
Monster World - Pet Integration

In a world where monsters roam freely after an unknown power brought them from who knows where. After years of fighting the monsters, the humans in this world learn to integrate with monsters and turn them into their pets. The integration will take place in the final year of schooling after they reach the age of 16 and join the military for 4 years which is mandatory for anyone. MC is an orphan who is lives in an orphanage since childhood. He wants to grow strong so he can live his life better than how it was in the orphanage. He fights to become one of the strongest people on the planet. But fate has other plans for him as he gains friends along the way. New chapters every week. This is my first story. Please do share your comments and help me grow. Note: The cover art is not mine. It is created for me by one of my friends.

McCaulay · ファンタジー
71 Chs

Chapter 51: Starting from scratch

Just like that a year passed and finally, Allen was able to overcome the loss of his pet. Today was the day for him to select the pet he will be partnering with.

He went with Hoger to the Warrior guild so he can select his pet. He was not happy about it, but he decided to do it as thanks to Joe and his family for taking care of him at his weakest time.

He already decided to go with the lowest grade of the mana purifier the Warrior guild can provide to him. He decided to start again from the beginning with a flying monster.

He had many elemental monsters and some physical strength monsters to select from as his new pet. He was not interested in any fire elemental monsters as he didn't want to replace Serina with another pet.

He pondered for a long time and selected a small eagle with wind element as his pet. He will be able to use wind affinity after partnering with it. He named it Jack as it was a male eagle. The ceremony of partnership took place immediately and Allen could feel new strength coursing in his body.

He went to his room and created the mana purifier once the ceremony completed and he slept for twelve hours since it will be tiresome after the ceremony.

The next day he started circulating the mana circulation as he has to start it again from the beginning. It was hard for him since he has a new pet and mana purifier.

He went to the shop below the house and collected his new bow and armor. They were gradeless designed and crafted by Joe just for Allen.

Allen equipped them and boarded an armored cab to go to the forest to start hunting and get acquainted with his new pet 'Jack'.

He was asked to go hunting by Hoger since the pet was from the Warrior guild and it has been trained to fight from it's birth. Fighting with their master as soon as the ceremony is completed will strengthen their bond.

The cab dropped him on the outskirts of the forest as usual. He brought his new pet - eagle 'Jack' out and assessed it. It was less than a meter tall and was covered with a thin layer of feathers throughout its body which were brown.

He slowly entered the forest with Jack on his shoulder and moved towards the destination he has in his mind. He still can use the wind element skills he learned as a reward from the monster tide he fought before, but since he is a low-level private, it will drain his mana soon.

He walked for just ten minutes to reach his destination. He saw about five small lion cubs which were in the low-level private stage. This will be good practice for Jack since he already knows how to fight.

These cubs were little hence they do not have any elemental affinity to be worried about. They just have to be careful of the lioness that was their mother to come when they are fighting.

He took the bow that was given to him by Joe. This was like his previous bow, but could only fire low-level arrows as he is just in the low-level private stage. His arrows created by the bow were pure white arrowheads and the rest were dark black like a night with no moon or stars.

He pulled his bowstring back to create the arrow and shot it at one of the cubs to start the hunt. The arrow pierced the head of the cub killing it instantly. Jack also used its attack. It created a few wind arcs using the wind element and shot them toward the cubs.

Two cubs died because of the arcs and the last cub was seriously injured. Allen asked Jack to stop his attack and collected the entire bodies of the dead cubs and placed it inside his backpack.

He carried the last injured cub with him hastily so he can leave the place before the mother lioness comes back. He came back to the city and gave the bodies of the lion cubs to Joe so he can use them.

He wants Joe to craft a sword and shield for him to use in close combat. He wants to be a warrior than an archer. He gave the bow back to Joe and requested him to make him the necessary equipment to become a warrior.

He went to the Warrior guild and gave the injured cub to the receptionist to keep it with other monsters they have. He did this as they were the ones who gave him his current pet. He didn't want to be owed to them even though the pet given to him was a gift.

He stayed home for the next few days and waited for his sword and shield to be crafted by Joe. Joe called him to collect his equipment a week later.

Allen went to the shop and saw a golden color sword similar to the knight-grade sword he had along with armor of the same color and a bracelet.

The golden sword was two meters long and very sharp. It had a leather sheath to place it when not in use. The bracelet is the activator of the shield.

Allen wore the bracelet and infused a little amount of mana and a golden color shield of one meter in diameter formed. He stopped the infusion of mana, but the shield was still active which confused him a bit.

"This is a special bracelet shield. It needs less mana to activate it and will be active for another fifteen minutes after the mana is cut off. You can press the small ruby on the bracelet to deactivate the shield if required." said Joe after looking at the confused expression on Allen's face.

Allen deactivated the shield and tried the golden armor to see if it fits him perfectly. The armor was light and he did not feel like wearing one. But he knows that it is sturdy to protect him as Joe will not give him anything that will not help him to grow.