
Moon Fire

mc =Zutoki Raito(inheritor of the moon heart) antagonist=Karyou Ray i will try my best

DaoistnNul91 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Clash of Powers in the Forbidden Temple

As he entered the temple, he could immediately sense the life force of another person a few hundred meters away. He was not afraid despite the fact that the temple contained the forbidden art of the dragon, as nobody had seen the art, not even his ancestors. Even when people tried to sneak into the temple to find the art, they could not locate it. As he reached the place near the temple where he found the trespasser, he encountered a tall figure, standing at around 196 cm, with injuries in his hand and dark hair, which was quite rare in this world. He immediately approached the kid, but since he was losing blood and the blood flowed toward the center of the ring, he appeared in front of the kid and asked, "Hey kiddo, what are you doing here?" The kid replied, "My name is Karyou Ray."

Raiden looked at the kid; he had a strong body and a good amount of innate life force. Ray looked Raiden in the eye, something that was normally very hard even for L rank individuals to do, and not only that, the kid could overcome his aura with no issues. Raiden said, "Karyou, this place is out of bounds for outsiders."

Ray replied, "Mr. Blueberry face, I am here to take the 5 dragon art." Raiden was stunned. Suddenly, red light began to glow from the inscription, and within a millisecond, the two chains began to move towards Raiden. Before he could realize it, he was imprisoned.

Suddenly, the place began to glow in red, and different inscriptions/symbols flowed towards Ray. Raiden broke the chain, but he could not move forward due to the barriers that were formed between him and Ray. However, Raiden was determined to break these barriers. "Moon Fire Art, 9th Form: Lunar Slash!" Then, a large sword formed in his hand and slashed towards the barriers, but it was absorbed by them. He tried using his physical strength; he was strong enough to create a hurricane with his punches. However, the physical attacks were nullified by the barriers.