
Moonlight Mile

What happens when a Fabled Assassin took a vacation? Monsters exist, and Siegfried Silverstein is one of the top agents of a clandestine organization that keeps the peace between humans and monsters in secret. Now, in his vacation, the Head Director assigned him to take care of monsters that are currently living under his roof. With the help of their Coordinator, Mr. Heinz, Siegfried is balancing his life as both a top assassin and trying to experience a "normal" life, with the added difficulty of caring said monsters.

Melkti · アクション
23 Chs

Chapter XII: The Secret Inheritrix pt. 1 (1/6)

The next day...

In a suburban neighborhood, lies a normal house like any other, it was a Saturday morning, 8:00 AM, and inside is a rather peculiar room filled with martial arts paraphernalia, MMA and fighting game posters, and a sandbag and boxing gloves hung on top of the ceiling, and a battered training dummy sat idly as if it waited for another beating.

Work-out equipment such as dumbbells and yoga mats were neatly placed in the corners and a decently sized flat-screen TV with a loosely placed DS4 at its side. With the style of masculine decorations of the room, one could easily assume that the inhabitant is, of course, male. But as an alarm clock started going off, and an arm reached out and turned it off and a mother's voice called below,

"Yue! Yue, wake up, you're going to oversleep! Breakfast is ready." lo and behold, a young Japanese girl in her 2nd Year of High School rose, rubbed her eyes, got out of bed, and stretched, she wore an oversized red shirt with the words imprinted in bold English that said: "Live to Fight. Fight to Live." She also wore black cotton shorts, that show off the rest of her toned thighs, she had short red spiky hair, crimson-colored eyes, and a strong tomboyish appearance.

She got down and is greeted by her mother, who was wearing a tank top, she had a striking similarity to her looks, in both hair and face albeit her mother has a longer hair length compared to hers and was slightly taller and much more toned than her.

As they ate breakfast, her mother asked, "By any chance, do you have any plans right now, Yue?" as she placed the toast in her mouth, she thought for a second before answering, "Uhhh... Yeah... I think... Oh! I was supposed to hang out with Akari-chin later at her house. Why the question?" her mother stifled a smile, "O-Oh, it's nothing. It's Golden Week after all, I thought you were gonna head to the local gym or stay home to workout." And Yue had a rather suspicious and nervous laugh when her mother said those last two words, and her mother glanced at her then narrowed her eyes and added, "You were totally gonna waste Golden Week just working out aren't you?" and Yue froze and didn't answer as her toast hung from her mouth.

"Oh, before going to Akari-chan's house can you go to the shopping district and post these on the local job board?" she showed her a bunch of printed flyers, as she was munching on her breakfast the moment when she saw the details inside, she immediately choked and coughed, "T-Tutoring?! Mom, can we afford this!?" and Yue added, "And it's just the beginning of the school year so why hire a tutor so soon?!" her mother had a dead-inside-look in her eyes, "It came to my attention that your teacher called me and gave me your test papers from your recent exam. And..." she bit her lip and had a painful look and sighed, "I know it's too early for me to give you an earful this early so, we'll talk this out later this evening."

She had a hesitant look before eventually giving in, "O-Okay, though I'm not so sure anyone will be willing to tutor me." Her mother just grinned and chuckled confidently, "Heh. Just trust Mommy on this one sweetie, after all the pay's too good to pass up! Now, get out there and have some fun, 'cause mama's just gonna relax at home. Oh and say hello to Akari-chan for me."

And in her mind, she was right, and thought to herself, (Tutoring, eh? Jeez, but weirdly enough, suddenly, a few days ago money started rolling in, even more so than usual. My mom works as a Personal Trainer to big-shot names in the movie industries here in Japan, and we didn't really struggle with money before but lately, we could now afford the things we couldn't. But no matter how hard I press mom on the matter she always dodges the question...)

After eating breakfast, she wore a white crop top that exposes her toned midriff, denim shorts, a black-and-yellow jacket over her top, and her red running shoes.

As she was headed to her friend's house, she introduced herself, (My name is Yue Takahashi, 15 years old, and currently in 2nd-year high school at Uwajima High, the class I'm assigned to is class 2-C, I'm a member of the Track-and-field Club, and I have a deep liking to martial arts and fitness because of my mom, that's all ya need to know about me.) She then decided to take a shortcut through the walls and went to running speeds with both of her hands she vaulted over a wall and landed perfectly and continued her run, as the morning breeze flowed to her face, her looks are of passion and fiery excitement, "Man, the breeze in my face feels so amazing!" She vaulted over walls, flipped over the shrubs overhead, and continued to run as if nothing could stop her. Then she later arrived in the shopping district, "Yes! Alright! I'm finally here!" She yelled triumphantly which caused others to look at her with confusion and was panting heavily, but first things first she posted the flyers all over, and some of the vendors hollered to her, "Oh it's Yue-chan! Good morning! Fiery as always, eh?" and she greeted them back, then an old lady who was tending a mochi stall hollered to her as well, "Well, if it isn't Yue-chan! Good morning." She stopped and greeted her as well, "Ah, Obasan, good morning." She bowed, and she said, "Ah, you're so energetic this morning. Ah, to be young. You should cherish your youth while you still can, little girl." She scratched her head embarrassingly and said, "I will, Obasan." Before she was about to go, the old lady gave her some freshly made mochi and dango, "Oh before you go, young one. Here, on the house." She tried to reject it, "Oh no, I mustn't!" but the kind old lady insisted, "Oh, but you've been so helpful in assisting us in any way you can." She sighed, then relented and accepted it, "T-Thanks, Obasan." She waved her goodbye, "Be careful on your way!"

After hanging the posters she nodded, "All right, this should be everything." And she took a look at the bag filled with freshly made mochi and dango, "Hehe, Akari-chin's gonna love this. She'll be stoked when she sees this."

As she was going back a figure stopped, paused, to read one of the flyers, and said, "Tutoring? Interesting..." They proceeded to tear one off and examined it further, "Takahashi Residence...?" then placed it in their pocket.

As she was running towards her friend's house, she stopped at an alleyway and saw a teenager, no more than middle school being ganged up on by High-Schoolers. They surrounded him leaving him no room to escape.

"Hey kid." Said the first delinquent High-schooler, "W-What do you want from me?" nervously said the middle schooler, "Ya got any money we can 'borrow'?" he slightly backed off, and the high-schoolers had a malicious grin slapped onto their faces, "N-No! L-Leave me alone!"

She saw this and yelled out, "What the hell are they doing to that poor middle schooler!?" She couldn't bear to stand so idly by, as seeing the weak being toyed by the strong, and so she dropped her shopping bag and charged in recklessly,

"Oi! What the hell do you three think you're doing!?" she penetrated through their circle and shielded the young lad, with her arms spread widely, causing their circle to break with her sudden entrance. "What the!? The hell are you s'posed to be?" she scoffed, "I could ask you the same! You robbing this kid? Seriously?" the apparent head honcho chuckled maliciously, "I'm ain't robbing him, I'm borrowing from him, right?" the young boy, then hid behind her, and she warned them, "Listen up, if you want him, you gotta go through me first."

The apparent leader wanted to back off, but since his buddies with him, he couldn't allow himself to back down. Especially from a girl. He scoffed and readied himself, "Heh! In that case!" There he launched a straight punch at her, but she effortlessly blocked it with her elbows and she dove in underneath his stomach, and threw a hard right punch in his stomach, "Gah!" He reeled and clenched his stomach in apparent pain. "Not done yet!" She then followed up by suddenly ducking underneath their feet and sweep-kicked his leg, causing him to fall over. All off it happened in less than a second, she shook her hand and she grinned confidently and defiantly yelled, "What's wrong, is that it?!" she taunted them and, in his anger, he ordered his buddies to gang up on her, "Grr...! Get that cocky bitch!" soon the group of boys rushed her, but she expected this, she pushed the middle-school kid aside and quickly got into her fighting stance and dodged the 2nd High schooler's punch and kicked him in the crotch, making him keel over and was quickly followed up by kicking his face with the back of her heel knocking him out no problem, immediately she blocked the 3rd one's punch then scored an uppercut on his chin and followed-up by throwing a solid straight kick to his stomach sending him flying and downing him. The head honcho of the group got back up on his feet and lunged at her but she was quick to react and dodged his tackle and tripped his leg causing him to fall over into a row of trash cans.

"Whoops." The third one who was still keeling from the pain felt like there was something on the back of his head and felt immense pressure slowly growing, "You gonna mess with this kid, again!?" She growled, "Oww! N-No! We won't do this again, we promise! R-Right big bro?!" the apparent boss was sitting in the spilled trashcan, filth covered his body, and was panting heavily, "You gotta be kidding me! Ain't no way in hell am I backing off to a girl, you friggin' pansy!" he slowly got up and Yue seized this chance as she ran up to him, and dropped kicked him in his face, this time for sure, knocking him out. And went back to the third one, she crouched down and looked at him with an overwhelming sense of disgust, "Listen up, if I ever see you three clowns harassing anyone, I'll beat you so bad your sisters wished they never gave birth to you! Ya hear!?" Then her face transformed into a look of confidence and smugness and stared him dead in the eye, "Got it?!" The second guy nodded vigorously. "Good."

Yue took a deep breath and relaxed walked towards the boy, and knelt towards him, "You alright, kid?" she asked him politely, the kid has the average height for his age, he has black hair, and was in the shape of a bowl cut, and, he nodded, "T-Thank you, Onee-san." After making sure the kid was all right, she bid him farewell, "Careful on your way home!" he waved back, "I will!" and ran off.

She stood back up and stretched her arms as her opponents laid still on the pavement, and on her face, plastered a cheeky smile of incomparable smugness and satisfaction.

And in the corner of her eye, she spotted a tall and imposing figure, she glanced and saw a familiar face, a tall foreigner with a deadpan expression carrying groceries, she pointed her finger at him, "H-Hey, you're that foreigner from yesterday!" she then thought for a second as she tried to remember his name, "Y-You're... uhh... S... Si.... Sie..." the foreigner thought nothing of it, as he faced forward in his direction and tried to walk away pretending like nothing happened. The foreigner felt a tug on the back of his shirt, "O-Oi! Don't ignore me! Didn't I meet you yesterday?! On the park!?" and the foreigner was trying his best to pull away without hurting the girl, and as she was pulling his sleeve she had a realized look on her face, "Ah! I remember now!" and she said, "You're... Siegfried Silverstein-san!"

He stopped resisting and turned around, and looked down, as he saw this teenage Japanese girl with short spiky red hair, as her crimson-colored eyes looked at him with uncertainty, "R-Right...?" but the foreigner had different ideas, the foreigner shook his head and spoke fluent Japanese, "No... I do not know a Siegfried Silverstein." He turned and bowed politely but as he was bowing, he took a quick glance at her handiwork as the male teenagers lay strewn out on the pavement, "If you'll excuse me, Takahashi-san, I will be going now." And she yelled, "Ah! You know my name! It is you!"

Moments later...

Siegfried found himself walking alongside the young Takahashi while carrying his groceries, "Why are you following me...?" he tiringly said, "I'm not following you; I'm simply heading in the same direction as you. I'm headed to my friend's house, it's in this direction." Amidst the awkward silence, he decided to have small talk with the young tomboy, "A little sloppy..." She glanced at him, "Eh? Sloppy? What do you mean?" he continued, "When you fought those lowlifes." She had an embarrassed look, "Shit... R-Really?" he nodded in affirmation, "Your technique..." he paused for a second, "Lacks finesse, Takahashi-san." She scoffed at his thought and waved her hand dismissively, "Pfft! You sound like a professional fighter in one of those Western TV and anime action shows." She glanced at him briefly at his deadpan expression that turned into a serious look, "Woah, you're actually serious?" he nodded, "I am."

And the foreigner added, "Actually... I am quite impressed as to how easily you overwhelmed them, Takahashi-san." (And quite amused by how weak they are...)

Yue never heard someone complimenting her fighting skills before, which gave her a weird feeling in her stomach, she scoffed, then rested her hands on the back of her head, "That so?" then a few silent seconds went by and her curiosity got the better of her, "Hey, hey, I got like a ton of questions for you. Are you a transfer student here or something? What's your business here in Japan?" he indifferently said, "It's none of your business." She looked away and pouted, "Psh. You're no fun..."

Despite him saying that she insisted anyway, and with a glittering look in her eyes she tries again, "So, uh, which country you from, Siegfried-san?"

He grunted in exasperation as he gave in, "Deutschland. Germany. I came from Germany and moved here in the final weeks of February."

She had a pleasantly surprised look, "Oh, really? Just this February?" he nodded, and Siegfried thinks it was his turn to be asking the questions, "What... year are you in, Takahashi-san?" She pointed at herself, "Who, me?" and he had a mocking grunt, "Hmph, who else am I talking to right now?" then she answered, "I'm a 2nd-Year in High School." He grunted in acknowledgment, and immediately guessed, "You're... 15 years old, are you not?" she looked at him with a shocked expression, "Wha—?! I didn't even tell you my age, what the hell?" then she placed her index finger and thumb on her chin and followed up by taking a wild guess on her own, "You're... 20!" Without even glancing he shook his head and said, "I'm 18 years of age..."

She had an enlightened look and said, "Woah, you're only 18?" he nodded to confirm her question. "Don't look like it though." Yue casually retorted, as this annoyed Siegfried by a slight degree. (This lady...) And they continued walking. In the same direction. For the past 5 minutes.

For some reason, his eyes were drawn to Yue's stomach, and there he saw a set of marvelously toned abs, Yue noticed this and she had a mischievous smile, "Oh? You starin' at my abs?" and did a little dance emphasizing her abs to poke fun at him, he quickly shifted his eyes forward, and closed his eyes and remarked, "They're... quite toned, Takahashi-san." And continued, "Not just your midriff but your overall body is quite toned. How long have you been sculpting them?" she flexed her somewhat-toned arms then stared at her biceps and abs, "I dunno. My mom works as a Personal Trainer, so I guess I'm just inspired by how hard my Mom works."

He grunted, "I see." (That makes plenty of sense, the mother being in fitness and all.) "What does your father do?" then she abruptly stopped, and had an uncomfortable look on her face then a moment of awkward silence went by, and she tried to dodge the question and change the topic, but not before having a split-second wistful look that Siegfried noticed, "Uh, o-oh yeah, how long have you been in fitness, Siegfried-san?" He thought for a bit, (She dodged the question, and for the briefest second looked sad... Did I strike a sensitive topic? Did I hurt her feelings? Either way, I'll humor her for now...)

And when she asked that question Siegfried remembered the brutal and hellish training his Master instilled in him when he was young, then he answered, "Perhaps my whole life..." This was true in some sense, but to Yue, he looked like he was exaggerating, skeptically she replied, "Your whole life, eh?" "Well, show me." She demanded, "He tilted his head in question, "Hm?" "Don't 'hm?' me. You've been workin' out your entire life, right? Then show me."

Siegfried shrugs and surprisingly he complied with her request, he unzips his jacket and raised his shirt underneath it revealing a well-sculpted and very chiseled set of 6-pack abs. "Happy?" The moment Yue laid eyes on his midriff, her face slowly turned bright red as a tomato, she stared at his abs for a good 5 seconds before snapping out of it "W-Woah..." she said, and had a flustered way of speaking, "O-Oh! Sh-Shit, y-you really were t-telling the truth..." He placed his shirt down and rezips his jacket. "Told you." He retorted, and inside Yue's mind she wasn't prepared at all, (Holy crap...! What the hell was that?! H-He wasn't kidding...!)

After walking a certain amount of distance, Siegfried stopped, turned to her, and politely said, "I must get going now, my house is in this direction, Takahashi-san." And Yue had a disappointed expression, "Aww... Well, I better hurry up too, Akari-chin might get mad at me." She turned around, ran, and waved Siegfried farewell, "Bye, Siegfried-san! It was really nice talking to you!" he raised his free hand and waved back to her. And silently remarked, (Such a strange girl.)

And he checked his pocket and noticed that there was something there. He pulled it out and it was a flyer, it said: "TUTORING NEEDED!!! 10,000 Yen PER SESSION." It displayed the address and telephone number, and read the address, "Takahashi residence..." and looked in the direction where Yue was headed, "No way..."

Then at her friend's house, "Woah, you met a Gaijin when you went out for a run? That's totes crazy! Did he like approach you? Did he hit on you? Was he hot? Come on! Come on! Tell me! Tell me! Yue-chin, tell me...!" and a girl's excited face filled Yue's vision, and she grabbed her face and pushed her back in annoyance, "First off, you're way too close! And second, calm down! I'll tell you, jeez..."

Yue is in her best friend's bedroom whose style is the complete opposite of her own, where her room is filled with boyish paraphernalia, and workout material, her friend likes feminine things. I.E stuffed animals of various shapes and colors lining her bed, posters of idol groups that are all the rage these days, her desk littered with makeup and beauty products. Akari Takeda, Yue's childhood friend is a girl with average height, fair skin, and long hair that is let loose, her hair is split in colors, on the base it has silky light orange hair and on the ends about 3-4 inches is blonde. She has multiple piercings on both of her ears, wears a black heart-shaped choker on her neck, and has three black bracelets in varying designs on her wrists.

Since it was a Saturday, Akari wore an oversized white t-shirt from her favorite anime series and matcha-colored cotton shorts that were hidden underneath her shirt.

"Well, technically he didn't approach me. Rather I approached him. I was out on my morning jog since it was the start of Golden Week yesterday." And her friend Akari scoffed, "Yeah, like, I know for a fact that you spent all day yesterday working out. It's written all over your face!" and back to their topic, "And so what happens next?!" Her eyes glittered like starlight in excitement, and Yue continued, "When I was jogging, he happened to be jogging on the opposite end of me, as well and he was not that bad. The jogging turned into running and we kinda unintentionally raced each other." And Akari remarked, "Whoa, did he like actually kept up with you?" she nodded, "Yeah, I was actually surprised." And started rocking back and forth on Akari's bed, "It was a good four minutes of him keeping up with me, before breaking off and ran towards the local park." And Akari had a teasing look, "So..." and Yue had a cautious look, "So, what?" and Akari gave Yue a playful and teasing grin, "Was he hot?" and Yue remembered the foreigner's striking looks, "He was... ok... I guess..." Yue averted her gaze from her friend in an evasive manner and again Akari with her teasing looks, "Oh, "Ok" eh...? Did you ask where he came from?" and Yue shrugged, "He said he came from Germany, at first, he didn't want to answer my questions, he was strangely quiet and when he did spoke it was soft and gentle. And to my amazement his Japanese was pretty damn good too, being able to make fluid conversation with me like that."

And Yue remembered another detail and described him to her, "Oh, and did I mention that he's a giant? He was sitting on the park's fountain when I came up to him for a hello, and when he stood up, he shadowed over me." And Akari had an impressed look, "Whoa... What's his height?" Yue rubbed her chin and tried to remember, "If I remember right, he was 192cm." And Akari's eyes lit up, "192?! That's like tall as fuck, sis! And he was German, you say?" And Yue added, "Yeah, I know right? Crazy thing is I actually ran into him on the way here." Upon hearing, Akari smirked and her eyes begin to get even brighter from excitement, "Wait what...? You ran into him again?" Yue shrugged, "I only learned his nationality and how old he was when I bumped into him for the second time."

And Akari tilted her head in question, "Say, Yue-chin how old was the Gaijin?" and Yue looked her dead in the eyes, "18. I legit thought he was 20 or something. I could've mistaken him for a 2nd or 3rd-year college student." And Akari had a confused look as she raised her left eyebrow, "Maybe he's like a transfer student or something? Like what else is he supposed to be doing here?"

Yue sighed and shrugged as she had an unsure expression, "Maybe. That guy radiated a sense of mystery to him. Though I hope I'll run into him again! He's a pretty interesting dude." And grinned widely. And Akari once again had a teasing smile plastered on her face, "Hmmm...? Oh-ho! Sounds to me that Spring has come for Yue-chin! WAHAHAHA!" And her face turned bright red, her face heated up from the embarrassment as she denied them, "W-Wha–!? N-No! It's not like that! He just piqued my interest is all!" and Akari laughed passionately as she teased her, "Damn sis, didn't know you had a thing for foreigners, huh?!" while Yue angrily pouted as her face is still red from embarrassment. And Akari with an excited look placed both of her hands on her shoulders and had a mix of prideful, excited, and glittering looks in her eyes, "Yue-chin! Yue-chin! If you're interested, I can like totally help you snag a boyfriend!" and Yue yelled, "You're not listening! I said it's not like that!!!"

And meanwhile, at the Silverstein residence, Siegfried was cooking lunch and chopping the vegetables when he suddenly sneezed and rubbed his nose, (A cold? Impossible.) and thought nothing of it and continued his cooking.

And back on the Takeda Residence, "Besides, if I ever want to go steady, I'll look for a man that isn't a complete wimp and is able to fight! So that we can spar from time to time!" and in Akari's mind she thought, (Yep, typical Yue-chin. That's what she would totally want in a man if she ever wants a boyfriend...)

Then the subject was soon changed, and Akari looked at Yue's bust size with envy, "Man, the things I'd do to have that kind of bust size you have Yue-chin, lemme tell ya: puberty hit you like a friggin' freight train." And thought, (And not to mention it gave you a dump truck of an ass too...) she continued, "Back in middle school, people wouldn't bat an eyelid at you because you acted like a boy. Hell, there are times that you got mistaken for one too! But now that we're in high school, people – especially boys – can't stop drooling at you."

And Yue scoffed, "Pfft. Yeah right. Akari-chin, I appreciate you with your flattering words but you're over-exaggerating." And added, "And about my bust size, if I could give them to you, I would've done so already. These things get in the way of my exercise and overall workout in general."

And Akari replied, "Well, I said this before and I'll say it again. You should try on improving your feminine side, Yue-chin. Not all sports and workout, though I'm pretty sure there are dudes that are super into sporty and hardcore chicks like you." And Yue grunted, "Hah! The day I wear a dress is the day I'm dying!" she vehemently declared, and muttered, "It's just..." and Akari repeated, "It's just...?" Yue added, "It's just not my style to wear them. High heels? Blurgh. I'd rather wear sneakers. Dresses? Nah, bro, I'm good. I prefer wearing pants or shorts to skirts."

And Akari replied, "Well, based on what you're wearing right now, you're showing your femininity in your own way. It accentuates your great features such as your toned and hella stacked body." Once again, she had a teasing smirk, "Ooh, don't tell me you jog with that kind of outfit?" Yue tilted her head and thought for a second, "What? Well, kinda, like I said earlier I usually wear a sports bra and spats when I workout, though sometimes I get weird looks from other joggers in the area but I usually ignore them."


A lightbulb flashed on Akari's head, there she stood up from her bed with an idea, "Ooh... Come on! I got like a totes genius idea! Let's try out some outfits! And we'll see what looks good on ya!" "W-Wait, what!?" and proceeds to drag Yue to try on various clothing styles that Akari owns.

A few hours passed, it was now roughly around 5:00 PM, and the sun was slowly setting on the horizon, the light turning to an orange glow. Yue who came from her friend's house walked back home and arrived at her porch, "Mom! I'm home!" and her mother welcomed her back home, "Ah! Welcome home sweetie. Did you have fun at Akari-chan's house?" she nodded, "Yep! It was... something... but other than that, we had a good time hanging out." and the two went to the kitchen to talk about their day.

She had an embarrassed look on her face, "Jeez, Akari-chin made me wear all those embarrassing girly outfits to bring out my "cute" side." Her mother then had a playful chuckle, "Well, why are you so embarrassed about it? You're cute, you are my daughter after all! HAHAHA!" Yue once again blushed furiously, "M-Mom!" and she chuckled at her daughter's reaction, "What? It's true, isn't it? Though I do want to do something with that boyish behavior of yours." (Because you remind me too much of my younger days, Sweetie. Hopefully you'll grow out of that behavior of yours... or maybe not.)

Her mother, then noticed that there was something wrong with her daughter's hand, "Yue." Her eyes lit up and looked away from her mother's gaze, "Y-Yeah...?" Without warning her mother grabbed her hand and examined it, "You fought again, didn't you?" The jig was up and couldn't play dumb, "Y-Yeah..." and her mother scolded her, "Yue! How many times did I tell you not to fight!?" and she reasoned with her, "I know! But mom! There's this kid, earlier when I was heading to Akari's house, he was being robbed by the others who were bigger and older than him, I just couldn't stand by and watch knowing I could do something." Her mother sighed tiringly and gently touched her daughter's face wiping off any dirt on her face, "I'm just glad you weren't hurt." She smiled widely and confidently said, "Psh! Those guys were total pushovers, I handled them no problem." She smiled and shook her head gently, "I don't condone violence, Yue. But as long as you use it as self-defense, then Mommy will tolerate it. Ok?"

She grinned widely and nodded in agreement, "Ok!" and her mother began sorting the vegetables and food items in their refrigerator, as she did a little bit of grocery shopping while Yue was out.

Yue told her mom about when she went to the shopping district on the way to Akari's house, "Hey mom, guess what?" she gestured her head without looking away, "Hm? What is it?" she smiled widely, "I met that foreigner again!" and then she turned, "Really now? Is he handsome? Since you're talking about him again." She got annoyed, "Mom!" she chuckled, "I'm only joking, sweetie." And Yue silently thought whose face is still red, (W-Well, I'll admit he is pretty handsome, but that's beside the point, dammit.)

"So, what happened?" her mother continued, "We walked together for a bit, apparently, he saw me fighting those chumps earlier." She asked, "Oh? Was he surprised that you've beaten all them up by yourself?" she shook her head, "Now that you've mentioned it, no, no he wasn't." Did you ask which country he came from?" she nodded, "Uh-huh, he said he came from Germany, and he's about my age. Just two to three years older, I think." She hummed, "Eh? Is that so? At this we shouldn't really be surprised that there are foreigners in this country, after all, Non-Humans are here to experience our culture." And their topic quickly switched to when Monsters and Non-Humans were introduced, "Man, Non-Humans, eh? It's crazy that four years ago fairytale creatures really do exist..." She nodded in agreement, "And walking among us, living in our day-to-day lives. They may look strange and fantastical Yue, but they're people and should be treated as such." She nodded, "I know, mom."

After sorting the vegetables and food items in the fridge her mother stood up and stretched her arms then wiped her sweat off with her shirt, exposing her toned abs, "Hey sweetie?" she looked at her mother, "Yeah, mom?" she grinned confidently and held her fist up, "Wanna spar with Mommy?" Yue smiled widely, "Oh yeah!" she giggled and said, "Then I'll meet you in the backyard, I have to change into the appropriate clothing. You should too." Then after a few minutes passed, Yue was wearing her black polyester shorts, black sports bra, and MMA Gloves, she went barefoot as their backyard was grassy and did a little stretching and shadowboxed a bit to warm her muscles up. Then her mother came out of the sliding door, "Sorry to keep you waiting sweetie." She wore a white sports bra; red polyester shorts and red MMA fighting gloves and tied her hair in a high spiky ponytail. Her ensemble revealed her nicely toned body, as her arms, and legs are muscled just the right amount, and her abs are toned, chiseled, and defined as a result of years of commitment to physical training. She smiled confidently, "Shall we begin, sweetie?" she nodded, "Yep!" they went into position, facing opposite each other in their grassy backyard and bowed respectfully to one another, then went into their fighting stance and launched. "HAAA!" they both shouted and the clashing of fists echoed.

Then night arrived once more at the Silverstein residence, and Siegfried is in his room reading a book titled: "The Art of Humor." As Mr. Heinz recommended the book to him, as he was reading, he had a minor flashback, Mr. Heinz's said to him, "Freddie I'll be honest: You are as boring as a brick." And he continued, "You practically got everything! Good looks, a body in peak physical condition, can cook, but you are as boring as a brick – hell comparing you to a brick, the brick has more personality than you! And the ladies don't like that, so I just got the thing for you, ta-da!"

He smiled widely, "With this, you'll be a certified lady-killer!" as the flashback ended, he grunted in disapproval, (A lady-killer... I kill people but I don't necessarily target women unless the mission dictates me to do so. I've no clue what he's talking about.) His left silver bracelet alerted Siegfried and pinged a green light, blinking three times before emitting a small holographic monitor that floated above it, he stood up as all the shutters that were hidden in his room were closed, and the door was locked and a robotic voice said, "Incoming call from the 70th Head Director, Hana Kitsune, using Secure Line 03-15-04." He then grasped the holographic image and threw it outward and it later expanded into a large curved monitor. The monitor was the only source of light in the dimmed room as it lit Siegfried's face.

Then from the monitor appeared a beautiful woman in a dark silken dress with gold accents, her eyes were like those of foxes: golden in color and radiating a sense of mischief and cunningness, and her hair is as smooth as silk and as black as the night sky, her face bore whiskers-like markings on her rosy white cheeks, her glossy lips puff and applied the perfect amount of redness from her lipstick, with her ears resembled a fox that protruded in front of her hair and from her face alone, exuded a regal and authoritative aura through the holographic monitor.

She smiled and greeted Siegfried, "Ah, good morning my Asset." When she spoke, it felt hypnotic; silky, buttery, and smooth, like one on the verge of being charmed. She giggled, and twirled a piece of her hair, "Oh, silly me, rather, good evening—in the time zone of my homeland, apparently. Hello, 'Siegfried' it's been a while since I last called you." Siegfried stood straight and gave her the Knights of Nights official salute: Striking one's heart with their fist to signify their utmost loyalty to the Organization.

After saluting he knelt immediately and lowered his head while having his usual expression, absolutely emotionless, "It's been a while as well, Head Director Hana... Kitsune..." She immediately went down to business, "For starters, you did an excellent job on taking down that trafficking rig weeks ago, I knew I could count on you, Number Two, though I'm sure that was but a trifling matter to you." As she said that he caressed the bottom left part of the base of his neck with his right hand. She smiled naughtily and Siegfried not one for idle chit-chat pressed her for her intentions, "Are you in need of my service, Mein Führerin-Direktorin...?"

Always straight to the point..." she giggled and laced her hands forwards on her desk and briefed Siegfried, "Short answer: Yes. Now, have you heard of Shiroyama Industries?" he thought for a second before shaking his head for he does not know, she chuckled, "Ah, silly me, that's right I often forgot you have limited access to the Internet." She explained further, "Basically, they are a major business conglomerate and one of our most generous benefactors. For they alone generate a whopping 1% of the Organization's funds. Including but not limited to research, weapon and armor design, salary to our personnel, and humanitarian aid and not to mention one of our many, many manufacturers of Knights Hardware." He nodded, "I see..."

She picked up a teacup and sipped and sighed with a satisfied look before continuing, "Well, the current CEO of Shiroyama Industries is an old friend of mine: Akihiko Shiroyama. I owe him a favor you see. As of now, he's getting old, at least by human standards, and heirless and without having someone to inherit the company, I can suspect that the funds will decrease to an astounding 50% when he'll pass away and give the company other than his chosen successor."

And Siegfried has yet to get the gist of the info, as she was still explaining from the bottom, But to Siegfried, it looked like she was gossiping.

She chuckled, "Now, Number Two, it turns out by some twist of fate, he had an illegitimate daughter during his time as an active Knight, a second-year high school student, and Akihiko has named her the Inheritrix of her father's company. As to how he found out... Well, we don't need to know that now, do we? Here's her picture, it was taken last week." The Director had sent a file to Siegfried's Personal Communicator, he opened the link and a holographic image opened.

The image was of a concealed shot of a young Japanese teen, she looks 16, with deep crimson-colored eyes and short red hair, with average height and athletic and toned build wearing the Uwajima High uniform: a winter uniform with a white dress shirt, a black necktie, red plaid skirt, with her spats underneath, black ankle-length socks, and brown leather shoes. And when Siegfried saw the picture, his eyes lit up in surprise, (This girl...)

The Head Director continued, "Sentinel Primus Reaper of Az'akhul, Ku'h Kha'zik, Silent Knight, Der Teufel Sensemann. Your mission is to safeguard the young Inheritrix and ensure the company's financial support to the Org. By the Oath of the First Night, and vested by the authority I possess, I hereby order you to guard this girl with your life, do you understand?" he lowered his head once more, "Yes, Lady Hana... I swear to protect her in the name of the Org and the grace of the Void."

She nodded and had a satisfied smile, "You'll have to forgive me for laying this on you, I know it's your vacation and all. But you're the only one that I can trust this mission to, being so close and all. It's as if Fate had a hand in this." She giggled, "Do not worry, my number two, I will be sure to double your reward after this mission." He nodded, "Understood." And was still kneeling with his head down. "You may meet with your employer tomorrow night to establish contact with him."

"Also, as long as the duration of this mission, I'm authorizing the release of your Limiters up to 2 levels is that all right?" Then a robotic voice in Siegfried's Personal Communicator said, "Confirmed. Voice ID recognized, Hana Kitsune, authorizing the release of Physical and Psionic Limiters, up to two levels." And his twin bracelets glowed a small green-colored light, indicating the authorization.

She confidently yet playfully smirked, "I know you will not fail me. Until then my dear Vizier, farewell and viel glück on your mission." She blew him a kiss before ending the transmission.

Siegfried who was still kneeling in the completely dark room, grunted in confirmation, "Understood, Head Director..." and he looked at his nightstand beside his bed, there it lies the Tutoring Advertisement. He closed his eyes and then grunted in wonder, "Fate surely works in mysterious ways..."

*End of Chapter*


In Mina's room, Mina was lying down on her bed contemplating a hard decision. "Mmm... It's been at least three weeks or so since Ivanna and I arrived here. I was told that I had been with two other Hosts but... But why can't I remember my time with them?" she later abandoned the thought and continued weighing her options, (N-Now... S-Should I tell Siegfried that I need his help tomorrow, early morning?) and continued, "T-To m-milk me...?" when she said that her face turned bright red, grabbed a pillow and smushed it on her face and began to rapidly roll around on her bed in sheer embarrassment and shame to that thought. And had a worried look on her face between the pillow, (W-What if he doesn't want to? What if I'm being a bother to him?) She shook her head, and stood up on her bed with a defiant look, "N-No! I... I have to try!" before melting into a look of worry and she whimpered in embarrassment. "Ughhh..."

Then she started approaching Siegfried's room, and just as when she was about to reach the door she would back out and go back to the staircase before changing her mind and trying again before changing her mind again. She did this thrice before finally doing it for real. "Uwaaa...! S-Should I ask for someone instead...?" before realizing, (NOOO! That would be humiliating...! And that'd be so weird...!)


"Nya? Ask Siegfried to do what for you?" "My, my quite lewd of you Mina to ask our Host for something like that." then Ivanna and Lily chuckled playfully she later snapped out of it, (Ahhhh! It's too embarrassing! I... I have no choice! I-I'll do it myself!)

With a look of defiance, she steeled herself and marched towards her Host's room. Before melting into a look of shyness as she hovered her hand about 2 inches away from the wooden door. Her hand shook, her knees weak Mina felt like a coward that even knocking on her Host's door is something that she couldn't do. But to us, she never looked braver. And with a deep breath, she gently knocked on Siegfried's door. And stuttered, "U-Um, S-Siegfried? A-Are you there?"

The door slowly opened and there Siegfried first saw two round mountains of flesh before looking up and witnessing a minotaur girl towering over him shuffling nervously and covering her body with her blanket, "Oh, Mina...?" Siegfried spoke softly, "Do you... need something?" and Mina shuffled nervously along with her tail swaying with worry, "Uh, um, S-Siegfried?" he tilted his head, "Yes, Mina?"

(Now or never Mina, come on...! Say it! Spit it out!) she took a deep breath before saying, "I... Um... Uh, at e-early morning a-around... 5:30-to-6 AM. C-Can you c-come to my room...?" she hesitated for a second, before finishing, "I-I need your help with something!" Mina closed her eyes and thought, (T-There! I did! I said it!)

And Siegfried nodded, "Very well. Understood." She couldn't handle it any longer and dashed back to her room. Before Siegfried tries to stop her, he decided to let her go, (She didn't tell me what she needs help with. But that's rare. Mina directly asks me? Instead of asking for others? For help? Interesting...) He shrugged and went back to his room.

And back in Mina's room, she was on her bed rolling in embarrassment once more, "AHHH! That was so embarrassing!" cried Mina but once she halted her rolling, she smiled victoriously, "But I did it! I actually asked someone instead of relying on others!" and giggled excitedly.

Current information bestowed for the public, provided by the Knights of Nights.

Subject: The Knights of Night. Part 1 (1/5)

"The Knights have been around for more than 3500 years, with the comparable age to this is religions of Judaism and Hinduism with only a 500-year difference.

Our goals are simple: To keep the peace between Man and Monster and eradicate potential threats to that peace. Throughout the years we grew as an organization and spread to different parts of the planet while keeping our presence void, and now that we have been revealed to the world, we have greatly increased our recruitment of both Men of any color and Monsters of any species are welcome to the Org.

We have branches that are spread throughout the globe, these prominent branches are the United States Branch, United Kingdom Branch, the European Branch, Far-Eastern Branch (Japan), Middle-Eastern Branch (UAE), the South-East Asian Branch, (Philippines), Australian Branch and the Siberian Branch. And other lesser branches scattered worldwide.

Although we the Knights of Nights have been around since ancient times, we've hidden for so long, that people are still wary of us and our intentions. And currently combating this isolationism."

End of Information.