
Monstrous Turf Wars (Monster Hunter)

Monsters from the iconic Monster Hunter game battle for supremacy.

Captain_Valkyrie · ゲーム
13 Chs

Safi'jiiva VS Behemoth

Safi'jiiva grunted as he easily defeated four hunters despite wearing the best MR gears, watching as multiple Felynes carted them away. They weren't even able hurt him enough to force him to absorbs Bio-Energy to heal. Snorting, he turns to leave and sleep to await more foolish hunters to challenge him.

He stopped and tensed as his danger senses went off the roof when he detect a huge energy coming from above. Rearing up, he saw a huge comet coming down and exploded dozens of feet away from him. Golden eyes narrowed as a huge silhouette is seen coming out from the as smoke as the creature makes itself known.

It was Behemoth, the Legendary Beast from the Final Fantasy XIV World and a Visitor from Eorzea. Soulless white eyes locked eye with Safi'jiiva's golden as it roars a challenges, to which the Red Dragon responds with the same killing intent.

Behemoth summons multiple Meteors from above, striking Safi'jiiva's back, but the undeterred Red Dragon fires an energy beam that struck one of Behemoth's horns, breaking it. Behemoth roars in anger and pain from it and shoulder tackles his opponent, into a wall, the rock from above collapsing and breaking on their heads, but did little to deter either. The Red Dragon snarls throws a swipe from left arm, but Behemoth counter by doing a 360 spin, slapping the arm back as well as hitting Safi'jiiva in the face.

As Safi'jiiva shakes his head to recover, Behemoth takes the opportunity to summon a Comet that slams on his back, breaking his spikes. The Elder Dragon roars as he headbutts the the beast and gains some distance. He then slams his claw on the ground and begins to siphon the Bio-Energy, healing from Behemoth's attacks.

Behemoth is stunned to see his opponent healing himself. The Red Dragon begins to charge another energy breath attack, but the Visitor of Eorzea casts Charybdis in Safi'jiiva's face, which causes him to miss and struck a rock pillar instead. Behemoth roars as his body turned red and charges forward and tackles him off the cliff, causing them to fall all the way down the the deepest part of the Secluded Valley.

Safi'jiiva was dizzy from the fall when the Legendary Beast pinned him down. Behemoth roars as he slams his paws repeatedly into Safi'jiiva's face, breaking several parts of it before casting a powerful Thunderbolt that struck him head on. The Red Dragon roars in anger as his eyes glowed red and focused his attention on his adversary.

He lunges forward and bites deep into the Behemoth's extremely muscled arm, eliciting a roar of agony from Behemoth as he bites deeper that draws blood. Behemoth uses his other arm to punch Safi'jiiva in the face multiple times but he refused to let go. Enraged, Behemoth unleashes an Erupyion beneath them, forcing the Red Dragon to let go and flies off to get some distance.

Deciding it was the last straw, Safi'jiiva spreads his wings and flies up before unleashing a torrent of blue flames to the ground, preparing to unleash his ultimate attack. Behemoth, sensing an extremely powerful energy coming from his opponent, stands on his hind legs and roars as dark clouds somehow appeared above to make his own.

Behemoth raised his arms up before slamming them down, a vortex appearing as Ecliptic Meteor was casted. At the same time, Safi'jiiva drops a small but powerful energy sphere to the ground as Sapphire of the Emperor is used. Both attacks met the ground and the whole area is covered by red, white and blue light. Safi'jiiva and Behemoth roared as they were overwhelmed by the other's attack.

When the smoke cleared, both combatants were shown in heavy burns, cuts to their bodies. Behemoth got back on all fours with Safi'jiiva flying back to the ground. Soulless white met burning gold as they stared each other down neither making a move. That is, until Behemoth weakly roared before falling to his side, dead.

Safi'jiiva roars into the air as he emerged victorious, having killed the intruder. With a huff, Safi'jiiva begins to heal himself from the devastating attack before flying back out into the upper parts of the Secluded Valley, seeking to take a rest from all that's happened.