
1. Background

So my name is Emma, both my parents and I are witches. However, when I was about three years old my parents got into a huge fight and wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. I was only three years old and I got scared at my parents yelling and was too afraid to tell them that I was hungry. I knew Mom had already put something on the stove but as my powers haven't been developed yet, I couldn't reach the top of the stove. But I wasn't going to let that stop me, so I tried climbing up the stove and grabbing the handle of the pot. When I held the pot steadily I was proud of myself and got overjoyed. But that caused me to lose balance and then I fell to ground with the pot of boiling soup to spill all over me and then the pot crashed against the table causing a glass filled with water falling onto my face.

I couldn't remember anything after that, but mom said that a piece of glass cut right through my forehead. Sounds unbelievable right. Well if you were wondering, I did die that night, but my parents both cast a spell to bring me back to life. It worked but it made the spirit realm of witches angry for breaking the balance of nature. So they set a curse on me and took their powers away as punishment.

I still had my powers but my curse was not being able to touch the sunlight, and no amount of power could save me from this curse and all witches need some sunlight to help make their powers stronger.

However, over the years I've learned to live with it. During the day I would dance at my mother's newly found club. It doesn't sound like much but it's actually a gigantic building with no windows and were rich people come to either discuss private business or just to have a good time. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the only dancer there. A few of my cousins help out whenever they need money, even though I do it for free. And then during the night I go to a smaller club called Night Disney, to be with my friends and away from my parents.

My friends and I are actually in a band called Sour Flower. I don't know why, but it sounds kinda cool. I'm only a guitarist though, my friend James, a tall skinny guy with long red hair and blue eyes, plays the drums and my friend Ashley, a short and pale white girl with short curly hair, is also a guitarist but she only sings most of the time. It's always fun hanging out with them but sometimes I feel left out from their daily lives. They know about my secret of being cursed and they totally understand. Unfortunatly they can't help me even if they wanted to or if it was possible. James was an omega werewolf and Ashley was a vampire, we were all completely different but we just loved each others company. I made Ashley a daylight ring so she could enjoy what I'll never be able to have, freedom in the warm sun.

I know I said that I learned to live with it, but I missed the days as a kid were I could run around in the fields when the warm sunlight touched my cold skin making me feel more alive than ever. Sometimes I wonder if it was really my parents who got punished and not me. I really did nothing wrong, I was just a hungry child. I grew up to become the most beautiful girl in town, only my face had a huge scar that I tried to hide with my brown hair during the night and a mask when dancing at my mother's club.

One night I accidentally bumped into a tall guy with black hair and golden eyes. He looked dreamy but when we bumped into each other my hair fell out my face and he could see my scar. It felt like he was staring at me in shock of how disgusting I look. I immediatly got up on my feet, fixed my hair and ran back to my mom's club. My heart was beating fast as still thinking of the moment we locked eyes. It was felt magical yet humiliating. When I reached the club I burst out in tears. My mom came running to when she saw me.

"What is the matter my dear?" she asks with a comforting voice. I melted into her arms as I just kept on crying not wanting to talk about what happened. She strokes her fingers through my hair as she tries to calm me down. Eventually I stopped crying and then Mom hurried me to get some sleep before the day starts so I can have alot of energy during the day.

My parents got a divorce two years after the accident of me dying and getting cursed. My dad blamed me for losing his powers and left mom for allowing me to ruin their lives. Mom never blamed me though, she always said that it was a miracle that the spirits even allowed them to bring me back to life. I sometimes feel she's just trying to comfort me even though it really was my fault.

When I woke up ready for the day, I immediatly got dressed in a turquoise bedlah, which is a fitted bra, a fitted belt and a harem pants that my mom made for me with a fabric mask to go with it. you can see through it but it hides all specific details like the scar on my face. My mother says that the scar looks beautiful but I've always been insecure about how I look and it's best if mom's customers dont see my ugly face.

The night went smoothly, I put on a show for those who needed a distraction from reality. I tried to put on my best act as my mother asked me to do before getting on my stage in the middle of the room. Apparently someone super rich alpha was coming tonight and I had to impress him so he would come again. I don't really like getting touched but when mom says I have too, I occasionally sit on rich people's laps so they can hold me or get their hands comfortable. I allow them to touch my bare skinned back and sometimes my ass, but nothing more than that. And mom makes sure they understand that very clearly. However this night when I was sitting in a fat, all black with suited werewolf alpha, when some random guy came up walking to us with rage and anger. At first I didn't know who it was and then I remembered it was the guy from last night at the club.

"You horny beast sitting with my princess, who do you think you are?" he yelled at the man. I was only a girl and wasn't allowed to have a say in the matter. That is how mother trained me, to stay out of people's businesses. However, the guy grabbed me on my wrist as if claiming me as his.

"Give her back, I had her first!" The fat guy yelled back. I tried to plead at my mother for helped but the words she formed with her mouth shocked me. The guy holding my wrist was the big boss my mother talked about earlier. I knew I had to do something. When they both threw the fist's in the air ready to punch each other. I quickly froze them with my magic. I tried to negotiate with them in a peaceful way.

"Let's not get blood spilled over nothing, yes? How about I give you your money back sir and then I go with this gentleman. After all your hour was almost over anyway so it's quite the bargain don't you think?" I say trying to keep my cool waiting for an answer. He gave me a nod and then I released them from my spell. They both exchanged glares and then the tall handsome man grabbed me by my arm and dragged me to his private room.

When we got there he was accompanied by three other guys wearing the brand suit as the guy holding me. He sat down and then pulled me onto his lap. He did not touch me after that, I just sat there like a scared little kitten. I really didn't pay attention to what they were talking about because I was hypnotized by this guy's scent. It was a strong forest smell with a hint of the ocean. Meaning he's actually the type of werewolf who spends most of his time running through the woods. I would kill for an experience like that. Without realizing I soon fell asleep in his lap feeling warm and comfortable. His body heat made it feel like when I was a child and the warm sun was touching my skin. A moment I wanted to last forever.