
Chi Chi No Mi

descending the stair, a small scale lab welcomed my eyes.

while I was checking inside Vega Punk bookshelf by accident, I touched a book.

the book was named "history of navy heroes" wish I directly ignored, I mean who would read a book about history, but by a miracle, the library moved.

expecting something bad to happen, which it didn't a staircase leading to the underground was hidden behind the bookshelf.

if it may amaze any other person encountered, but me I deadpanned "seriously, a secret passage "

I passed almost my entire time in the secret laboratory on my free time; I found several log books of Vega Punk research's I enjoyed them as I passed time, but as I dug more into his logs, a certain experiment picked my attention.

feeding weapons a devil fruit, at first he tested using paramecia fruit's but his experiment didn't successes

but he encountered some success with logia devil fruit's, but as soon as the weapon and the fruit will merge they soon dissipate in the element the fruit supposed to control.

but when he tried with Zoan type, he made a huge success, the weapons change into animals but this kind of weapons was rejected by the world government, firstly they have no serious power secondly they gained intelligence.

a weapon gaining intelligence in wuxia world may seem cool thing but in the actual battle if any dispute happened between the user and the weapon and it's refused follow the wielder orders may lead to imminent death.

he didn't give up, so he wanted to test with mythical Zoan but he got scolded by his superiors, so he's experiment became to a halt.

after I put the documents on the desk, I stood then I walked to the corner if the lab.

I murmured " huh, finally going to get my prize"

in front of me stood a metal safe, I found it when I discovered the lab but I didn't lay my hand on it so I decided to open it when I was about to leave the island.

I hold my hand high, sharp nails protruded from my finger, a black layer of Haki covering them as I slashed the door I shouted

"Open Sesame"


hearing the weird sound a shiver run through me, I always hated the sound of crashing metal, I endured it as my nails cut the metal; I slashed horizontally, vertical, in weird postures.

'boom' the door fell on the floor making a huge sound, I murmured " good thing this lab is sound proof"

a box with the world government symbol was engraved in it, I found nothing else inside the safe, I picked the box I put on top the of the desk and I opened it.

inside laid 2 fruit, an apple, and peach, the apple had a dark color but the peach picked my interest; it had a Dark Red color, not like every devil fruit the swirls were not protruded but engraved, inside the box was a sheet of paper inside of it were written.

'Oni Oni No Mi Model unknown

Paramecia Unknown

Mission: identification'

looking at the paper on my hand, I threw it into the garbage bin, I picked the Paramecia fruit and I took a bite.

"Zoan may be powerful, but I'm already a mythical creature" I murmured before dismissing the idea of eating a Zoan fruit.

soon my stomach felt like being punched, I felt like eating shit mixed with asphalt; I waited for the taste to fade from my mouth then I felt something moved inside my body.

I concentrated on that feeling; I let it pass through my hands, but my hands started to hurt, my hand became red it swelled I felt something wrong.

unconsciously because of instincts, my nails started to grow, as they protruded blood shot like an arrow from my fingers, but magically I felt I could control it, as I willed for the blood arrow to stop it stopped, I willed to make a circle in the air it took shape but it made a weird one.

I willed my blood to make a sword, blood started to flow through my fingers I felt dizziness about to take me I concluded.

"Chi Chi No MI" I paused then I continued " well some will think its useless ability but if it was eaten by a creative person, it will make a deadly weapon"

as I stored the other devil fruit I left the secret lab.


days passed as I got used to my devil fruit, I made my signature moves with it, with memories of one of the trickiest villain in my world and several anime moves, I created several tricky powerful and unpredictable moves.

for attacking method's I can create thin and small needles can be covered with Haki and used with observation Haki can follow their target in the proximity of my Haki my which is around 150 meters and they can't stop until they hit their target, I named it "needles of death"

for the weak target, it can instantly kill them but when I turn into my full werewolf form, my blood change to a silver color the needles become more sharp and powerful.

for defence, I created a sphere of blood covered with haki act as a primary defense from attacks.

I tried to create blood, but I figured I can only control blood, seeing too many disadvantages I tried to control other people's blood, if the target was injured I can control the blood that removed from him, as for controlling the blood inside him depend on the will of the enemy if he was weak I can stop his heart from beating.

but if encountered a strong one I can only influence his blood to distract him.,

"well i can't wait to awaken my devil fruit " I murmured, in front of me a metallic ship took shape, as I was delayed from sailing about 6 month's, Pincer agreed to my offer after reading the book I gave him, as the first assignment I gave him the duty to build a ship.

I gave him the blueprint of the ship, with theories and knowledge behind the technologies, the ship was around 110 meters long 40 meters in width,15 meters above the sea level, the ship move by electricity powered by a special unit of batteries can recharge themselves stored in a cooled room protected by 20 centimeters thick metallic walls, it can also move with coal for an emergency situation.

We will equip the ship with a sonar radar can detect ship and monsters 30 km away, with the low resources I had, I made artillery can destroy a ship from 15 km away.

the ship had a Wolf head on the front, the deck of the ship had none building except for a small tower with a dish like an object that can detect dangers in the sky, the ship was also designed to dive to the sea level for stealth leaving only the dish visible.

" so 3 years left for the Marine Ford war to start, so I should expect hearing news about Ace from now on " I murmured before directing my eyes toward the ocean

6 months passed since coming to this world, in my past 3 months I started a weird way of training my devil fruit power, I got used to sea prism cuffs, the first week passed with me barely able to move, the second week I ran across the island, the next month I can control my body like I had no hindrance, but for the 3rd month I noticed I can use my power even while putting sea stone, but barely to the level to fight with it.

as I trained my body to the limit, using various methods swimming on the sea, swimming while wearing sea stone, lifting tons of weight, running for days until my legs gave up.

the day the ship completed finally came.