
Moon and Roses

When there’s darkness, there’s light. When there’s light, there’s hope. Like stars and the moon that bring light in the night. There are beautiful roses that are protected by their thorns, There’s life and there’s death and Life after Death.

Snowball_inks · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Dreams of dream

"Eleanor! You're daydreaming again!" the cold bottle of frappe made me jolt when Jenny pressed it on my right cheek.

"Hey! That was cold!" I said while wiping some water on my face.

"It's to wake you up from reality Daydreamer!" she peeped at my laptop and cringed her nose. "You're writing in a Vampire and Werewolf genre? I thought you don't like that kind of fiction. People love your mystery and adventure stories these days." she continued slurping her milkshake as I stared back at my screen.

"It's December you know, but why is still hot here in the Philippines!" she whined.

"Don't worry, according to the weather forecast, it'll be very cold and rainy tonight. I hope you brought your umbrella, it might rain later this afternoon." I replied, still focusing on the words I should write next on my keyboard.

"We must meet all the deadlines the publication company has made us do before the long holidays, or else, bye-bye book signing next year!" we both sighed at that realization.

"Beats me. I will just put this one in a draft or a short story category first before anything else. It's weird but I cannot get it out of my mind if I won't write it. I am not a fan of this genre but these past few days, I kept on seeing moons, stars, blood, and roses in my dreams, and forget some of the details eventually upon waking up. It keeps on repeating like a broken tape." I explained while scrolling for some references on the internet.

"Last night, they said there was a full moon. A scary ghost might have visited your dreams..." She showed me her weird and funny face trying to scare me and then suddenly, smiled at her thoughts. Those smiles, I know where it exactly leads.

"… or maybe, that's a sign that you'll finally meet your one true love! Sooner or later!" As I was expecting her to be, she's always gullible about my romantic life. She poked my waist and giggled. I push away her hand because it tickles and just rolled my eyes at her while trying to go back to what I was doing.

"Excuse me, ladies, is this seat taken?" we both look at the person who's holding a tray of food in front of us, dazzled by the smile he's giving us. For a second, I thought I knew him.

If looks could kill, Jenny would've probably died in an instant. This guy is undeniably handsome, he reminds me of the Vampire character I am writing about right now. I look around the Café and realized that they were packed today, all the seats are occupied.

"No, it's not, you can take it," I answered as I was the first one to recover from awe. I cleared my throat and Jenny finally came back to her senses. I look at her while shaking my head with disbelief as the guy is busy placing his food in front of us.

Jenny winked at me like saying "See? I told you! Sooner or later!" but I just glared at her. She already has a boyfriend but she's always the first one to locate handsome people among the crowds. I sometimes wonder how she does that.

She never forgets to tease me and push me to talk to some guys she knows and I always decline. She calls me stubborn for that and I call it the "not interested" kind of way. I just don't feel like talking or entertaining them and I'm still busy building up my career, so I don't have time for that kind of matter.

I haven't found anyone interesting lately, except for the fictional characters I read and made in books. Yes, she's more determined and eager to find me a boyfriend than I am. Her boyfriend is as jolly and energetic as she is, on the other hand, I am the opposite pole.

A few silent moments had passed and I am still busy with my work when Jenny suddenly decided to close my laptop in front of me. I looked at her with disbelief. She pointed to the guy with her lips as I showed her my "What the heck are you doing?" look.

"Hi! Excuse me? I didn't mean to interrupt but, what's your name?" my eyes went wide open when she initiated to ask the person who was busy enjoying his food in front of us. I almost did a facepalm.

He was surprised for a second and then showed us his boyish smile. I know what Jenny is trying to do and I want to melt like the milkshake in front of us right now and evaporate.

"My friends call me Ben." Jenny smiled and immediately showed her hand for a shake-hand.

"Hi, Ben! My name is Jenny, and this pretty girl right here is Eleanor." He politely took Jenny's hand and shook it.

I felt Jenny's foot bumping into mine twice underneath the table, she signaled me to introduce myself and not to be rude. Sometimes, I wonder why she has to be my best friend. She always put my introverted side at risk.

"Eleanor, nice to meet you, Ben," I said trying my best to sound casual as I received his hand too. But as our skin made contact, everything went haywire.

Thousands of electric bolts came across my hand and butterflies played inside my stomach as our palms met. I look at him, but I don't know if he felt it too. It feels like the time has stopped ticking for a moment.

It was the strongest emotion that I had ever felt before. Suddenly, the scenes that I always want to remember from my dreams came clearly across my mind like a bolt of memories, it's like they are all mine and they had happened somewhere deep in my head.

"You made your bargain dear child, you waited after a thousand years and the time has finally come."

It was from a familiar voice of a lady suddenly echoed somewhere in my head.

I was the first one to pull my hand away. I got scared and overwhelmed by everything that I had felt for a short time. I didn't know that I could feel that way. I felt both happiness and sadness, fear and joy, peace and love.

A few moments of silence had passed. Jenny chooses to excuse herself as if she feels like there's a beautiful moment she doesn't want to disrupt.

"Hello, Eleanor." I am still recovering from what happened and didn't notice that he's been staring at me. He looks directly into my eyes as if he knows me. As if he has seen me before.

For a second, I thought I saw a crimson color in his dark orbs, sparkling in complete bliss and happiness. I think I am hallucinating right now.

He's like looking directly into my soul and it may sound weird again but he's becoming more familiar to me even if I know that this is the first time I've seen him.

"I'm glad to finally see you again." He added that send shivers down my spine. "After all these years of waiting my love…" Another bolt of emotion came across my head, it's an overwhelming memory.

"Ben Zion?" I didn't know where that name came from, it just came out of my mouth and I didn't expect some tears across my cheeks for an undetermined reason at all.

"Yes, my moon." and just like that, everything went black. I think, I just passed out, and when I've opened my eyes I felt peace.

His eyes, his face, and the way he smells, they are all much familiar to me now. And with him by my side in a place we only know the existence, I feel like I couldn't be more happier laying on the same mountain grass where we used to meet thousand of years ago.

"How long have you been waiting?" I lay on his chest as I look at the trees and clear sky with the cold breeze of the wind dancing with the leaves and branches.

"Long enough my love, but it's all worth it." He kissed me on my forehead and imprisoned me in his arms.

Those dreams, they are all memories. I look at him in his crimson eyes once more, it reminds me of the bloody red roses he used to give me. 

He can clearly read my mind, because in a blink of an eye, we're already in his mansions' garden. The roses are still alive and properly groomed. It made me feel like thousand of years ago didn't happen and it was just yesterday, nothing has changed. 

"It brought back every precious memory with you my love. The smell of the roses in the air made me nostalgic." I touched the side of his face and look directly in his eyes. He kissed the palm of my hand on his cheek and caress it.

"This place has been waiting for us my moon." He plucked one of the roses, removed some of it's thorns and slide it at the top of my ear.

He pulled me closer like a precious gem that he's been looking for a very long time. He held my face with his hand as he gently planted a kiss on my lips. I'm finally home.

I didn't realize that I've been holding my tears for a while. I've been longing for him for a very long time. The feeling of emptiness was because of him, and now, with him by my side, I could not ask for more. Moon Goddess, you're truly ethereal. 

When there's darkness, there's light.

When there's light, there's hope.

Like stars and the moon that bring light in the night.

There are beautiful roses that are protected by their thorns,

There's life and there's death and Life after Death.


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Snowball_inkscreators' thoughts