
Moon Fire

mc =Zutoki Raito(inheritor of the moon heart) antagonist=Karyou Ray i will try my best

DaoistnNul91 · ファンタジー
3 Chs


Ray began to levitate, and ancient inscriptions started to flow towards his body. A massive amount of life force began to leak from the barriers. Raiden, outside, was desperately trying to stop the assimilation process. He knows how powerful the 5 Dragon Art is; it is a forbidden art. There are many tiers of art, ranging from F-class to L-rank, and above that is divine-grade art, which can easily elevate a person to demigod level regardless of talent. However, the 5 Dragon Art is a forbidden-grade art, as their potential increases exponentially. Even his son, who has mediocre talent, became an A-class after six months, stronger than 90% of warriors.

The assimilation process ended, and without any hesitation, he used "Moon Fire Art 10th form: Starfire Nova Surge." A large white fireball the size of a football stadium was thrown at him, but it was immediately absorbed by Ray. Ray said, "Hey, Blueberry face, thanks for giving me your energy as a symbol of appreciation. Take this 5 Dragon Art: Infernal Dragon's Soulcleave." Raiden suddenly moved from his position, but a claw accidentally touched his finger. He could feel immense pain in his body. His body began to emit white light. He realized his soul was being attacked. Raiden asked, "How can you attack my soul? You should be at least demi-god level to use a soul-based attack." Ray said, "It's thanks to leftover mana from the books and your mana." Raiden took an artifact and activated it. Suddenly, a magic circle formed on the ground where Raito was standing. He was frozen in place. It was an artifact used to protect a person. Raiden used it to cast a time-bound teleportation and protection spell. Raiden then realized his full aura; suddenly, his body emitted a white aura that could cover half of the island. Ray was also ready. Raiden used his strongest move, "Moon Art last form: Eclipse Cataclysm." Ray said, "5 Dragon Art 3rd form: Draconic Eclipse Ward." After an intense collision that could have been seen from space, we could see smoke that the entire island was blown off. Raito, who was transplanted to the nearest safe island, saw his father falling to his death. He felt his world crashing, his legs weak. Then he saw the person responsible for such an act, a boy around his age levitating in the air. He was surprised by his strength, but the surprise was suddenly replaced by his anger. He promised himself that he would kill that person. Suddenly, he caught the eyes of Ray, and he immediately flew towards the island.

Ray looked at Raito and said, "You know I'm not here to fight you, and you know you don't stand a chance against me. I'm currently an SS-rank individual. I could kill you faster than your brain could process." His words were cold and calculated, sending a shiver down Mahito's spine. Then, Ray shifted his gaze to Raito and added, "Sorry for your loss. Your father was just too weak." Raito stood there, stunned into silence by Ray's callous words. Ray continued, his tone dismissive, "Don't try to seek revenge or something. You're just the son of a noble family. Use your wealth to chase women or something. After all, in front of true strength, nothing else matters. So, Mr. Jr. Uglyberry Face, just live comfortably." With a smirk, Ray suddenly disappeared, leaving behind a lingering sense of defeat and humiliation. Raito's eyes burned with determination as he watched Ray disappear, his resolve to avenge his father's death stronger than ever before.