
Monster maker in the making~

A young man receives the 'blessing' of a random god and gained the ability to Alter anything in any way possible. but just how much will it do in a world where angels, gods, demons, and other supernatural beings exist? Our protagonist got sent to war filled world with a few twists involved! P.s. the title relates a lot to what will happen within this world so don't be quick to judge~

Rauon · アニメ·コミックス
25 Chs

Altercation 15 Morgana's first awakening, Joseph might've left a ticking time bomb~

Meanwhile, as a certain lucky man was fully enjoying himself, Morgana was panicking.

She wasn't even able to detect the assailant and now her liege currently went missing.

Morgana had finally escaped her 'hell' of a life and choose the human to be the queen's sole purpose in life.

Yet now...

The very man, she had chosen, was gone!

What was the zerg supposed to do now?

She released a howl of misery as green tears of blood dripped from her eyes, No purpose, fear of returning to that horrible looping life, she had no way of knowing how strong she was, Mostly due to the fact that Morgana never got to experience what it was like to be a predator.

The mindset of being the prey still haunted her.

With no one to direct her and provide commands, the queen zerg simply stayed in place wailing out loud trying to call out to her master.

But alas, no matter how much noise she made, Joseph wouldn't hear her, the man was inside of a cave that was several hundred miles away and was distracted by the now submissive QFA as his bodily strength was gradually overwhelming the insectoid with every lustful breath he took.

Morgana continued to make noise until finally two cloaked people that looked like they had been traveling through the forest for a very long time.

"-Those damned treants will pay for this!"

The shorter of the two complained while leaning on the larger one whose clothes were pretty much just rags and barely hid that curved body of the blonde woman, who chided her companion

"I know Enzack, you said like a thousand times already! now shut up before you attract something we can't handle!"

Upon hearing the arrival of the newcomers, The zerg was hopeful but quickly became fearful once the couple entered her sight, Morgana's body was still withdrawn due to her meek nature causing it to seem much smaller than it should be.

right now, she was no bigger than a beach ball.

"SHIT, there's another monster!"

The shout from one of the newcomer's startled, Morgana before flashbacks of her countless deaths plagued her mind

The memories of being tortured to death by people wearing similar clothes in the past made her attempt to escape but in the corner of its mind urged Morgana to devour the PREY.

"Huh? it's trying to run? well, might as well use it for food."

It was a unique and bizarre feeling, but old habits were hard to get rid of this she continued her escape.

Two fireballs struck Morgana's back as she released an agonized screech!

"Hoh? looks like this one it's quite tough, Marian, stop slacking and kill it already."

the short man, whose name was Enzack, spoke to his partner as fatigue and hunger rendered him unable to focus on casting stronger spells on the get-go.

Marian let her colleague rest against a tree before pulling out a blade that gave a green glow.

She was what you'd call a weapon mage, a profession that many chose and used at this time.

The mage woman charged at the shuddering monster that stood in place after receiving the two fireballs.

Right now, Morgana was currently suffering from a mental battle between her trauma and her urge to devour these two attackers.

The sword of Marian came down in a chopping motion hoping to chop the monster in half, then be done with it.

The sound of metal and hardened chitin grinding together reverberated out, as Morgana froze in place as the blade dug deeper into her torso.

Unfortunately for this woman, that attack didn't end the monster but rather gave it a push as it sunk a foot into its torso.

No longer did Morgana tremble in fear, as now her eyes gave a red gleam and the Zerg's instincts for battle and hunger for essence had awakened!

A simple backhand was what the weapon mage received to her torso before getting sent flying a dozen meters or so.

A purple bruise was a couple of cracked ribs certainly made Marian wary of the Monster in front of them that seemed much larger than before!

Marian yelled out to her partner urging the man to speed things up before things get out of hand.

"Enzack, you better hurry with those damned spells that you are so proud of!"

Morgana's body was no longer withdrawn, her body was fully expanded showing exactly how BIG she was compared to these humans, wider than a tree trunk and taller than the two humans by a couple of meters.


She released a howl that created a shockwave.

The man cast three spells of ice bolts, which fell towards the zerg consecutively, first one was dodged by jumping to the side, the second got eaten, then the last one got tanked with her torso!

Sure it damaged Morgana, but her mind was currently in a berserk state.

The zerg side loathed to memories of suffering!

So bestial instincts took over, while it wanted to show the new queen...

How their kind fought against anyone!

Due to the changes that Joseph had provided the former grey blade, its abilities that were similar to a zergs were actually more potent than a normal zerg by more than a few notches.

Marian didn't like this situation at all.

She supported her partner's magic attacks with a few of her own.

A purple lightning bolt slammed down from the sky, the first struck Morgana but that didn't seem to phase her at all, in fact, it seemed as if it empowered her instead!

The zerg's passive ability to adapt had activated right at this moment!

The Zerg's body began to glow as purple pulsing veins began to form on areas that weren't covered by its carapace.

The female mage charged again as sparks arced outward from her sword, her attacks struck ruthlessly into the queen's body as more pulsing veins became prominent.

Marian continued to slash into the monster that seemed to gradually resist the sharpness of her blade!

"Marian! get away from there! My spell is ready, I am done playing nice!"

The male mage cast his strongest spell as wind and flame magic particles enveloped the area around the monster that seemed to be smirking with its mandibles.

"Wait, Enzack, Stop your-!"

She tried to stop Enzack but it was already too late.

Marian noticed that the monster seemed to adapt to whatever damage it received, so now she could only cross her fingers and hope that this spell would end the monster right then and there.

A purple torrent of lightning blasted out towards the location of Enzack,, but the woman was prepared to defend him as she placed her sword in front of her to block the attack!

Morgana with the help of the new instincts that controlled her managed to rearrange her bodily functions upon receiving a couple of fireballs earlier, then with the more spells that struck her body allowed the Queen to better understand magic and its possible uses.

The attack just now was from converting a spine sac into temporary storage for magic while she was still unable to collect mana on her own, the two humans seemed more than happy to provide the necessary mana to deliver her prototype of an attack!

Surges of lightning passed through Marian's body damaging her nerves due to how much stronger it was compared to the spells that she was used to, but even then the woman held on.

However, this was something that their attacker already accounted for!

A queen was never a frontline attacker but rather one of the support ranged attackers.

During their struggle, it had laid a total of seven larvae that had finally finished morphing into their chosen forms to help in the search of their queen's master!

During the time when Morgana roared out and loomed over them, she laid the seven larvae.

Four zerglings emerged from the ground and jumped at the unprepared weapon mage that was still unable to move due to the blast of lightning still going.

Zerglings are not only excellent attackers but also incredible assassins their extra blade-like appendages struck Marian's four limbs, this momentarily left her in a state of shock from the sudden increase in the numbers of the monsters.

Enzack wasn't having it any easier than his partner as four more additional zerglings held him down while the extra appendages of the zergling stabbed into his back as the man could only scream for help!

But the two mages were helpless, no way to defend themselves and their opponent was making full use of their openings, after the blast of lightning finally died down, Morgana drooled hungrily as this was the first time that she'd be able to eat something as big as a human.

But that didn't matter as another thought came to mind, how much more will she be able to eat in the future?

But these two were mages, surely they'll have some way to handle the situation!

Sure enough, Enzack said something before his body started to burn with blue flames.

"Sorry Marian,*cough cough* looks like this is the end of the road for me...!"

The male cast a spell that made the female mage, who was crying out to him, disappear from the area.

As for where she was sent, only Enzack knew but the man was hardly in the mood to answer such questions, but no matter, one of the spare drones that were freshly hatched approached the mage's head, he looked at the drone in defiance before its sharp mandibles cleaved through the stubborn man's skull.

With the dead man's body as extra nutrients, Morgana had decided on her current goal in these woods...

...She will use everything in her power to find her master, even if it meant flooding the world with her armies.

Due to forcefully hatching a few drones and the zerglings, she lacked the necessary minerals for the main nest to speed things up, But Morgana can wait patience was one of the strong suits of her new instincts.

So until the master is found, this place will be her new territory.

with the current inhabitants to be the nourishment of Morgana and her minions!