
Moonlight ( Trapped in the world of darkness)

Though the moon was trapped inside the world of darkness, even that world cannot hide the brilliance of the moonlight........ Anne was sent to the world to lift the curse that was cast onto the earth years ago and she had been living in darkness as she finds it difficult to know who she was, then she meets him... The one destined to kill her, a demon as well as the crown prince of the moon, it became ironic to her when she fell in love with him, and her once dark world became a very bright world......

Tife_7736 · ファンタジー
5 Chs


<p>King Zuni stared at the bright moon in the sky, It was raining heavily and there was a full moon in the sky, he smirked as he stares at his brother, prince Eul pacing to and fro in front of the Labor room. 'The moonlight will be born today. He clenched his fist and turned to Dakota his right-hand man <br/>" summon Hosa here" <br/>"Yes Your Majesty ". He bowed and left. King Zuni stares at the bright moon. His wife gave birth months ago and everywhere was pitch black, but the moon up in the sky now was so bright that people could see without the help of a lamb. Prince Eul rushed inside onto hearing the sound of his baby.<br/>He stared down at his weak wife and bend to her, kissing her forehead <br/>" it's over now you did well" he stood up and collected his baby from the midwife. He smiled at his baby, he was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.<br/>About an hour later, prince Eul's wife, Dyani inhaled and exhale loudly and a small being fall, everyone was shocked. It's another baby! The midwife rushed to the baby. They thought the baby has died until they got there to see the small creature licking her finger. Yes! She is a girl. They smiled and carry the small hungry baby, and she burst into tears. Prince Eul smiled and collected her from them <br/>" It's okay, Papa is here" and as if listening she went silent and slept off. "I will name her ANNE" the midwife smiled and collected her from the prince and walked away to dress her up. As if waiting to see the midwife left. The other twin burst into loud tears that awake his mother…<br/>Outside, Hosa arrived and bowed <br/>" You called for me your Majesty"<br/>" yes I do, I have a task to give you" <br/>"At your service your Majesty"<br/>"let me check your ability, wait what did you sense right now ?"<br/>" Your Majesty I could sense a powerful energy right here in the palace, I sensed that the moonlight is born," Hosa said, bowing.<br/>King Zuni stared at him for minutes before bursting into humorless laughter. <br/>" what they said about you is right. You are indeed wise" king Zuni said, smiling <br/>" Thanks for thinking of me that way your Majesty". Hosa bowed. <br/>One of Dakota's men rushed to him and whispered in his ear. <br/>Dakota turned to King Zuni and bowed. <br/>" your Majesty, Her highness Dyani give birth to two kids and they both are opposite sex" Dakota deliver the message and king Zuni clenched his fist <br/>"let's kill both of them then," King Zuni said, fuming with anger. <br/>"I'm afraid you can't do that your Majesty if you do that people will suffer and lives will be lost and people will blame you for that" Hosa looked up.<br/>" Your Majesty, killing both of them will only cause us harm" <br/>King Zuni was fuming.<br/>" The heavens must have done this to stop me, but I won't allow them. Never!" <br/>" your Majesty, how about allowing them some time to grow I know with time the warrior will unsheathe his sword, and with time the moonlight will show itself and that was when I will carry out my spells and kill the so-called' moonlight 'that serves as an obstacle in your way your Majesty," Hosa said, bowing.<br/>King Zuni burst into laughter" even if heaven is not by my side, some reliable Luna is with me". He burst into laughter, staring at the bright moon…. <br/> * * * * *<br/>Staring at the flowers in the garden, she ran through the long halls of the castle, holding her dress up so as to not fall while the air whipped her hair back. As she was running, eager to see the butterflies and the flowers, she bumped into the crown prince. She was shocked, and she bowed <br/>" Forgive me, your highness I have done something unforgivable," she said, bowing <br/>Crown prince Walter smirked, having that cold and proud aura as usual. He stared at the figure in front of him.<br/>" Haven't you heard that it's bad to run in the palace? What will you know? You are precisely from a low birth anyway" the crown prince said, referring to her mother who was once a maid in the palace. <br/>" what? How dare you?!!!!!"<br/>" What? How dare me? Ohh you may think you have everything since you are the crown Prince but who knows? You may die tomorrow" " what???? Are you threatening to kill me?" He hollered <br/>" No, I'm just telling you what the deity is capable of," She said in a mockery manner <br/>" What??" <br/>" yes, my mother may have once had a slave, and you are a crown prince now but who knows what you will be in your next life? I bet it could be a beggar or at worst a psychopath!" she said with anger beaming In her which was threatening to explode.<br/>" What? A psychopath?" prince Walter asked in disbelief Philip, prince Walter's bodyguard was angry and wants to make a move, but the crown prince stopped him. <br/>" I will make sure my father hears about this" Prince Walter said, beaming with fury. <br/>" No one is stopping you, you son of b...". She was about to swear on him when a familiar voice called out her name and covered her mouth.<br/>"ANNE!!!" It was Arthur, her twin brother. He shot her a dreadful stare, and kneel then, bowed down <br/>" forgive her your highness for she has done something worth her life," Arthur said, still bowing, but Anne was still fuming with anger, she stares at Walter, and he stared back at her. They both glared at each other with anger blazing through their eyes. More anger built inside of her threatening to explode. <br/>Arthur stared up at both of them and saw Anne's behavior, he signed and stood up <br/>" your highness if you will excuse me," Arthur said, bowing and dragging Anne away to a corner. He sighed and stare at her. <br/>"ANNE!!!!!"<br/>" What? Is it because he is the crown prince? Did I not have the right to be angry? It's not my fault that I'm not born by the king. You don't have any idea of what he said" Anne said, tears blinding her.<br/>" But still, you shouldn't have said that to him, he will tell his Majesty about this and father have to kneel in front of him, he is just a few months older than us. Imagine father kneeling in front of him because of us, I mean because of 'YOU!' " He said that 'you' to let her know what she had done, <br/>Anne stare at him and turned back to her chamber.<br/>Arthur sighed and head back to the proud crown prince. He was still there, having an angry expression on his face.<br/>Arthur knelt and bowed <br/>" That's right, I heard you sneak out yesterday, and cause trouble," Prince Walter said raising one of his eyebrows <br/>Arthur bit his lower lip <br/>' she must have disguised herself as him again. Hasn't he warned her not to wear his cloth again?' He thought, <br/>" I'm sorry, your Highness. It's my silly mistake, I will make sure it never happens again" Arthur pleaded, <br/>" I will make sure I report both of you to the king," Prince Walter said and left with his bodyguard. Arthur was infuriated,' is it a sin to look so identical? How can she disguise herself as him and cause trouble? Yeah, she always caused trouble whenever she disguised herself as him. Well, he also always disguised himself as her when he wanted to go out and meet his crush, Mona, outside the palace, and no one even their father cannot recognize them, only their mother who sometimes recognizes them. He sighed and turned to his stubborn twin sister's chamber. <br/> * * * * <br/>Anne and Arthur are fifteen years old, they are prince Eul's children, and they were very identical. Knowing how much they are identical, they borrow each other cloth and disguise themselves as one another whenever they have something to carry out. A few months ago, Arthur was banned from leaving the palace, but he wants to meet with his friend, Williams, outside the palace he pleaded with Anne to lend him his cloth, and she has to wear his cloth and pretpretendshim until he arrives. Their parents came by, but they were not caught, even their mother sometimes finds it hard to differ from them.....<br/> *. *. *. <br/>Arthur opened Anne's door and saw his twin sister on her bed with folded arms, <br/>" where are your manners? You should knock before you enter a woman's room." Anne said but Arthur only chuckled, Anne was infuriated, and she threw a Pillow at him, but she missed, which make Arthur burst into laughter. She was frustrated as she blew air through her mouth up to her front hair. Arthur stopped smiling immediately and wore a serious expression on his face, <br/>" Did you disguise as me again?" Arthur asked and Anne twist her fingers together," yes" she replied, acting like a cute little girl. <br/>" Don't wear it again, Never!"<br/>" Should we do that?" Anne asked, knowing he won't accept it.<br/>" OMG, what will you do about Mona then? What will poor Mona do when she realized the person she loved is from the palace? I pity Mona"<br/>" Are you playing hard to get? You know I don't mean all that I said" <br/>" Then let do trade by batter"<br/>" Like what???" <br/>" Today, the mother will nag me for been rude to the crown prince, and you know I hate it when she nags me, so you will disguise as me" <br/>Arthur sighed <br/>"on it," he said and left the room. Anne was happy.<br/>"YES!!". She smiled <br/> * * * * * <br/>Olive, Arthur's errand slave, was awakened by a whimpering sound coming from his master's room. He rushed inside to see him covered with sweat while his head was turning left and right continuously. He struggled hard as if there were choking and strangling. Furthermore, he tried his best to wake him up with rapid tapping of his face and shoulders.<br/>" Your highness, please wake up" Olive, cried out and Arthur sat up immediately <br/>" your Highness thanks to the deity you are up"<br/>" what's the time?"<br/>" The cock just crow"<br/>" where is the father?"<br/>" He went to the king's quarters". Onto hearing this, he jerked up and scurried out of the room. Olive sighed, he hasn't worn his robe. He only has his nightwear on him.<br/>Arthur got to the king's quarters, and he wanted to bang inside when the guards stopped him <br/>" I need to see the king," Arthur said looking worried <br/>" you are not allowed to enter"<br/>The Palace guards said, stopping him. <br/>Prince Eul knelt in front of the king, pleading with him to forgive his children. The crown prince has reported to the king, and the king has been fuming since that moment. Onto hearing what happened, he decided to come early to plead with him. King Zuni signaled his brother to stop when he heard a noise from outside his chamber. He called one of the guards in and that was when Arthur ran in, <br/>" Leave here now!" The guard said, but king Zuni stopped him <br/>" prince Arthur, what are you doing here this early without your robe on?" <br/>Arthur bowed down <br/>" Your Majesty, I have a very terrible dream, and I was scared" Saying this, the guard bowed down and left <br/>King Zuni sighed and touched his chin. <br/>" A dream?"<br/>" Yes, Your Majesty"<br/>" I'm listening"<br/>" Your Majesty, I dreamt that there is a failure in the upcoming rain ritual, please reconsider and change the date," Arthur said, bowing down and there was silence, before king Zuni, burst into laughter. Prince Eul was confused himself, did his son make another mistake? Was his brother angry that his son corrected him?' He was about to apologize when king Zuni, smirked <br/>"you are indeed a smart and talented kid, I will ask the palace shamans to fix another date for it," king Zuni said and prince Eul heaved a sigh of relief. <br/>" Thank you for believing me, Your Majesty"<br/>" it's okay" <br/>" Then, we will get going" with that, prince Eul and his son left the king's chamber <br/>King Zuni clenched his fist tightly and turned his head a little to the left side <br/>"Dakota" he called, and he arrived immediately <br/>" Hosa was right, the moonlight is showing itself. If the villagers heard that he was the one who told me to change the date, they will be happy, and they will want to serve him as their king, and that is when a rebellion will start" king Zuni burst into humorless laughter. <br/>" The great Sage was right. Summon Hosa here and let's finish this once and for all, I have promised myself to clear any obstacle that comes my way" King Zuni said icily,<br/>" Yes, Your Majesty" Dakota bowed and exit the chamber.<br/>King Zuni gripped his fist hard so that the bones on his knuckles were sticking out. <br/>" How dare you! I will make sure to kill you this darn MOONLIGHT." He said, with anger inside him threatening to explode....</p>