
Moon Fire

mc =Zutoki Raito(inheritor of the moon heart) antagonist=Karyou Ray i will try my best

DaoistnNul91 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

The beginning

Amidst the serene tranquility of their island home, Raiden found joy in playing with his son, his laughter echoing across the sands. Despite his esteemed status as one of the 12 demigods, he cherished these moments above all else. Raiden, with his commanding presence, stood tall at 189 cm, his rugged features carrying a timeless handsomeness. In contrast, his son, at 15 years old, possessed an unassuming appearance, of average height and looks, yet with a glimmer of determination in his eyes that hinted at his potential. Together, they wove a bond of love and companionship amidst the mysteries of their secluded world.

Despite being one of the 12 demigods and one of the strongest mortals, all he wanted to do was raise his son and live happily.

Unlike the other 11 demigods who had thousands of people behind them, he had nobody, but he was stronger than the other demigods. He was the protector of the forbidden temples of dragons. The temple had 5 dragon technique.

Nobody knows about the art because it was forgotten due to the war of the giants, in which the dragons and other creatures rebelled against gods and other smaller races. They were killed and hunted down, extinguished, but it wiped out 99 percent of the gods. So the gods created this island and gave some humans divine art of the moon god to protect this place. Zukito's family are the direct descendants of these people. For 1000 years, they had been protecting this art.

Now Raiden wears the mantle of the guardian of the forbidden temple. His wife died early, and many families wanted their daughter to marry him.

But he did not because of his son. Even though he lived on a remote island, he had one of the strongest techniques, moon fire, which can only be used by people with the Zukito family bloodline.

Suddenly, he sensed something around his temple. Even though he was 30 km away from the temple, he could sense the disturbance. He immediately began to run towards the temple. In 2 minutes, he was at the entrance of the temple. Seeing his father moving, Raito began to move as well. He was a beginner in the moon heart technique, so he was also fast. When he reached the entrance of the temple..................