
Chapter 8

Luther Lawson was sitting at the bar at the Pink Factory looking for Tami to perform.

"So, anything you want, cutie?" The bartender said.

Luther recognized that voice instantly. It was Liv Thomas, an old friend he knew from high school.

"Liv! What's up, girl?"

"Luther Lawson. I'll be damned. I never thought I would see you here," She said

"I got some of the guys from the team here. I actually know one of the dancers."

"Let me guess... Tami? She's a favorite here. She mentioned she had a few guys coming," Liv said.

"WOOOOOOO!!!! Take it off!" Caleb yelled.

"Yeahhhhhh!" Quentin yelled as Deandre Swift's cheek got touched flirtatiously. Bryan Gordon casually made it rain while the performer twerked in front in them.

"Get ready to make it rain, bitches!"

"That's Caleb Wright. Next to him is Quentin Wilkins, scoring machine. And he's DeAndre. He might actually make the league. The mature one is Bryan. I can only take the people who are 21. And I'm Luther Lawson, the voice of the team."

"What mature one?" Liv said.

"Very funny."

"So you're the guy in the arena who announces the lineups?" Liv said.

"Among other things, yes."

After that performance, the DJ proclaimed:

"Ladies and gentlemen, Kendra. Now coming to the stage... a personal favorite of the Factory, my girl and yours... TAMI!"

"She uses her real name?" Luther said.


"WOOOOOOO!!!!" Caleb yelled.

"Want something to drink?" Liv asked.

"Don't mind if I do. Sprite, please. This is going to be good..." Luther said, while taking a sip.

(Intro plays)

Two days earlier...

"Uhh! Uhh! Uhh! Fuck me! I want that cock inside me!"

Luther Lawson spanked Anna's curvaceous cheeks, which got a moan out of her.


"Yeah. Yeah. Moan for Daddy. Moan for him."

"Yes, Daddyyyy..." Anna moaned, as her breasts jumped up and down.

"Ooh, you a nasty slut, are you?"

Anna flashed that smile at him. She sucked her fingers slowly, just as he liked it. Anna then jerked him off a bit, sucked him off briefly, then inserted himself in her tight treasure.

"Oh! Oh, God! Fuck me! Fuck my tight pussy! Oh, God! I want that big cock!" Anna moaned louder.

"You want it? You want it?"

Luther started penetrating her faster. Anna's moans fueled Luther:

"Ugh! Ugh! Oh my God! Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh fuck!"

Luther spanked her multiple times before finally saying:

"I'm about to come. Where, your tits?"

"Inside," She said. "You got a condom on, do you?"

Luther nodded, and kept penetrating her like no tomorrow.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ughhhhhh!"

"Oh, God, I'm coming... UGHHHHHHHH!"


Luther and Anna were laying there.

"What you thinking about?" Anna said.

"You never asked me to come inside. Why?"

"I never felt a man come inside of me." She said.

"Wait, hold up, but Devon said..."

"Fuck him," Anna said. "Don't listen to him."

"Let me finish. You fucked his teammate in high school, is that true? I'm at their practice. So I hear things."

"Yeah, partially. I sucked his cock. It was a revenge thing after Devon. Devon wanted all of this, but I wouldn't give it up easily. He cheated with a cheerleader that they ended up passing around like crazy. Believe it or not, back then, I wasn't this stacked. I was 16 or so. My tits grew a lot junior year..." Anna started.

"Go on..." Luther said.

"Anyway, excluding Devon, I had a few dudes. None of them came in me. One was one of my male friends in high school in senior year. I sucked his cock because he was a virgin at the time. I actually lost my virginity at a random party in senior year. Everyone was already calling me a ho by then."

"Hmm. Interesting," Luther said.

Anna's iPhone FaceTime ringtone went off. It was Nina.


"Hey, how's my favorite little sis?" Nina said.

"Hey, Nina!" Luther popped in and said.

"If it isn't my favorite Southern Gentleman..." Nina said to Luther. "You two fucked didn't you?"

"Yeah, so what if we did?" Anna said.

"You do know what happened to me, right? Your nephew."

"I love Connor. But we use protection. And Luther's not ready for kids. He's just now coming around. And besides... That wasn't the first time," Anna said.

Luther's look changed.

"Sis, let me talk to Luther."

"Oh, shit," Luther said to himself.

"Babe, I got to shower anyway. Tell Connor his auntie said hi," Anna said, kissing Luther on the forehead. She sashayed in the bathroom nude.

"I will," Nina said to her sister. "Now, Luther... I will keep this simple. How many times have you fucked?"

"Don't know. But she's the only one. I was a virgin until I met her. Something about her, man..."

"I think I know what it is..." Nina said.

"What is it?"

"I'm glad you asked. When we were home in New York, we were close sisters. Real close. We could've been twins. That is, until I got raped. Anna was just in high school, and I was in college..."

"Yeah, Anna told me this part," Luther said.

"But what she didn't tell you is this: After I came home, I noticed something. Anna can be wild at times, Luther. Be careful with her. Treat her right," Nina said. "See you at Christmas, My Southern Gentleman."

"Oh, I will."

"Oh, Luther!" Anna said.

Luther sighed.

"Your girlfriend wants you."

"Come on in, the water's fine!" Anna said.

"I got practice to go to, doll face. Rain check?" Luther said, kissing Anna.

Chauncey was outside honking his car horn.

"Damn it, Chauncey. Wait."

"Bye, Luther..." The two sisters said in unison.

Luther Lawson left Moody Towers shaking his head laughing.

Meanwhile, at the Paw... Tucker Knight were at Courtney, Kayla, and Ted's table.

"So you mean to tell me those two aren't boyfriend and girlfriend?" Tucker said.

"Oh, Ted wishes. They've been friends forever. Kayla looks at him as a protective little Teddy. Ted thinks she's beautiful. Sexy. Which she is... I made out with her a few times..." Courtney said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, sister. Ted is stuck in the..."

"Friend Area. Right. Kayla had a blooming recently. As for myself, yes, I like girls. I like guys," Courtney said.

"'All Night' Tucker Knight, nice to be of your acquaintance."

"I know your name, Tuck-Tuck. My name is Courtney Jackson. That's my ride or die, my best friend, Kayla Monroe, and her Teddy... Theodore 'Ted' Davis."

Tucker's iPhone text went off. It was Rebecca. It simply read:

"We need to talk NOW IN PERSON."

"Well, nice meeting y'all. I have a... Meeting to get to. Courtney, hope to see you on the field," Tucker said.

"We do basketball games too, remember?"

"Ooh. My bad. When's the next game?" Tucker said, to Courtney's slight giggle.

"Day after tomorrow."

"I'll be there."

"Don't forget," Courtney said, semi-flirtatiously.

Tucker Knight left. He quickly crossed the street. As he entered the frat house, he found Rebecca, Katie, and Logan Nash.

"Becky, what'd you want to talk to me for?" Tucker said.

"Yeah," Logan said.

"Tell them," Katie said.

"Tell us what?"

"Shit. I got to do it, do I? Tucker, Logan... I might be pregnant," Rebecca said.

"Well... Who's the dad?" Logan said.

"Remember that night when..."

"Oh, don't tell me... Do NOT tell me," Tucker said.

"What about the rest of us? Ryan? Thad? We fucked you too!" Logan said.

"At the same damn time! This..."

"Wait. You fucked multiple guys AT ONCE... after an argument with Larry?" Katie said. "Wow..."

"They're the only two who came in me."

"I have no words," Logan said.

"I don't know if I am pregnant yet," Rebecca said.

"When will you know?" Tucker said.

"A few weeks."

Logan's phone beeped. It was a text from Ryan. It read:

"We still on for Operation Big Booty?"

Logan texted back:

"Wouldn't miss that ass for the world..."

Logan then hugged Rebecca and said:

"If you are and it's mine... I'll step up."

"Same for me, Becky," Tucker said.

"Thanks, the both of you," Becky said.

"Um, I have one thing though. I'm fairly certain Larry's going to kill all of you," Katie said.

Becky's iPhone FaceTime ringtone went off. It was Private Larry Knight. Becky mouthed "It's Larry."

"I got something to do with Ryan. I'll see y'all later," Logan said, then left.

"Hey, babe," Becky said.

"What's up?"

"You got my pics?" Becky said with a smile.

Tucker and Katie were the only ones in the room. Katie sighed.

"I knew something like this was going to happen."

Meanwhile, outside Greek Row was Ryan in his used car. Logan got in the car and sped off. Ryan's look changed.

"Oh, no, what's up with you? You got that look on your face," Ryan said.

"Dude, Becky might be pregnant."

"I know. I told her to get the pregnancy test. Since some of us came in her that night..."

"I know, I know, dammit! I could've swore it was you who came in her," Logan said.

"Nope, came on her face. Still remember it. She licked it off too."

"I am really regretting this. Maybe those sorority chicks down the street are some cumsluts. I'm not ready for this Daddy shit," Logan said.

"But you got to be ready... if she is pregnant. Now, Remember Becky came to us... After an argument with her fiancé, to fuck her. It was consensual," Ryan said.

"Damn, you like Becky, do you? You've gone real soft, huh?" Logan asked. "So, you're cool with me playing Mister Mom if it happens?"

"She was my first, she's pretty, and yes. The baby ain't mine. Haha," Ryan said.

They soon arrived at Ashley's apartment. Ashley was on a date with her boyfriend. Logan had the bright idea earlier that day to steal a pair of Ashley's underwear.

"What if she has a roommate?" Ryan asked.

"That's what you're for. You met her. She knows you better. She knows me as a pervert who stares at her ass. Make up a cover story. I'll guard."

"Any ideas?" Ryan said.

"Matter of fact, I do..." Logan said, then started softly saying the plan.

Meanwhile, Rebecca was still talking to Larry.

"I wanted to ask you something. It won't take long. I'm in the middle of something," Larry said.

"What is it?"

"Ask it!" Denzel yelled in the background.

"Yeah, ask her! Oh, Is that the infamous fiancé? She is cute..." Keke said. "Is she?"

Solomon looked down from his Bible to get a better look. He gave Larry a thumbs up.

"She can hear you. Denzel, get your ass..." Larry said to Becky's giggles.

"So, you told them about me. Did you tell them out that..."

"Yeah, I did. They thought I was crazy for staying. 'You're a better man than me' they said. Becky, I love you. Let's get married," Larry said.


"The next time I come to Houston, we're getting married. You heard me. And we can finally fuck like rabbits," Larry said.


"Close to Christmas."

"Kiss me, Daddy," Rebecca said. They kissed through FaceTime.

"Now, we got something to do. I'll call you tomorrow."

"I'll send you a vid..." She said flirtatiously. "Byeee."

"I'm getting married. I'm actually doing it..."

She began to text Ryan.

Meanwhile, at Ashley's apartment...

"This is a camera. Be smart. Put it in an undetectable place. Remember your cover story. This is our ticket to see Ashley's beautiful, curvaceous, luscious ass in its natural form," Logan Nash said.

"Where'd you get the camera from?"

"I spied on one of the sorority chicks. Unsuccessful. Bought another one just like it."


"Get in and out quick, ok?" Logan said.

"Got it."

Ryan took a deep breath and walked in the building. He looked up her apartment and went up stealthily. Ashley stayed on the third floor. Her apartment wasn't that far down. Ryan again took a deep breath and knocked. The door opened. The look on Ryan's face changed. A taller, buxom young woman wearing short shorts greeted Ryan.


"Oh. Oh, oh, my goodness. I was not expecting that. How are you doing? I came here to drop off something for Ashley. It won't take long," Ryan said.

"She's not in. But you can leave it with me, honey."

"Oh. Cool. While I'm at it... you got water? I am parched."

She giggled.

"Of course, Ryan. In the fridge on the second shelf."

"Thank you very much... Wait. How do you know my name?" Ryan asked.

Outside, in the car...

"Dude, we talked about this. In and out. Bro, in and out!"

Meanwhile, in the apartment...

"So, you mean to tell me we got Spanish together? Señora Isabel? The hot one? Como te llamas?" Ryan said in Spanish.

"Si. Mi nombre es Alexandra. Mucho gusto."

"Igualmente," Ryan said, then drank almost all the plastic bottle of water.

"I see you and Abby talking all the time. I sit in the back. What year are you?"

"We're both freshmen."

"Which gets to my next question... Are you two..." Alexandra asked.

"Me and Abbs? No. I liked her when I first met her. But she rejected me for my frat brother," Ryan said.

"Awww. And a cutie like yourself?"

"Yeah, I tend to have little luck with the ladies," Ryan said, taking a swig. "Nature calls. Where's your bathroom? I have to use it."

"Oh, just down the hall," Alexandra said.

He began walking to the bathroom. He looked in the bedroom. He stealthily peeked in. He saw two pairs. One he knew belonged to Ashley. He quickly got that pair and stuffed it in his pocket. At that time, Ryan's iPhone text tone sounded twice. One was Rebecca, reading:

"Ryan, I'm finally getting married! Do you want to be on the Bridesmaid side?"

Ryan was honored that she asked him. Ryan still liked Rebecca, but Ryan felt guilty that he was in Rebecca's best friend's apartment stealing her panties.

The other was Logan, simply saying:

"Hurry the fuck up, dude. Hurry the fuck up."

Ryan opened Ashley's underwear drawer quickly and grabbed another pair for Logan. Then Ryan's face changed again.


Outside, in the car, Logan got a text from Ryan. It was a picture of a vibrator. But whose was it?

"Holy shit. I knew she was a damn freak!" Logan said, with a smile.

Later, inside the apartment...

"Well, it's nice to officially meet you, honey," Alexandra said.

"You too." Ryan said.

"See you in Spanish class?"

"I'll be there," Ryan said.

After the door shut, Ryan got out of there as fast as possible. He eventually hopped into the car that Logan was in already. They sped off.


"Call me Tom Cruise, baby. Mission... Accomplished," Ryan said, while showing him two pairs of panties.

"Two? And one of them has a sex toy?"

"Wait till you see the roommate. I have a class with her. Me and Abby have Spanish with her. She is hot as hell. I put the camera in the bathroom," Ryan said.

"Now you are one smart son of a bitch..."

"I know," Ryan said.

Ryan texted back Rebecca:

"I would love to."

The next day, Luther Lawson was watching the team practice while studying the other team's names on the roster when one of the coaches came up to him.


"What's up, Coach?" Luther said.

"Luther, as you probably know, Devon's been the talk lately around campus. There was a party after the last game. Did you go?"

"Yeah, we did. But not for long. Me and Anna had a babysitting gig. Trevon's nephews," Luther said.

"Oh wow."

"And before you say anything, I didn't have anything to do with Devon's situation. I have no problems with him. He doesn't have any with me. It's just that Anna still does."

"All right then. Thanks," Coach said.

Luther texted Anna as soon as he walked away. The text read:

"Coach knows about the party. I had to lie."

Seconds later, he got a response:

"How'd he know?!"

Luther typed back:

"The whole team was talking about it. After the game, remember?"

Anna then responded:

"It's ok. It'll pass, I guess. Like most things."

Luther then left his seat, when all of a sudden he heard his name.


It was the star of the team, Devon Thornton. He went up to him.

"Devon, what's up, homie?" Luther said.

"Luther, we're boys, right?" Devon asked. Luther nodded. "This Anna thing..."

"Devon, I have no problem with you. My girlfriend does. Secondly, I have to ask: Do you or don't you like men as well as women? I won't judge at all." Luther said. Devon sighed.

"I don't know. Maybe. I was 18. Starting college here in Houston. I knew nobody except my cousins and teammates. I had just met Justin. I hadn't had none in a long, long time."

"Mm-hmm," Luther said.

"Plus I was homesick. Justin and myself crossed paths. Him on the football team, me here on the basketball team. We talked before and after practice, even in the gym," Devon said.

"When did you know he liked dudes?"

"He checked me out," Devon said.


"He just came out with it. He always was bold. He thought I was hot. I felt like a bad bitch," Devon said, laughing.

"Feels good, doesn't it? Devon, you're the star of this team. You're the talk of the campus. Make it for good reasons. Not bad. Embrace it."

"That's the same thing Wolfie said," Devon said.

The next night was the basketball game. This one was against Butler.

"And at forward, a freshman, number 6, he is the Chosen One... DEVONNNNN THORNTON! Your... Houstonnnnnnnn... COUUUUUUUGARS!"

Devon greeted his teammates with high fives.


It was Justin from the student section with a small group of friends.

"We got you," He mouthed.

Devon smiled at Justin and did an air kiss at him.

"Get ready, fans! It's time for the opening tip! IIIIIIIIITTTTTTT'S SHOWTIME!" Luther proclaimed as the Cougars got the ball first. "HOUSTON BALL!"

And from that moment on... it was an utter and complete blowout. From three pointers...

"Trevonnnnnn Morris! FOR THREEEEE!"

"Quentin... Wilkins! FORRRR THREE!"

"DeAndreeeee... SWIFT! FOR THREE!"

"Wes... Grayyyyy! FOR THREEEEEEEE!"

Even Devon Thornton made one. Luther made sure to have fun with his call.

"DEVONNNNN THORNTON... FOR THREEEEEEE! The assist is from Trevon Morris!"

After he made it, he kissed three fingers and pointed as his three-pointer celebration. The game had fast break dunks...

"Quentin... Wilkins! The assist is from Wes Gray!"

"Alex Jordan!"

"DEVONNNNN THORNTON! The assist from Alex Jordan!"

"DeAndreeeee... SWIFT! The assist from The Chosen One!"

But one surprise happened, that Luther Lawson never thought he would see. The game was already in hand. They were already up by 35. Caleb was in at this point. Wes Gray pickpocketed the player he was guarding. He quickly went down the court, bounce passed it behind him to Caleb Wright who dunked the ball ferociously. The crowd and his teammates went crazy.

"Caleb... WRIGHT! From Wes Gray!"

The Cougars eventually won by 30.

After the game, all the team was able to talk about was Caleb's dunk.

"Who knew? White men can jump," Quentin joked.

Alex and Caleb gave them a look.

"Throw us a lob next game. See what happens," Alex Jordan said.

"Your basic rim-grazer 2K dunking ass, Alex... nobody was talking to you," Quentin said, laughing.

"Well would you look at this? Our new high flyer!" Devon said.

"Look at you, with your fan club. You better work, Devon! Don't worry, we won't judge," Quentin said.

Luther walked up.

"Hey, y'all want to see something cool?"

He showed Quentin Tami's card.

"Y'all wanna come? Those of age, of course. That means, Bryan, Quentin, Alex, DeAndre, Wes... the offer is yours. Wait. Caleb, are you legal?" Luther said.

"Remember, I had a redshirt season. Yeah, I turned 21." Caleb said.

"LET'S SEE SOME TITTIES!" Wes Gray yelled.


Tami started grinding on the pole as she stripteased. The team cheered for her. Luther held in a laugh as he watched.

Liv looked at him and said:

"I know that look... you had it bad for Tami, didn't you?"

"It was a crush. We were both 16, ok? She had a man," Luther said. "Plus, joke's on her. I'm taken as of now."Liv giggled and said:

"So you're the slightly scorned crush? Hmm."

"Hell, I wanted to ask you out to senior prom. But I was taken at the time. You are fine and thick. You want to demonstrate?" Luther said and smiled.

"Do you have a pic of your girlfriend?" She said.

Luther subsequently showed a picture of Anna.

"Oh. She's cute."

"So can I get a demonstration?" Luther said. She sighed then turned around. Luther then called out to Wes who then got Caleb's attention. She shook her ass in front of them. Seconds later, Tami touched Caleb's cheek, making him turn his head. Caleb looked intently in her eyes. She took a deep breath.

"Damn. I know that look..." Luther said.

"What look?" Liv asked.

"I think he's in love."

Later, in the VIP room, Luther and Tami were in the room. Tami softly said to Luther in his ear:

"I know you want to see this ass in its element..." Tami said, shaking her ass.

"I'm not going to lie. You were one of my fantasies."

She giggled.

"I get that a lot. I can make your fantasy come true. I just ask you this..." Tami said, getting closer.

"What is it?"

"Don't tell Trevon. He still doesn't know," Tami said, as she started the music. The song was Twista's "Overnight Celebrity."

"Wait. How?" Luther said.

Tami started grinding on Luther. She took her bra off, exposing her tits. She cupped them.

"He doesn't need to know. Simple. He's playing basketball on a team full of a college kids," She said. "Well, think of him. If word gets out about how I get money, it's basically 'Trevon's auntie is a ho.'"

Tami got off of Luther and began to twerk her curvaceous ass. Luther began to get hypnotized by it.

"Well, you're not lying there," He said.

"And you're the announcer. How would you feel if someone else did this?" Tami said, looking back.

"I actually did..." Luther said.

Tami hopped on Luther and grinded on him again.

"Really? Quit lying."

"Yup. She twerked on me senior year. I knew she was a freak even before then," Luther said. "I always wanted to ask a stripper this... what made you one?"

"My kids. Trevon's nephews. I had them young. You know that. What about that that little white girl you got? Does she take care of you?" Tami said, slowly grinding on Luther. She took off her panties. At that time "Wetter" by Twista was playing.

"Ohhhhh yeah, she changed my life."


"Time's up, honey," Tami said.

"Oh, and Tami... can you 'take care' of my homey Caleb?"

"The white boy?" Tami asked.

"Dude fell for you in a matter of minutes. I'll pay you extra..." Luther said, with extra money in his hand.

"I guess."

"And can I ask for another thing? Turn around," Luther said. Tami turned around. Luther had a full view of her nude ass. He spanked it. Tami turned her head and smiled.

"I knew it. I knew you missed this. Come back and see me, Luther."

"Bye, Tami..."

Luther exited the VIP room, shaking his head and laughing, and texted Caleb Wright:

"She's ready..."