
Monster maker in the making~

A young man receives the 'blessing' of a random god and gained the ability to Alter anything in any way possible. but just how much will it do in a world where angels, gods, demons, and other supernatural beings exist? Our protagonist got sent to war filled world with a few twists involved! P.s. the title relates a lot to what will happen within this world so don't be quick to judge~

Rauon · アニメ·コミックス
25 Chs

Altercation 19 The war begins yet joseph got a little too hasty

Joseph narrowly dodged the fallen angel upon completing his final item.

The item itself was going to be another living weapon that not only strengthened its wielder but could also prevent Joseph from dying by any unnatural means.

The form it took was that of a baby sandworm, as its abilities were exactly like the black rite that his hardcore SSD fan of a friend talked about before his passing.

The creature was a keepsake to help him remember one of his friends. As he thought back on that girl whom Joseph liked at the time, that girl was someone who dressed up as a Nord had undoubtedly had the body to show off all of those skimpy outfits that the girl made for extra donations, views, and to increase her income.

Oh, how he missed that straightforward girl. The sad thing was that she liked a particularly more prominent armed man, much to his dismay.

But he won't be able to see her anymore, no matter how much Joseph missed her...

Right now, He had a powerful enemy to overcome soon, as the gates to heaven had opened yet again, and Devils longed to claim the world for themselves for a very...long...time...!

Joseph had his army lying in wait, with Morgana and Mary keeping the monsters and the magician factions in check.

He looked to the distant skies as they were filled with thousands of devils who stood on one side with angels on the other.

Both in this era were built for battle rather than strategy and intellect, lacking their modern counterparts' aesthetics and beauty.

They stood at the forefront with their respective leaders looking toward the opposing army.

The current lucifer of the underworld led his spawns of abominations, maximizing their battle potential rather than their looks. They were practically failed 'chimeras' from how mixed up and deformed their bodies were. Still, these devils harbored immense magical prowess and strength in exchange for that!

The devil leader had to keep his men in check while promising wealth and a chance for more power as morale wasn't their strong suit, nor were they willing to fight to the death for him.

On the opposite side, however, the situation was different. The army was well organized and practically wished to charge into their foes' ranks and bring carnage, unlike what modern society had recognized angels for.

Their reason for acting in such a manner? Their leader.

The one called God, the father of angels, and the other races of this world.

All of the angels were ready to fight to the death for him, no words of motivations needed, no promises of glory or honor, because for them...

Standing with him in the heat of battle was glorious enough for them!

They are angels born to love and serve him with all their hearts.

They all looked to him with reverence and anticipation as their father inhaled deeply before everyone in the angel army went silent.

Their leader was fully facing the sky as he let out one sound that grew louder over the next ten seconds as they all joined him in this action.

"̸̡̧̖̮̣̳͎̫̤͒̀̈́̐̕͘͘͜͝A̴̗̲̖̝̞͕̖͐̎̌ͅh̵͎͒̐͝,̸̨͋͠A̶̬̲͇̲̎̒̃̈́̆́̄H̶̡̩̱̜̟͖͊̅͛̏̇̒H̸̳͚͋H̸̼̪͚͙̝͋H̵̝͇̫̲̪̱̫̱͉̣̅̄̐͊̏̑͗͛͋̐!̸̙̱̹̩̋̂́͘ ̴͉̰̯̱̎̍̕ͅĀ̶̯̦̺̳̤̮͗͐̇͆̚̕͜ͅÀ̴̡̬̳̟͈͕͔͈̦̦̐͗͛͝Ḫ̴̻̲̪͋̓̓̈́̾͛͆̓̕̚H̶̛̳̖̓̎͋͑͜H̴̠̺͚̮̹̪͎̮̐̎͜H̶͇̲͓͖́̔ͅḪ̶͂̄̉̋́̄͝H̸̭͆̐̔͠͠!̴͚̳̭̺̲̆͗̿̇̿́!̶̢͙̗̭͕̣̝̰̙̔̉̍̚͜!̷̻͙̌̽̒̿̑̍̊͌̒̚"(reference Shinobi no Kuni Chapter 11 pages 30-34)

It was a heartfelt battle cry!

The angels held their weapons high and were ready to draw the blood of their foes!

With the battle cries coming from an army that was ten million strong and magic lacing their battle-hungry shout, The skies trembled, their hearts stirred more heavily, fully expressing their commitment to this battle and leaving their backs to the brothers and sisters that followed them.

The devil army also met this battle cry with their own as they were more honest with themselves when it came to their desires, especially when the lust for battle had gotten ingrained into their very souls!

If it were any other army, the combined battle cry of the Angels would've made them flee, but this was the Devil army we are talking about here.

Their pride had long gotten trampled even since they got cast into the underworld.

Getting a chance for some revenge and possibly being free from the desolate underworld motivated them enough to brave through the odds as both armies charged to begin this long-awaited war.

There was no head-on clashing as one would think.

Countless spells rained down and struck both sides claiming the lives of each army's weaker and more foolish ones.

Being right below this scene, Joseph got to see how destructive their spells could be, even if they were simple magic missiles and the like.

To him, it was like the sky was raining blood and bodies.

The battle became more heated due to the weaker angels who were truly fanatical believers of their father and creator, taking it upon themselves to cut into the ranks of the enemy army.

Since their magic was too weak to deal any significant damage to their foes.

Some were lucky.

Most joined the raining bodies as some hidden group collected the spoils of war!

It wasn't just the hidden magicians and insectoids that Joseph had command over.

Some of the local monsters feasted on these rare delicacies, with some lucky humans, who happened to be there, were THAT desperate to change their lives even if it meant eating the flesh and drinking the blood of these stronger beings.

Cannibalism? Hmph, if you were in their situation left as a suffering enslaved person for most of your life suffering under the whims of others, ask yourself this.

Would you REALLY give up such a chance?

Joseph looked at the pitiful people before preparing his troops to join the battle.

Lucifer and God stared each other down from the distance as their armies fought.

The attacks each side unleashed grew stronger as both sides gradually had their stronger troops join in as if trying to outlast the other.

The number of deaths and the amount of destruction grew as this happened.

The man watching this from below had prepared heavily for this.

Over twenty items and two monstrosities came into being for this event.

One for an all-powerful attack, with the other... being a trump card for just in case things go downhill.

But despite the obvious dangers, Joseph was going to join this battle for a few good reasons, to show his place in the world, grind more magic and life essences, then finally...

Kill the two troublemakers that have been making life so much harder for his race, as the monsters and magicians WILL be taught a lesson after this as well!

So as a simple yet painful introduction, Joseph absorbed the mana stone into his hand as it quickly changed into the spell that both armies will remember for centuries to come.

"Deus silens tempestas."

God silencing storm, This was Joseph's original spell, it would summon a persistent storm of magic missiles that grew in power and in number depending on the amount of locked on targets since its creation.

Meaning that the more people it locked on to as time passed the number of magic missiles would only become more deadly~.

So add the few weeks of him practicing this spell before coming to this situation.

How many MILLIONS or so Magic missiles would that be equivalent to as the two armies added another 20 million or so?

The ground below the two flying armies suddenly had millions of blue orbs that glowed ominously, causing both sides to freeze while Lucifer and God looked at this spectacle curiously, not once have they ever seen anything like it but both quickly ordered their troops to guard themselves as the orbs changed into arrows then flew to their respective targets in a blink of an eye!

Its piercing power was made apparent as both sides suffered casualties and a tenth of armies was turned into beehives.

The corpses that fell were quickly condemned to increase Joseph's magic even more as the red cracks on his demonic arm gained a darker red hue while its obsidian exterior became more sinister!

Joseph released a sigh of content as the feeling of getting stronger always felt good, even his ring was still doing its job, but now that he was the center of attention the man introduced himself with an intoxicated look.

"I am called Joseph Duncan, and I am here to change to this world!"

In his excitement and growing arrogance, the young man had forgotten one important event that also happened during this war...

...The red and white welsh dragons would make an appearance, and it will not be a pleasant one.