
when everything fell apart

“So I…holding her courage in both hands .what I wanted to say was that …” Before Maria could complete her sentence, a loud thud was heard coming from the other side of the forest .The two youngsters kept staring at each other, eyes filled with fear, they decided to climb the tree under which they were standing and hide there until it was safe. The noise kept on getting louder and closer to them, now they could clearly identify the horses galloping, it was the guardians of the palace. Jake pulled the princess closer to him, making her heart race even faster. The noises were getting louder meaning that the soldiers were just below them. This whole situation was getting so weird. Maria asked whispering:”Why are we hiding? Those are just the‑ “Before she could finish her sentence , Jake covered her mouth with his hands to stop her from saying anything more, while being careful not to get spotted ,he whispered back:” I know , but something is fishy, they are never out at this hour in the forest”

After some time had passed, with the two youngsters still holding their breaths in the same position ,the chief of the soldiers finally spoke “ that’s it for tonight , he’s probably not here “. Maria felt goose bumps all over her body, her mind was a real rollercoaster of thoughts at that moment, Was someone dangerous out there in the forest? Why didn’t her parents tell her anything? Were her parents safe? Was there a revolution? Dark ideas kept on creeping inside of her until the chief of the guardians finally spoke: "These are the king’s order; we will keep on searching until we find the princess's companion the werewolf Jake, Remember! The sacred rule shall never be broken". Just then another soldier spoke” Why can’t we just capture him while he’s with the princess? That would be way easier than this”

“No! The princess must never know, we shall capture him alone and get rid of him, she will be told that her dear friend Jake drowned in the river. Poor animal” they all left cackling while Jake was in shock. At that exact moment, Maria knew what was happening, and she had to leave immediately with Jake before they could harm him.”Jake we need to leave now, they’re after us” she whispered. To say that the boy was confused would be an understatement, but he trusted her and so they both climbed down the tree and started tiptoeing their way out of the forest and away from all what they used to know.

Maria’s plan of confessing was ruined, however now is time to make a plan to save the love of her life, a plan that will not fail this time.

By the time the sun had risen, the princess was declared missing and the werewolves were accused of kidnapping the royal member, and so the king proceeded to burn down every clan of werewolves and to imprison them.

The kingdom which once lived in peace and harmony had turned overnight into a battle field and none of the two parties seemed to be victorious yet, the houses were destroyed into aches ,the rare shops left intact were turned into weapon safes and nobody would leave their house unless they had a death wish.

This dark era went on for years, and the end of it didn’t seem to be near. During this time ,Maria and Jack had left to an abandoned forest in which they unknowingly lived the rest of their lives. They had grown closer over time and Maria got to confess her feelings to the love of her life with whom she later had a lovely baby girl named Anna.