
All the Best

編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

The 4v3 situation had now turned into a 5v2 situation.

What made Nyarlathotep and Yogg feel even more despair was that, apart from the first gigantic tree, which had behaved normally since the beginning, the remaining four trees were all different.

The tree's battle rhythm was no longer the only issue.

The second tree's branches attacked extremely quickly.

Its attack speed had almost reached the limits at which Nyarlathotep and Yogg's physical bodies could react.

The third tree was even tougher. The aura of its branches could be concealed, which allowed it to avoid the probing of the two Outer Gods' Divine Telekinesis.

This was the tree that had gotten to Shub just now.

The fourth tree's branches would split when broken, shooting out two to ten branch splinters randomly.

The random manner in which the branches split made it difficult for them to guard against.

The fifth tree that Shub had turned into was pretty tough too.