


'Hello to all the ladies and gentlemen who are present out here to witness the opening of this earth shaking tournament '. I'm the announcer for this tournament' Ryan Field 'and here is my co announcer 'Jerry Larout'.

Jerry ' Hello to all the football fans and football maniacs. (The crowd cheering for their team).

Ryan 'Oh! I seriously like the heat of the fans today, so what do you think Jerry what would be the outcome of today's match, who would taste the sweetness of victory Red Panda or Namo Buddha'.

Jerry 'Well I'm not sure about that though Ryan, but we would soon come to know about that too.

Ryan 'Yup you sure are calculative with your answers'.

Jery 'But if I had to judge according to the favourability of thae audience then Namo Buddha the defending champions would certainly be the victor'.

Ryan 'Well there is only five minutes left for the match to start so let's see whether your hunch goes the right way or not '.

Suddenly a boy walks inside the announcement box going straight towards Ryan, and starts whispering something in his ear and leaves as soon as he finishes his sentence.

After some seconds of silence Ryan announces 'Well my dear audience here is an announcement to make, there is a last moment change in the in the team formation of of Red Panda as the former striker of the team Denis has been replaced by a new striker. '

His class is uknown and as for his stats coincidentally that is also uknown, there is no information available for him except for his name which is "THE MASKED STRIKER".

The crowd soon starts gossiping about the sudden change in players, and would this new player be able to take the burden of being the striker of the team.


Both the team's captain and their team members marched at the stadium with enthusiasm, till they were at the centre of the field. After a minute the chief guest arrived to shake the hands of the players.

Ace had become the main striker of the red panda team and was quite nervous as this was his first time playing a real match in front of this big audience.

The chief guest approaches Ace for a hand shake but ace is wondering in his own world immersed in his own thoughts, he only comes to his senses after a teammate taps his back with his hand.

After all the handshakes and photo sessions are over finally.


The team to first start with the ball wasNamo Buddha. The team started with constantly passing the ball to their teammates, not giving RedPanda the slightest chance to snatch the ball.

The midfielder finally gives the ball to the striker of Namo Buddha. Like a bullet the striker tackles the player of Red Panda reaching to the defenders.

But Skyler with great speed slides and snatches the ball from the striker with ease

'You are still too easy to read kid ',he comments after taking the ball.

Skyler passes the ball to Jonathan who further tackles the other players .

He passes it to the right winger of the team.

The right winger shows off his fancy dribblingto the players of Namo Buddha fooling them around and toying with them.

The crowd was having very much fun in the match.

The right winger after keeping the ball for a good 20 seconds or more, passes it towards ace.

Ace who was very nervous tries to go ahead with the ball but soon the ball gets snatched from him.

Ace with a look of desperation 'Oh no! '

After Ace loses the ball 'Jonathan becomes furious and shouts at him.'

Jonathan 'Hey punk are you a freaking statue! Can't you even handle a ball properly '

Skyler was also very shocked as he knew that the guy was not ordinary, but he could not comprehend what was happening right now.

After 15 minutes the Red Pand had finally gained momentum at the match. Jonathan was going forward with the ball but there were tons of defendersof Namo Buddha , but he had a plan.

Jonathan 'Awakening Giatshu '


The speed of the player has increased 10 times for 5 seconds.

As the giatshu of Jonathan awakened his speed increased so much that he tackled all the defenders but due to the loss of stamina due to the long match and the usage of giatshu he was in no state to score the goal.

So he passed the ball to the closest player which was Ace Vanguard!!!