
A new beginning?

“Fierce ,arrogant, cruel, merciless, aggressive beast, the punishment of the gods. Alas, all these words could be used to describe me, and they are brutally true.

I’m Anna, I’m probably old enough to be dead, but thanks to our dear Eric, I still have to wake up every day feeling the guilt of thousands of souls weighting on my shoulders, I still have to bear the fear of closing my eyes and sleeping every night because only the thought of reliving each little detail of my battles , seeing the vulnerable and pleading faces of ….,so I stay up supressing my tears from overflowing on those never-ending nights. I was aware that I only harmed those who took part in killing my people , but killing them back wasn’t the solution. Only now that it’s too late , I can see it. “

For a whole century,and far from her chaotic inner self ,Anna's life has always seemed to be so ideal and flawless. Though it only consisted of monotonous routines and miticulous habits. Exactly what a weak human being would do to protect themselves from unwanted changes, but she wasn't willing to risk exposing her true identity . Apparently, she likes to go shopping every Saturday, does a lot of voluntary work ;probably because of her guilt eating her up; she’s also a real bookworm :Maya Angelou, Jane Austin, Virginia Woolf, she has read them all, and was part of a book club where she talks about every little detail of her favorite book “ the forty rules of love”,she would go on about how it has helped heal from her past trauma, but truly,it just paved the way for her to better understand humans . This weak creature was suprisingly rich in emotions and stong feelings.She had always known them as those heartless and selfish individuals who only cared about there own selves. Now she could clearly see how they connect on deep levels and were willing to sacrifice themselves for their loved ones like she once was about to.

It’s now 6:30 in the morning in New York, an alarm clock just went off in one of the luxurious apartments in upper east side, a lazy hand reached out from under the blankets to stop the annoying ringing noise ,Anna’s day would always start with the torturing sound of her alarm, but why wouldn’t she just change the tune to a more pleasant one?. And like that wasn’t enough , her first sight in the morning has to be of the annoying Eric who wouldn’t stop complaining about how messy her house was until she would disappear into the shower. As the cold refreshing water was now running all over her body, washing away the turbulent dreams she had last night. The thought of Eric crossed her mind , she hasn’t really answered his confession yet, but that was not an urgent matter, it’s not like her rejection would change any aspect of their relationship, simply because our dear Eric is ready to wait for her till the end of times, besides, she couldn’t care less.

Once Anna was ready, she opened the door of the bathroom to Eric engulfing a whole box of cereals , her cereals.

“I mean, if you are going to live here rent free , at least don’t touch my stuff , you know I hate that”

“ like you hate me right?” He said without spearing her any glance.

Without giving it much thought ,Anna decided to ignore that remark since she was already late enough and didn't want to give in to what he obviously wanted:talk about her feelings.

The ride was completely silent, for the whole century she has known him for, Eric never reacted that way to any of her remarks, even the mean ones , something was definitely up with him,but she just shrugged it off. They finally arrived to the edge of a forest and had to continue by feet, following a narrow route leading to the dept of the forest. Before long,they arrived to an enormous cave , in front of which a large man dressed all in black was waiting for them.

“I see you’re late as always .they are waiting for you in room 3-3-4”

“ Thanks James”

Turns out Anna’s so ordinary and so perfect life wasn’t as she claims it to be .