
Moonlight Memory

A woman without a memory fo her past A lonely lycan king haunted by his past.

shaishai_ · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 1: The girl without her memories

The constant howling of the wolves woke her from her slumber. She gasped for air as if her lungs were devoid of it. Only the big, full moon gave her a little bit of light to navigate out of the forest. She stood up and tried to recollect memories of what happened and why in the name of hell is she inside a forest, at night, and alone.

"W-what." The girl started to panic as she realized that she can't remember anything. Not what happened before this incident, nor who she was. "This can't be. I. . . Who. . .my memories. . .why can't I remember anything?" Her breathing became ragged and her heartbeat became louder. She can feel her pulse as if her heart could leap out of her chest any minute.

Before she could process anything or answer any, even one of the many questions inside her head, she heard footsteps and loud voices getting closer to where she is. 

"It's over there! Capture it - dead or alive!" A man's voice shouted. 

Her instinct told her she ran, and she did without looking back. 

The only life form here was her, and so it is not that hard to guess who their target is. If they caught her or interrogated her, she wouldn't even be able to defend herself until she can. Even in this confusing situation, she could still think of her top priority - her life. 

Without knowing where east, west, south, or north is, she ran as hard as she could. Her goal is to get really far away from the threat. Her breathing became ragged and she could feel her energy being drained by the constant movement. 

"I can't stop. If I stop, they'll kill me without mercy!" She thought. She could feel the heat of her flowing tears as she silently cried while she ran away. 

Not knowing what happened, where she is, and what her identity is, then suddenly being targeted by a group of people, she could feel fear creep into her. But this fear is what kept her going.

"Run straight. . . just run straight and don't look back. Don't check if they're following you! Don't stop to even breathe!" She scolded herself, and hardened her resolve. But everything has its limits and hers is slowly coming.

She caught sight of a large tree and decided to hide behind it for a moment. She stopped breathing and checked if the men she heard were following her. As soon as she confirmed that the footsteps were nowhere to be heard, she gasped for air. She tried to still stay silent as hard as she could but a loud cry escaped her lips. She can't control her tears from falling. She can't control how helpless she feels.

As she tried to wipe her tears, she noticed the dry, red stain on her hand. She examined the stain only to realize what it was.

Startled by the sight of blood, she screamed. As if to realize her foolishness, she tried to cover her mouth. 

"Blood! Why the hell are my hands covered in blood?! What happened?!" She checked her body if she's hurt, but no wounds or cuts were present, but she couldn't find any. However, just like her hands, her shirt was tainted and covered with blood. She can't even find where the original color of her white shirt was. "Did I kill anyone? Why can't I remember anything!"

As she was recollecting what happened in the past minutes, the loud howling of wolves filled the forest. The girl then decided to start running once again. Staying at one place for a long period of time could only result in her being captured and dying.

Before she could stand up, a hand grabbed her neck. Her back was now pressed on the trunk of the huge tree. She tried to claw the hand but it did not even flinched nor move to show discomfort. She contemplated whether to look at who it is whose hands will inevitably break her neck or not and decided to not look.

"I didn't even hear a single footstep! How did they find me?" 

"I. . . I didn't see your face, so please. . . " Her tears once again started to fall uncontrollably. "Please, don't kill me. Please." With her tiny voice, and remaining strength, she begged. 

"If you don't want me to kill you, then why did you trespass my territory?" His voice was  void of emotions. She could feel the coldness of his voice creep from her spine to her neck. Although his voice was enticing, even though she wanted to open her eyes and look at the face of the owner of such a voice, she forced herself not to. The girl closed her eyes tighter.

"I. . . I d-din't. I w-woke up and I was already here. I don't k-know what's going on! P-please! Believe me." She pleaded.

"With you blood-stained hands and clothes, who do you think you're fooling?" His hands held her neck tighter as he pressed her harder against the tree. 

She could feel how close their faces are as she could feel his breath on her face. 

"P-please, you have to believe me! I. . .I don't e-even know who I am. I c-can't remember. I don't know! I'm scared. . .i'm scared. . .I'm. . ." She can't even finish what she's saying as panic once again takes over her body. 

"Look at me." The voice commanded. As if entranced by his voice, she slowly opened her eyes, but her gaze stayed on the ground. "Is my face on the ground?!" The man, annoyance evident in his voice, asked. 

"N-no." She answered in a whisper and forced herself to look at his face.

She was greeted with the most handsome face she ever knew. She forgot that she was held captive, nor pressed against a tree. She stared at the most fascinating pair of golden eyes. His eyes seem like it's glowing. Its color resembles that of the golden hour before the sun totally sets, but it feels as chilling as the winter wind. His cold stare pulled her out of her fantasy, and without notice, the feeling of fear and helplessness creeps into her heart.

"P-please." At this point, she could only beg for this man to be merciful. She gently tapped the arms holding her neck captive. She felt his arms froze up with the sudden contact, but chose to ignore it. P-lease."

She could feel his face inching closer at the base of her neck as if smelling her scent. After a second, as if trying to wake up from a trance, the man punched the trunk beside her face. She closed her eyes and whimpered. She prayed to any god for this man to be merciful. A loud sigh was heard, as if he was trying to control himself from wreaking havoc. 

"Rai!" The man shouted. 

"Sire." Another man greeted him.

She opened her eyes and saw a man bowing to the man holding him captive. He was thinner than the first man, but both of them shared the same cold stare.

"Check the rest of the territory, especially near the border and report back to me at the pack house." He commanded the man called Rai without his eyes leaving hers.

"What about her, Sire?" Rai asked.

The man did not spare him any glance and told him, "Leave."

Rai bowed once again and disappeared into the darkness.

He removed his hands around her neck and stood a few feet away from her. The girl, without any strength left, fell on the ground as she tried to stop herself from falling. She tried to stand up, but can't so she decided to just sit quietly and wait for him to speak first.

"Your name, what is it?" He asked.

"I can't remember."

She could feel his gaze on her. It only made her more self conscious. She tried to hide herself from his gaze by embracing her knees.

"Get up."

She tried once again to get up but decided on the contrary as she can't even lift her arms.

"I can't."

She heard him sigh. She flinched as he tried to get closer to her. The girl tried her best to squeeze herself closer to the tree and away from the frightening man.

"Do you want me to drag you out of here or are you going to cooperate and let me carry you?"

Her brain is still trying to process what he said, when she felt herself being lifted from the ground. She automatically wrapped her arms around his neck. 

"S-sorry." She turned her gaze away from the man.

He started moving away from the tree and onto god knows where but suddenly stopped as if remembering something important. 

"Your name, what is it?" He said as if he is not asking but commanding.

"I can't remember."

He stayed silent for a second before looking at her. He looked at her with her piercing stare.

"If you can't remember anything after 48 hours, I'll rip your heart out and feed it to the dogs." 


With this threat hanging on both of them, they left the now silent, dark, and dead forest.