
Chapter 24

One month later...

Luther and Anna is still having a loving relationship. Luther and Nina got closer, as well as her son Connor. Luther is now announcing the men's and women's basketball games. Anna occasionally sings the national anthem. She is also working on a musical project of her own.

Gabby and Jonathan found a home in California. Gabby is now an occupational therapist, while Jonathan still pitches for the Padres. Their home is not that far from the Knights.

Larry and Rebecca are a full fledged military couple now. Crazy in love, and proud of it. Occasionally Rebecca would send a picture or video of her nude. The message would say "Let 'em look." Occasionally, Larry would let them see her nude.

Chauncey Chancellor and the twins still have that business arrangement with Tami Morris. The twins and Chauncey sometimes alternate making videos with her. Tami still does her webcam shows as well. However, Trevon now knows that his aunt does this. What he doesn't know is... she still talks to Caleb Wright.

As for the Thorntons... Devon is still heartbroken over Justin Lupin, who quit the football team after their bowl game under fire and dissolved their relationship. However, Nick and Nicole were there for him and kept saying: "It's not the end. You're going to find someone."

As for Greek Row: Ryan has woman problems. Isa is back on campus. But he is dating someone else: Kayla.

Tucker Knight is dating the infamous cheerleader Courtney.

Chase Kelly is still looking, but has his eyes on someone.

Logan Nash got kicked out of the frat and currently in jail.

Ashley Mendes is now working at a law firm while going to school and pregnant with Logan's baby.

Fancy Escobar works at that same firm while going to school... though it is known for controversy.

Katie Allen is now the de facto leader since Rebecca left town. She now has feelings for a certain frat member.

Abby Jordan and Thaddeus Thomas' relationship evolved. They even went on a double date with Ryan and Kayla.

Jenna James is single, but she gets checked out everywhere she goes. Men and women. On New Year's Eve, she kissed a Girl at the Paw. That girl was a woman. It was Jezebel Johnson.

Quentin Wilkins still has NBA dreams. But one day, Sierra Robinson played him one-on-one. It got his attention... amongst other things.

Bryan Gordon also wants to play pro. He was talking to Devon, when Cecilia Swift came in. He caught most of the conversation... it was about Devon being in the draft.

Trevon Morris is one of the most clutch players on the team. He's hit more than one game winning shot. He also has NBA potential. But Tami, his aunt, says stay in school.

Wesley Gray is a scorer in more than one way. He is a player. He's currently dating two women.

Caleb Wright is a fan favorite. So much so that he has a girl he's dating now. Amanda Jordan, who's on the women's team. However, Tami Morris, his very first, occasionally texts him.

(Intro plays)


The shower was running at Anna Williams' place. She was singing while lathering all the curves that her boyfriend loved. She rinsed off while her boyfriend slept. She turned off the shower and stepped out. She then sashayed to her bedroom. She kissed her boyfriend, Luther Lawson. 

"I had to see you before I leave, doll face," Luther said.

"You're so cute."

She kissed him on the cheek again, before Luther smacked Anna on her ass. She giggled.

"Time is money, doll face. You're singing the anthem today. I'm introducing you. Remember?" Luther said.

"Relax, relax. I got you, babe."

"Mmm. I got to make the donuts!" Luther said. Someone knocked on the door.

"Y'all decent? Y'all not smashing, right?" Chauncey said.

"Dammit, Chauncey!" Luther said, opening the door.

"Hey, cuz!" Chauncey said.

"Hi, Luther!" Sydney Queen said.

"What the hell..." Luther reacted. "I am sorry, Syd. I truly am. But how'd this happen?"

"Well..." Sydney started.

Meanwhile, in the locker room before the game...

"Hey, Caleb, tell me about your new girl..." Wes Gray said. Quentin motioned "No. No."

"What? I bet she is hot as hell too..." Wes continued.

"That girl is my cousin, Amanda." Alex Jordan said.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Caleb said.

"It's all right, bro. Wes is the one who is dating two women... as we speak."

"Damn," Caleb said. "Two? Who? And why? What's the reason?"

"Let's just say Wes is a scorer on more than one level. He's got Megan Morant..."

"From the women's team? Yeah, a lot of dudes want her." Caleb said.

"The second one is Brooke, the chick with the big ass? You know the one that works at the Paw?" Alex said.

"Oh, she's kinda cute. Hmm. Interesting."

At that point, Caleb's cell phone had a text message. It was from Trevon's aunt, Tami. It said:

"Beat Memphis' ass today."

Attached was a mirror selfie of her in a towel. Caleb typed back...

"Oh we will."

"Q? Shall we?" Caleb asked.

"We shall."

"Let's kick some Tiger ass."

Meanwhile, back at Anna's place...

"Luther, I'm not that kind of chick! We just met." Sydney said. "You're acting like my mom!"

"And do you have any idea how close our mothers are? Lord have mercy..."

"We didn't do anything. We literally bumped into each other while I was on my way here," Chauncey said.

"All right, Chauncey. We're running late anyway. Hey, yo, Anna! Our ride's here!"

Anna walked out and spotted Sydney.

"Girlfriend?" Sydney asked.

"Girlfriend." Luther answered. "Sydney Queen, meet Anna Williams, my girlfriend. Anna, this is my little cousin..."


"Sydney Queen," Luther said.

"Hmm, I see where he gets the looks from. Not you, Chauncey." Anna said.

"Don't be mad because we're beautiful..." Luther posed. Sydney giggled.

Meanwhile, at Fertitta Center, thirty minutes later, the University of Houston basketball team was set to play their hated rivals in Memphis, the Memphis Tigers. The visitors ran out first.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the visiting... Memphis Tigers." Luther said, with an annoyed tone. The Memphis contingent was always high in the crowd. The band started to play the fight song.

"And now... ladies and gentlemen... welcome YOUR University of Houstonnnnnnnnn COUUUUUGARS!" Luther said to raucous cheers as the band played. The team ran out to start the lay-up lines. After they warmed up...

"Ladies and gentlemen, performing the National anthem today is UH's own... Anna Williams." Luther silently pointed to her for good luck. Anna blew a kiss at him before performing.

Meanwhile, elsewhere at the firm of Bagwell and Associates...

Ashley Mendes is working on a sexual assault case... hers to be exact. When all of a sudden, Fancy Escobar came in.

"Hey, girl..." Fancy greeted.

"Oh, hey, Fance. I thought you were going to the game on campus. A little birdie told me you liked someone on the team."

"Who told you that?" Fancy gasped sarcastically.

"Yeah, who?" Christian Watson said to both. Christian was, ironically, the boss's nephew who needed a job. Fancy and Ashley hit it off with him.

"This dude on the basketball team at our school," Ashley said. "I dated enough jocks in my life."

"Have you? Really?" Christian said, tilting his head. Ashley hit him playfully. "Interesting. So I see you have your file. You do know you can't..."

"I know, Chris," Ashley said.

"Ash, I'm asking you... can I represent you? We're friends. We know each other..." Christian said.

"Ok, Chris. As long as you know... I'm not giving you anything special," Ashley said.

"Like what?" Christian said, thinking.

"You know!" Ashley said, smiling.

"Haha. And Fancy Pants?" Chris asked.


"You with me?" He asked with a smile.

"If I get a chance at the horny son of a bitch... hell yes," Fancy said.

Meanwhile, at the Fertitta Center, the game was under way.

"HOUSTON BALL!" Luther said after the jump ball, which the Cougars won. The first basket came from Devon Thornton on a post move ending with a dunk.

"Devonnnnnn THORNTON! From Trevon Morris!"

Meanwhile, Memphis would try their damnedest to stop him (and others) by getting into his head.

"Devon Thornton, at the line... two shots."

He easily made the first. But on the second, one of the opposing players said this:

"I heard about your butt buddy... didn't peg you for taking dick. Not that there's anything wrong with that..."

Devon made the second one. As soon as Memphis inbounded the ball, Devon stole it and subsequently bounce passed it to DeAndre Swift for a tomahawk dunk.

"Deandreeeee... SWIFT! From the Chosen One!"

"That was for Justin," He said.

Devon dominated the first half. The only times he didn't was when he was on the bench. That was when Wes and Quentin had their moments. Almost immediately, Wes Gray hit a three pointer.

"Wes... GRAYYYYYYY! Threeeeeeee!"

Subsequently, Quentin went off from that distance also.

"Quentin... Wilkins! THREEEEEEEE!!! From Wes Gray!"

A few possessions later, after free throws by Memphis, Trevon Morris got undercut while attempting a three pointer. Resounding boos sounded all over the arena.

"Trevon... MORRIS... at the line shooting three!" Luther said on the mic, looking for his aunt, knowing her.

Back in the stands... 

"Oh hell no, don't make me cut someone. Don't you hurt my Trevon!" Tami Morris yelled, in the seats. Behind her, a voice said this:

"Hey, Miss Tami!" Chauncey Chancellor said.

"Chauncey! I've missed you, handsome."

"You too. You too. With your fine ass..." Chauncey said, checking Tami out.

"I bet you do. I bet you do... this may be blunt but..." Tami said.

"What is it?"

"Mama hasn't seen you lately," She said in his ear.

"Are you asking what I think you are asking?" Chauncey said. 

"Wanna fuck after the game?" Tami said, licking her lips and turning on Chauncey even more.

"Well, damn, that is blunt," He said.

"I want some dick, that's why..." 

"You ain't gotta tell me twice." Chauncey said.

"Trevonnnnnn... MORRIS! THREEEEEE!" Luther yelled on the mic.

"That's my nephew! That's my nephew!"

Meanwhile, in the distance, was a man that had a hungry look in his eyes. That man was looking at Tami. He recognized her from the internet. Tami had just gotten her first superfan. That "Superfan" was closer to Tami than she thought.

A few minutes later it was...

"One minute! One minute remaining!" Luther projected on the mic.

At that point, Trevon was passing the ball like crazy. Alex Jordan got in the action with an alley-oop from him.

"Alex JORDANNNNN! From Trevon Morris!"

"Take that shit!" Alex yelled to the opposition. "Bitch ass..."

Wes Gray also got another assist from Trevon.

"Wes... GRAYYYY! The assist is from Trevon Morris!"

At the end of the half, through all of this... Memphis was still in the game, down by six. Meanwhile, in the seats... Sierra Robinson and Megan Morant were talking.

"So, sis, who's yours?" Sierra said. Megan shot her a look. "Oh, come on, sis, you know, I know, even Luther knows..."

"Ok, Wes," She answered.

"Wes, as in... oh my," Sierra said.

"Oh my what? Who's yours?" Megan tilted her head.

"Quentin. He was looking at my ass when we played one-on-one. Anyway... you didn't have sex with that man, did you?"

"You do have a booty, sis..." Megan said. 

"Apparently. But, he wants to go to the league just like I do."

"Hell yeah. Power couple!" Megan said.

Meanwhile, in the locker room, the coach simply said this:

"Look, Memphis will not quit. They're a good team. Plus, they're trying to get in our heads. Devon knows. If they want to play dirty... we'll do it. But for now, let's play Cougar Basketball. All right? Let's do this."

With five minutes left in warmups, Luther projected:

"And now, welcome BACK YOUR University of Houston Couuuuuuuuuugars!"

The second half started...

"Memphis ball," Luther said, with the same annoyed tone.

In a few possessions, Memphis tied the game up quickly. The Cougars broke their drought with a Bryan Gordon tip dunk off a Devon Thornton missed shot.

"Bryan... GORDON!" Luther said, smiling, knowing he doesn't score much.

Memphis and Houston went back and forth with lead changes for the next few changes. Memphis was leading by three when...

"Devonnnnnn... THORNTON! Threeeeeee!" Luther said with more gusto.

Devon spotted Justin Lupin in the student section. Justin smiled. He did his three point celebration. For pretty much the rest of the game, the leads changed a lot until...

"One minute, one minute remaining!" Luther said on the mic. Memphis called timeout.

During said timeout, Tami Morris moved up to the top. All of a sudden, she felt her ass getting squeezed and a voice saying:

"Hello, gorgeous."

"JD? What are you doing here?"

"In the flesh, baby. Here to see my future NBA point guard," JD Robertson, Tami's ex-boyfriend said. "How you doing, girl? I heard about you..."

"You did, huh? I'm that popular?" Tami said.

"Of course, look at you! Sexy, beautiful..." JD said.

"Says the one who cheated on me. And she wasn't even that cute!"

"I deserved that," JD said.

"Damn right. And you ain't ever getting this again, boo-boo," Tami said, flaunting her ass.

"Okay. Cool." JD said.

It was less than a minute left in the game. Memphis did an isolation play, then went in for a lay-up, but it got blocked by DeAndre Swift emphatically. Trevon got the rebound, then the coach called the final timeout.

"It's under one minute. MAKE... SOME... NOISEEEEE!!! It's Houston Ball!" Luther yelled, as DeAndre got handed the ball to inbound.

"LET'S GO COOGS! LET'S GO COOGS!" The cheerleaders chanted.

DeAndre quickly inbounded the ball to Trevon in the backcourt, who brought it up. Devon posted up in the high post. Trevon passed the ball to Devon quickly. Devon backed down his opposition, before eventually getting double teamed. He was getting swarmed before finally passing it off to one of his open teammates. It was DeAndre Swift... who then passed it to Quentin. He shot it with his infamous quick release from beyond the line. He swished it.

"Quentin... Wilkins! THREEEEEE! From DeAndreeee SWIFT." Luther said on the mic.

Memphis got the ball back with four seconds left. They inbounded it to the point guard, who tried to attempt a touchdown pass. However, it got intercepted by Devon Thornton. The crowd cheered raucously as he got fouled. Devon did Lebron James' "The Silencer" celebration after getting fouled to the crowd.

"Let's go! Let's fucking go! You don't know who this is!" Devon yelled, before calmly hitting two free throws. Devon ended the game with 30 points, 12 rebounds, and 3 assists. 

"COUUUUGARS... WIN!" Luther yelled.

Meanwhile, after the game, outside of the arena, Trevon Morris was met by the ex of his aunt.

"There's my point guard!"

Trevon turned around.

"Look, JD, thanks for the compliment and all, but you don't just walk in my life after cheating on my auntie," He said.

"Now, I deserved that," JD said.

"You deserve a little more than that, man."

At this time, Tami Morris broke up the confrontation.

"Trevon. Trevon," Tami said calming him down. Trevon looked in her eyes and backed away. Away from earshot, Tami said:

"I don't wanna have to cut ANOTHER piece of shit... Go, Trevon. I'll call you, baby." Tami said. Trevon smiled. She kissed her nephew on the cheek.

"Hey, Miss Tami!" Caleb Wright said. She waved.

"I heard about you and the white boy, too." JD said to Tami. "Cute. Real cute. Gave him his first? You never forget your first."

"Are you..."

"Am I what? Tami, I loved you. I still do. I know everything about you. EVERYTHING," JD said.

"Should have kept it in your pants."

At this point, Chauncey Chancellor came up to Tami.

"What's up?" Chauncey said.

"Nothing. You ready? My car's over there." 

"Mama's always ready," Tami said.

Elsewhere, Caleb, Amanda, Quentin, and Wes were talking.

"Hell of a game, gentlemen," Amanda said.

"Thank you, Miss Jordan," Quentin said. 

"That was a hell of a three you put up, man. Hell, I don't think my release is that fast!" Amanda said.

"Alex said it is," Luther Lawson chimed in. Everyone looked back. "What? Just an observation."

Caleb shrugged and said:

"He might have a point?" 

"Thank you, Luther. My cousin knows ball," Amanda said.

"What you doing afterwards, Amanda?" Luther asked. 

"Amanda, what's up for tonight?" Caleb said. 

"Hmm..." Amanda responded. 

"That busy, huh? I got a woman to go back to. You know what we're about to do. Peaceeee!" Luther said.

Meanwhile, in the car of Tami Morris, her and Chauncey Chancellor were making out in the parking garage.

"Mmm, mmm, oh..." Chauncey said. Tami giggled as she felt his rising erection form. They matched eyes.

"God, you're sexy as hell," Chauncey said to her.

"God knows I got that compliment before." Tami said.

"You are. You're a sexy, curvaceous, confident woman who has three YOUNGER dudes fucking you. Embrace it."

They matched eyes again, then moved in for a kiss. The kiss got deeper until she stopped, biting his lip.

"You're damn right I am. Now, drop em..." Tami said, undoing his pants and lowering his boxers.

She licked her plump lips slowly before taking in his surprisingly well-endowed erection. He moaned as she began to suck him off.

"Mmm, mmm... fuck..." She moaned. "Mmm, mama like..."

"Oh, keep sucking. Yeah. Keep sucking. God, I love it..." Chauncey moaned out. Tami looked at him and smiled. It was at this moment that Tami Morris had a new awakening.