
karakuri island

snow covered the entire land

Close to the water, 10 Metallic animals circling around a teenager.

"Surrender, intruder" the animals shouted with a robotic voice.

" I'm not an intruder " arguing with the animals as I doubt they can understand me, they looked crudely built, their speech and movement were sluggish, because of memories of one of the most genius's on earth I assume they don't have AI system, may be controlled from the distance.

"Surrender, Intruder " with the same programmed sentence, repeat itself, I lost my patience.

sharp nails protruded from my fingers, I rampaged through their line up.

"weak," I said, they were damn weak, my fingers cut through their metal like cutting butter,.

"Ahh I remember, this is the island Kuma sent Franky to" I paused a little, my animalistic instinct went off, I turned around I saw sparks flying around the cyborgs, assuming they will blow up I run away from them as fast as I could.

'boom' I heard the sound of explosions from the distance, tilting my head to their direction I saw a mushroom cloud coming from Where I stood, I froze I was damn lucky I made the right decision, I checked my body, I felt a pain in my back turned my head from the corners of my eyes I noticed burn marks on my naked back.

" shit, that was scary"

I shivered because of the bad weather, my body got cold, hurriedly I followed a footprint on the snowy ground guiding to the center of the island.

following the footprint my body got exhausted, walking for about 20 km's my vision got blurred, i steeled my will, putting all my strength on my legs I reached a snowy hill.

looking for where the trail led me, I stood in front of a metallic door; I knocked, but no one responded. feeling my body about to give up I gathered my strength on my fist, I punched the door as hard as I could, a fist-shaped dent appeared on the metal door.

my attempt to destroy the door was futile, my body laid on the floor ice covering me, my vision darkened I lost my consciousness.


on a single bed lay a teenager covered with a thin blanked while his handcuffed, around the bed, stood a middle-aged man had brown hair with a small beard hanging on his face, next to him a teenager has some similar feature while his eyes were ocean blue, different from the brown eyes the middle-aged man had.

they stood around the bed, giving the teenager a vigilant look.

"dad, why did you heal him up, he's dangerous, he single-handedly destroyed 10 of my cyborgs," said the boy.

"you made them attack every one entered the island, that's your fault's and I can't let a teenager die in front of my eyes " the middle-aged man gave him a stern look.

"but he made a dent in 10 centimeters with his bare hand" the boy argued back

"Enough" shouted the man, then he said " don't worry I handcuffed him with sea prism cuffs, even if he wakes up, he can't use his devil fruit"

, while they were quarreling the boy's eyelids jumped, checking his surroundings alerted by the sudden environment change, the man walks to him and said: " easy boy, you're safe, I will not hurt you ".

he stopped then talked again " so what brought a 15 years boy to my humble island".

the boy noticed they cuffed his hands, he said, " well I bring no ill intent toward your place, circumstances put me in this situation"

the man looked skeptical, he said, "well for protection, I had put cuffs on you don't worry we will feed you and give you anything necessary until we discover that you are not a dangerous person"

I chuckled when I snapped the cuffs, I said "Relax, if I meant to harm, you will be dead long ago, you are smart but my strength is not from a devil fruit "

I stood on my feet, I made I bow " thanks for saving me, my name is Larry Silver nice to meet you "

the man like stuck by lightning he made an awry laugh then said: " I see, well I can't stand to see a boy die in front of me, welcome to Karakuri island this is my son Pincer ".

the boy still vigilant as ever as we made a handshake, they invited me to dinner; they asked about my identity I didn't answer them soon they discussed technology; I joined them giving them normal highschool teaching material, Pincer let his guard down around me, getting surprised by my knowledge they invited me into their lab.

they showed some of their inventions; I faked my amazement; they made a robot's shot laser beams sword transform into a flintlock, they sound cool but technically they aren't that useful.

I saw in the corner of my eyes Pincer working on a blueprint, stealthily I came behind him, I asked "what's that"

proudly, he said, " a suit you can wear it, and make your fly in the sky, but the problems are the weight and the power source"

I looked at him and said, " have you ever considered using a battery??".

the battery may seem something in normal common sense in my life on earth, but considering how backward this world is this idea may seem revolutionary.

expecting him giving me the 'what' look I explained " have you ever thought of a device to store electric energy in ".

he looked at me as he's watching an idiot "are you stupid how can you store something you can't touch ".

I facepalmed myself.


3 month's passed, while I originally 20 years old, I was sent here with the body of 15 years old, because of special my bloodline we have a different growth period than a normal human, while our life expectation nearly reaching 200 years, our puberty period starts at the late age of 14.

because of the eating habit's in this world I noticed my growth rate was faster than the original growth I had in earth, now I'm 180 centimeters tall, while our race was known with our superior strength, we didn't have big muscled bodies, wish help us bend in the society without getting spotted, while all of our strength always stored in our blood.

so even if I had to train with tons and tons of weight, my body will still look frail as chicken wings.

during my stay at Karakuri island, I passed almost all my time with Pincer on his lab; I took liking in his talent and passion for mechanics; I wished I would help him by I didn't, I mostly directed him on his research, soon he called me by the teacher which I didn't oppose.

I searched in the library of Vega punk on his old lab which Pincer father gave me access to; he asked me about what I'm looking for but I gave him fake answers; I found notes on Haki described and theorized.

possessing a soul of one of the greatest geniuses in my old world, theories looked like reading kids' stories.

Learning armament Haki didn't take me a long time when I first activated it looked weak but as time passed, my strength increased my mastery increased alongside with it.

I learned Observation Haki faster than I could imagine, because of my genes danger sense came as a package with our power, blending with observation Haki my mastery over it went to another level.

while celebrating Pincer success of his first suit creation, I asked him " if I told that, all your hard work is garbage would you believe me".

before even having time to lash at me I threw at him a book I said " this my gift for taking care of me for the past 3 month's, I can't stay here anymore so here my proposition to you"

I stopped for a second then continued " I liked your talent, that thing in your hand is just the start, join my crew, and you will get more, you have 7 days to make your decision"

I watched him as he browsed the book; I wrote theories about dynamics and energy and some real mechanics, engrossed in the book I stealthily left the lab I made my way to Vega punk old laboratory, I moved a book from the bookshelf, soon it moved to show staircase behind the bookshelf I stealthily descended the stairs.

the bookshelf returned to its original position.