me?」. It is already over 100 chapters. If you like idiot MC with plot armors, go and give it a try.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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